#22 Moment in the Rain

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A power outage led Volleyball Practice to end early. It was the storm of the century. I texted Steve and asked if he could pick me up. Within ten minutes he was there, and he found me in the shade. With all my might, I ran as fast as I could to the car and got in.

"How was Volleyball Practice?" he asked.

"It was going well until the storm took out the power. I was scared to take the bus in this weather."

"That stalker isn't after you, again, is he? It's only been a week."

"No. It's just the weather."

Because of the storm, Steve had to drive slowly. OKsue me, I used this storm as an excuse to be with him. It was worth every moment. He smelled fresh like he just put on cologne. On the way home, we mostly talked about the weather and what Savannah was up to which I didn't want to talk about, but did anyway. Once we arrived at my house, he grabbed his umbrella from the backseat and ran out to open my door. He walked me to my front door covering me with the umbrella. Halfway there, he slipped causing me to trip to the ground. With every effort, he got up and tried to help me up only to fall again. We laid next to each other face to face. His eyes noticed how wet I was. His hands touched my hair which covered my eyes and he moved it away from my eyes. This led to an awkward smile which then led to his left hand holding my left hand. He successfully helps me up and we stood right next to each other still holding our left hand. Nobody said a word. His face just gazed at my face. Two wet people in the moment. Was this the moment I would kiss him? Was he going to kiss me? My body moved closer to his. There was no space between us. His thumb, on the other hand, made its way to my chin which led to my lip. His eyes immediately closed. My soul knew he was going to kiss me. At that moment, I felt connected. This would be a life-changing moment. It would have been life changing if the rain hadn't stopped and alas it did stop. The clouds began clearing up. The connection was gone, and he walked me the rest of the way to my door. Hopefully, there would still be a chance before he and Savannah became a thing.

We both laughed at the silliness of the story, but no matter how silly it was, I felt a connection to Steve again after all these years. Sure, it wasn't raining as hard as last time, but here we were at 'A' Mountain alone stuck in a small storm. Without thinking I grabbed his hand and held it. Our bodies were right next to each other without any space. I made sure that my hand holding was firm and that it couldn't let go. Our eyes met in silence. Just like the last storm he leaned over and tried to fix my hair which didn't need fixing. My ears could hear his breathing and I'm sure his ears could also hear mine. This was the moment. This was the moment I had always hoped for. Nothing was going to ruin this moment. The storm would go on at least another hour. There was plenty of time. Was this even the right thing to do? My mind began having other thoughts trying to stop me from what I was about to do.

"Margo um..."

My finger touched his lip from preventing whatever he would say to ruin this moment. His eyes closed as soon as I did that. At that moment, it didn't matter if this moment was right or wrong. This was a chance that I would never get again. My eyes closed. This was truly the moment in my life where I would break my shyness and get what I wanted. With both of our eyes closed, my face leaned in and our lips were close. It felt like an eternity. Finally, our lips were touching. We shared a short kiss. Our lips wanted more. Our lips shared more and longer kisses. Before long, we were kissing like our plane was about to go down in a plane crash. Our kissing soon stopped and with our eyes opened, we looked at each other with our hands still together.

"Margo..." He took a deep breath. "I love you, but..."

I kissed him again before he could finish his thought. "I love you."

He smiled. "OK."

The moment I had been waiting for paid off.

What??? Steve and Margo kissed! Wow! How do you feel about this? Should they be together? Comment and vote!

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