A Rift in the Melody

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When hearts combine a music glows
A secret song which none else knows

And in the music our hearts would make
There is one beauty in this world of fake

But now I cannot hear your voice
You said to me that I had a choice

This song you sang is not for me
I'm not what you want me to be

So when you take a break from reality
I'll create a rift in the melody

Your heart song plays over in my head
Maybe I am dying, maybe I am dead

I can't get it out, so don't mind what I've said
Maybe I'll make my own tune instead

In the shadows of the mind a creature still hides
It's unseen, perhaps, but within it resides

A shred left over from what we forget
And in that forgetting you make this request

Your song cannot fade from my memory
So I'll create a rift in the melody

The song we made together I still cannot sing
Without you it's a bird with a broken wing

This separation is tearing me apart
Better to live with that than with a broken heart

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