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It wasn't until after his shower that Yoongi regretted letting Jungkook out of his sight. Normally, it wasn't an issue for Jungkook to wander around or cook, but Yoongi had momentarily forgotten about his talk with Jimin and Seokjin last night. After his shower, Yoongi got dressed and headed into the kitchen to see what Jungkook had decided to make for breakfast, only to see Seokjin and Jimin in there with him.

Jimin wasn't speaking at the moment, but he had that look in his eyes, like his wanted answers and was trying to hear anything that might be a clue.

Seokjin, on the other hand, was doing most of the talking. "Yeah, I love all the convenient devices here on Earth." He and Jungkook seemed to be having a conversation about such things. "Phones are my favorite. They're so useful."

"Exactly." Jungkook was in complete agreement about that. "They have so many uses, and I'm still learning some things I can use them for. Hoseok even showed me how to take a screenshot a few days ago. That's super useful."

"You guys have been here for years, and you're only now discussing how useful phones are?" Yoongi perked an eyebrow as he made his way over to the table to see what food had been served. "Oh, kimchi pancakes. Yum." He loved kimchi pancakes.

Jungkook gave a small shrug of his shoulders. "Well, yeah, but I never really used a phone until last year. I didn't understand them and thought I wouldn't have any use for one."

"But now that you are using one, you love it, don't you?" Jimin was trying to keep the conversation going in this direction. He and Seokjin were trying to get Jungkook to say what he used his phone for. "I sometimes annoy Seokjin because I'll be on my phone during the night instead of sleeping. Then, he and I usually end up watching funny videos together all night."

That seemed to get Jungkook to pause for a moment. "I use my phone at night too. Uh..." He turned his gaze to Yoongi, looking like a lost puppy. "Does that annoy you, Yoongi? If it does, I'll stop right away."

"No, it's okay." Yoongi couldn't do it. He couldn't make himself tell the truth. Not right now. The guilt he felt about not being honest with Jungkook about his feelings was growing. Shooting a pointed look at Seokjin and Jimin, he knew they would understand.

And they certainly did. "So what made you decide to make kimchi pancakes this morning, Jungkook," Jimin asked to change to topic.

Jungkook simply shrugged his shoulders. "I want to try new things. I know Yoongi likes kimchi dishes, so I'm going to learn to make as many different ones as I can." With a smile, he stepped over to the table and made a small motion for Yoongi to sit. "Enjoy your breakfast, mate. Then, we can see if the others planned on using the ship today."

"Did you guys already discuss that?" Yoongi seated himself at the table and could hardly wait to begin eating; he was hungry.

"Yup." Jimin wasn't satisfied with the fact that they were done talking about Jungkook's phone use, but he supposed it was up to Yoongi. Maybe his best friend was going to do what he should have done in the first place, talk openly to Jungkook about it himself. Though, he did understand why Yoongi was so hesitant and insecure about it. "Seokjin and I don't need the ship for any reason. I don't really like going out there much. I know Taehyung and Hoseok-hyung both work today, so they probably don't have plans to use it. You should ask Jihoon and Junhong though."

"Another wonderful phone use," Jungkook said as he pulled his phone out of his pocket. "I'll just text Junhong real quick."

Every time Jungkook mentioned Junhong, Yoongi found himself feeling warm. He loved the fact that Jungkook had family. Even though his family was just a brother, it was more than having no family at all. It made Yoongi feel a stronger desire to introduce Jungkook to his parents. Of course, he wasn't out to his parents yet, but he knew they wouldn't care. It had just never come up in conversation yet, and he didn't want to be awkward about it. "Jungkookie, after we get back from our date," Yoongi knew exactly what he wanted. "I want to talk to you about meeting my parents. I want them to know you."

"Oh, that'll be fun," Jimin commented. "Just don't be a brat about it like when you introduced me to your parents."

"What happened when you met them?" Seokjin was definitely interested to hear about anything from their past.

"My mom asked if Jimin was my boyfriend. I guess I accidentally gave that kind of vibe when I told her there was someone special I wanted her to meet," Yoongi explained.

Jimin rolled his eyes. "Anyone would get the wrong idea when you word it like that. But no, Yoongi-hyung was just excited to introduce me to his parents because we bonded so quickly and had so much in common."

"So what did you say when your mom asked that?" Jungkook was interested in this too. Learning anything about their mates was always exciting.

Before Yoongi could answer, Jimin huffed. "His response was 'ew gross.'"

Yoongi moved a hand up to scratch the back of his head. "Jimin was upset with me for the rest of the day after that."

"Of course I was. I had a crush on you back then." Jimin was fine with admitting that. After all, that crush was long gone, and they were both in wonderful relationships now. "But you didn't know that, and I did some personal reflecting to get over it. And look at us now. Still best friends and living together. Nothing can break our friendship."

"That depends on how many more things you plan on setting on fire," Yoongi teased. "My poor oven, may it rest in peace."

As the incubi laughed, Jimin rolled his eyes. "It's been, like, six years. Are you ever going to let that go?"

"Nope. I'm going to hold that over your head forever." Yoongi loved to tease Jimin, and he would never forget the things he could use for the teasing.

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