Rant 10: Force Awakens

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Terrible Movie. I mean, not as bad as most, but it was definitely very disappointing. I mean, if I had to choose between that movie and Jurassic World, which I would watch for the rest of my life, I'd pick Jurassic World. Even though that was also a disappointing movie, it wasn't as disappointing as Force Awakens. After the prequels they STILL couldn't get it right! The prequels, George Lucas said, we're supposed to reflect the original trilogy or whatever. And they did the EXACT SAME THING with episode 7! Why?? Because they don't have ANY original ideas, so they copy from the themselves!

It was the exact same story! Why would I want to watch the exact same story?! If I wanted to watch something that reflected the original trilogy, I'd watch the ORIGINAL TRILOGY!

Everything was so expected and so the same. Doesn't anyone hate movies where they expect everything? I do! And all of Harrison Ford's acting was like a grumpy old man's! He said every line as if he actually wanted to say, "Ugh, I have to be in this movie. Ugh." Come on, Han! Really?

I also really disliked the character Fin, and the actor. He was just boring. They could have made a great story with the idea of a storm trooper rebelling, but they somehow screwed that up, too! They should have switched actors for the roles of Poe and Fin! That would have been better!

Rey was absolutely perfect at everything! Stupid! Characters that are perfect at everything are boring! It means the creator of the character was lazy and unimaginative! She could fly anything she found perfectly! Save everyone from anything! MASTER THE FORCE IN FIVE MINUTES!

That was the worst part of the movie. Both Anakin and Luke, the most powerful Jedis in the universe had to train for months! Rey got two words of advice from that weird alien and then boom! Fought a dark Jedi who had actually been trained, and somehow left that battle unscathed! And then on her third try she's able to control a storm trooper.

There is so much more wrong with this movie, but I'll leave it up to you to figure out the rest! I'm surprised more people didn't hate this movie. Especially the HUGE Star Wars fans. I mean, my oldest brother has watched A New Hope literally over 100 times. You think I'm exaggerating, don't you? I'm not. He can actually recite the entire movie. He loves Star Wars. And he hated Force Awakens.

Rogue 1, don't disappoint me, please!!!

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