From the Bottom of my Heart

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This amazing book was written by

You have an awesome description, it explains in detail what the storyline is, but as an advice I would not give so much away on the summary and would add/keep the edge so your future readers will read your book without hesitation.

I loved your concept for the plot, I think it's something new, very too often Teen Ficton becames cliche in a way because the storyline is repetitive, but when I realised what your storyline was about, I immediately was looking forward to read it.

Being a writer myself and learning along the way, I'm gonna base my review as one, as soon as the story starts I could see why the lack of readings, don't take this on the wrong way, because is not.

Is visible that you need editing, but you were aware of that already, and is not a bad thing, I need a good amount of editing myself, and reviewing this book with that in mind I think the big issue is exactly that, your chapters are written in a one single very long chapter, which isn't something a lot of readers like, specially considering we are talking about wattpad, most readers use a phone to read and sometimes that can be a bit of overwhelming.

As well as that, the writing style needs a little of improvement, but please don't get discouraged, I'm in the same place as you on this, my writing style lacks of that perfection that some writers have, but that doesn't define you as a writer, what does in mine opinion is your vision and plot originality, and that you already have.

And I'm sure that's the mainly reason because if you go back to your chapters you will notice a decrease of reads, and that's nothing to do with your storyline but mostly a sign that people didn't stick up to read more, and I honestly think the writing style had a huge impact on that.

My suggestion? Edit, now or as you go along or just finish your book and then edit everything (is what I'm planning on doing), now more of a personal note, take it from someone who keep unpublishing and doesn't believe in herself when it comes to writing, you have the capability of bringing this book to a higher scale on the rankings, so don't stop writing and ask for help if you need, writing is something you can improve with time but being a writer is something that already grows within you and you already have that, the rest is just details.

I hope this review gives you the help you need, and I would love to see this book up there with the big ones on Teen Fiction because you deserve it.

I'll be available if you need anything else, and please take this as an advice only and keep writing because you have it in you and is always space to improvement.

I wish you the best of luck and thank you for reaching up to us.

Lots of love

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