Rant 9: "Hypocrite!"

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This really annoys me. When my brother is doing something super annoying and I tell him to stop, he shouts "Hypocrite!"

The annoying thing is, I never do what he does! This usually happens when we're playing video games. Whenever I beat him or he messes up, he swears. It REALLY bugs me, because he messes up a lot, therefore letting a swear word fly.

So I tell him to stop and he says, "Hypocrite!" which is funny, because I never swear. I say "crap" and "freaking" but that's not swearing. Is it? No.

Whenever I tell him to stop doing something, his only comeback is "Hypocrite!" So here's what I'm trying to say. Even if the person telling you to stop has done what you're doing in the past, DOESN'T MEAN YOU CAN DO IT! If Hitler came up to me and said "Don't kill Jews" I wouldn't say, "Well you did it, which means I can do it!"

It really ticks me off, because whenever my brother is being scolded for something, he somehow always manages to bring me or my youngest brother into the conversation. "Well SHE does that all the time!" He's always casting the blame on someone else. Always changing the subject.

My older brother told him not to swear and he said, "Okay, but Adrianne has to STOP BRAGGING!" (Which I rarely do. Cheering for yourself is not the same as bragging.)

So yes, don't be a hypocrite. But also, don't be the person who CALLS people hypocrites because, well, that would make you one. We're all hypocrites.

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