chapter 8

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I stared at my mate who smiled sweetly at me, propping up the fork to my lips and nugded it slightly.

Looking back at her face from the fork and then unto the fork once more. I was still merely confused.

she gestured at me and widened her own mouth.

Finally grasping the concept of what she meant. I chewed mildly.

Chump chump chump chum....

I noticed a familiar maid with blond hair, a thin but full figure and misty blue eyes.

She looked tired and stressed but  with walked with her chin held high.

She seemed awfully familiar,too familiar, but I couldn't replay any relations with any of our maids.
...oh yeah, I think the previous beta's or so.
She was far too intriguing to be a maid, the way her hair flopped and bounced with every step she took, her gestures, her smiles
(Although fake) to the others. Her smooth voice when she--

The sound of snapped fingers brought me back to reality and I turned to meet my confused girlfriend. 

She cocked up an eyebrow and turn to see whatever it was I was looking at.

Thankfully, she had already left for the kitchen. I guess.....

Hayley looked back at me when she didn't see anyone settled in the direction of my gaze and
flashed me a worried smile.

I flashed her a nervous grin and faced my food with all the concentration I could hold within.


I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder and groaned waking up from my sleep.

When I opened my eyes, I saw her, the maid, the blonde with misty blue eyes. That intriguing figure from my dream. My mate!!...
But then the vision began blurring.
I squinted my eyes and rubbed letting a yawn tear through my throat. I stopped abruptly when I realized someone else was in the room with me.


I sighed and stared intently at the  ceiling. My mind filled with questions and uncertainties, bugging my head for answers,.....answers I already knew but refused to accept.

Was this an alternative way of saying this?.....
Of proving me wrong.....

I knew but I still rebutted......

I saw them but refused........

I met her but rejected........

Cut our only connection which was but a tiny thread.....

And now bounded by new vines of misjudgment and actuality, reality slapping me hard in the face...
With only the pain of rejection left to fill my void.
The rejection only she was meant to feel, I feel too.....
Oh how stupid I was, to reject a gift from heaven,
A literal gift from heaven!!!
Now all I want is to get her back.
But I don't even know where or how...

And Hayley....

How do I choose from these mistakes?, When she alone had also rejected hers for mine sake....
How do I deny her the already vanquished love I'm meant to still be fleeting?.

But I know...
I can't...won't even dare...

How pathetic...


Gina's POV

I went back to the tent room that I woke up in.

As soon as I stepped inside, a horrible smell slapped me in the face, like a wave of nasuea. I used my palm to cover as much of my nose and mouth as I could but still the smell lingered in the air patiently as if waiting for a time I'd lose my defense and inflate me with it's horrible stench once more.
If this was how I smelt with a slightly blocked nose, I now pitied the others that had smelt me with their fully functional smelling sense.

I paced around the room and grunted as I laid on the bed, that squeaked under my weight.


Right, where did they get a bed when there isn't even a single house...

I frowned upon this quizzical dilemma that I was facing.

Could it be possible, that rogues also have their own connections?.
Could that also be why rogues attacks always leave both sides with casualties when the rogues who are mainly meant to be on the losing sides, are even sometimes on the winning end?
This.....this explains so much!..

'Gina we're supposed to be bathing now, stop thinking about useless things.....'


I halted my thought, then I began laughing, loudly, louder than any sound I was hearing so far.
I reduced to mild laughter and then chuckles and finally giggles.

Had I really just been thinking of pack issues, when I was planning on ruining the ruler of the leasing one?

However, I still really needed a bath. I stunk real bad and they could pick up my scent from miles away. It was too tantalizing to the nose. Like a beeping alarm alerting all alibis.

Well maybe I could bath and wash and then stay in the water till my clothes dries up and then come back.

'Hmmm what do you think Mia?.'

'Sigh, I guess,.since we have no  other choice but still though...'

'Don't worry girl, it's just a few hours...'

'Yes a few hours for us to be completely naked and vulnerable!!!'

' Yikes!!!....I forgot about the nudity.....'

I sat up and swung my legs down the left side of the bed, hitting the stand.
I bent down and massaged the unfortunate spot.

Suddenly, my eyes got cut up on something way under the bed....

A bundle of clothes....

I reached out and grabbed them, loosed the knot that held them in and pulled out it's contents.
A sunflower and rose blotched shirts. Some shorts (about two), three.... Uhmm, three....undies and a frilly summer dress.

There was something about the dress, it seemed so familiar.

I hadn't even realized I was panting heavily and my chest began throbbing painfully.

It ached.
Just seeing the dress alone.....was causing this much pain?.
What was happening?.
Do I know this?.
Is it part of my memories?.

I breathed deeply to nullify the pain, even just a little.

Inhale, exhale , breathe in, breathe out, breathe!.

I wasn't working.
The pain stretched to my left arm up to my neck. My eyes welled up with tears that fell timidly on my face.
It felt like my skin was being burnt from the inside, my heart tearing away from my body, my neck injected with poison. The pain was too much that I couldn't comprehend, I couldn't think, I couldn't focus on my breath, I couldn't sense.

Nothing. I couldn't do anything!!!

And then a flash of memory passed through...


What do you think you're doing?!!

I would never mark you!!!

I reject you!!!!

I accept your rejection!!!!

Then aching pain, similar aching pains filled my body.

But we changed and ran. Ran away from them. From the pack. From the pains. Mia and I.

And we were chased and eventually caught by rogues and was injected .

The sharp sound rang through my head.

My head was pounding, my skin felt burned, my heart throbbing, my neck stinging and my consciousness slipping.

The burning sensation on my skin diffused to a minimum.
I looked down to see my arms burnt and smoking.

I heard yells of fire, from the outside.
And the next thing I knew the room was on fire.

Before I blacked out.

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