Rant 8: Nit-Pickers

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Nit-pickers are very annoying. I was reading a different ranting book and the author was complaining about when other authors say "popping the p." She hates when the characters say, "I said 'nope,' popping the p." That was unnecessary to write an entire chapter on. The author was being descriptive! What was wrong with that? There's no need to pick on people for being descriptive!

I understand people can be way too descriptive and that can get annoying. But writing an entire chapter on complaining about how people "pop the p"? Find a better way to use your precious life!

Or writing an entire chapter of "I hate when people describe characters' eyes as 'orbs.'" Seriously??! That's descriptive and I've never even seen that!

It also really annoys me how, when people are given a delicious Jimmy John's sandwich or some delicious food to eat, they pick out ALL the lettuce or ALL the tomato or something that makes the meal as good as it is!

Now I feel like I'M being nit-picky and I hate it!

And when people dislike a whole movie just because of one or two scenes! Why?! That is no reason to dislike the entire movie! (although some scenes have been so terrible they've ALMOST ruined the movie for me.)

I also hate when people tell people exactly how they should write their story. THEY are the writer. Not you! If you want to give them advice or correct a mistake, that's fine. But don't say:

"You shouldn't make this character die" or "You should've made her end up with this guy."

Or even worse: "You shouldn't be descriptive at that part of the book, but in this part you should."

And then when people say, "Oh my gosh, I HATE typos and spelling mistakes. Why can't you spell right?" but then in the chapter right after that, they say, "Oh my gosh, I HATE people who correct spelling and grammar mistakes in the comments! I'd rather read the typos than the comments correcting the typos!"

Complaining, much? I know I am, but at least I'm not wasting my life complaining about stupid, little things!

Alright, I'm done.

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