A Song For You.

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My pencil rapped against the notebook on my desk as I tried to think of the words to write. Any words, honestly, as my mind is completely blank.

It had been an hour, and I hadn't written down a single word.

With a sigh, I grabbed my materials and walked out of my room. I wandered the halls of the rehab facility, nodding when I passed by other patients.

I knocked on the door, slightly ajar, sticking my head in when I heard the faint "come in."

I shut the door behind me and walked to one of the chairs that sat in front of the desk. With an groan, I sat down, placing my notebook and pen on the desk in frustration.

"Jungkook? What's going on? What do you need?"

"I need help writing this fucking song."

Woosung nodded, motioning for more details.

"I've just been sitting and staring at this piece of paper for over an hour. I don't even know where to start."

The music therapist leaned forward, resting his elbows on the desk in front of him. "I understand the frustration. In situations like this, I like to start by thinking of who the song is truly for. Are you writing it for yourself, or someone specific?"

"The song is for my bo-well, he was my boyfriend. I don't know if I still have the right to call him that."

"So, an apology, of sorts?" Woosung asked, and I nodded. He thought for a minute before facing me once again. "If you could describe what you felt seeing him for the first time after your relapse, what would you say you felt?"

"Broken." The word was easy for me to come up with. I had already analyzed how I felt during my spare time at the rehab center.

"That's a good place to start. Let's focus on that feeling of brokenness. What's his name?"

A faint smile formed on my lips as I said his name. "Taehyung."

"Okay. So, let me ask you this. Is there anything specific you want to tell Taehyung?"

I thought for a minute before finally settling on just one statement. "I'm forever sorry for hurting him."

"That's a good line! Let's use that." Woosung grabbed a guitar from it's stand by his desk. He fiddled around for a few minutes before excitement radiated from him. "What about this: I am broken, I am bruised. And I'm forever sorry for hurting you."

I smiled, nodding. "I like it."

"Great! Now, when you are under the influence, what emotions do you feel?"

I chewed on my bottom lip before shrugging. "Anger."

"Anger, okay." Woosung repeated before making a few notes. He continued to scribble in the notebook while humming on a few occasions. He turned the notebook to face me. "What do you think? Feel free to change anything."

I read through the lyrics. "I think this would be great for the bridge of the song. Maybe we could sing it like this?" I sang quietly, reading the words off the page.

Woosung was silent while I sang, and a little while after I finished as well. He gave me a small smile and a nod. "Do you feel ready to try more of the song on your own?"

I nodded. "I feel much more inspired now. Thank you, Woosung."

"Of course, Jungkook. And I must say this person you're writing for will love it. I have a feeling."

I smiled before exiting the office, whistling the bridge while making my way back to my room.

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