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Throughout the night, Yoongi had trouble sleeping. He knew Jungkook was still awake, scrolling on his phone. Insecurities were swelling and keeping him awake as he thought about what Jungkook might be doing on his phone that was more important than cuddling. He knew Jungkook didn't sleep some nights; the incubus didn't need to. However, Yoongi did need to sleep, and it would be much easier if his boyfriend cuddled him as he normally would.

Alas, there were no cuddles all night. By morning, Yoongi had not gotten as much sleep as he would have liked, and he awoke in a bad mood. He didn't want to take his bad mood out on Jungkook because he didn't know the reason for his all-night scrolling. Jumping to conclusions wasn't right, and he couldn't think about it clearly after his worrying and memories of Yukwon.

"Yoongi." Jungkook must have noticed that his mate was awake. He loved listening to Yoongi's breathing patterns and could tell the difference when he was awake or asleep. "Would you like to go on our date today?"

With a sigh, Yoongi sat up and stretched his arms over his head for a moment before answering. "I guess so. It's short notice, so we'll have to make sure no one else has plans to use the ship today." Despite his bad mood, he didn't want to act on it. He knew his bad mood was more his own fault than anyone else's. He was the one who was overthinking and failing to communicate. He knew that. Last night, Yoongi felt like his ability to communicate malfunctioned at the thought of Jungkook showing any behavior that was similar to Yukwon.

Now that he got some sleep, albeit not much, Yoongi felt like he should talk about it. Maybe he didn't need Seokjin to talk to Jungkook on his behalf or do any sneaky detective work. They just needed to talk about this, right? But he was scared. Couldn't he just avoid it and wait for the insecurities to pass? Yoongi really, REALLY, didn't want to offend Jungkook by making any statements that would compare the caring incubus to his unfaithful ex.

"What are you thinking about?" It was never difficult to see when Yoongi was lost in thought. Jungkook sat up as well and, for the first time since last night, set his phone aside. "Do you have other plans today? Are you having second thoughts about our date?" He wanted to know what was on his cute human's mind.

Hearing Jungkook's questions, Yoongi slumped his shoulders with a sigh. "My mind is just jumbled right now." That wasn't a lie. His mind really was jumbled, but he didn't want to explain the thoughts he was having. Not yet. Maybe he could talk to Jungkook about it later, when he didn't feel quite as vulnerable.

"Would it help your mind if I make breakfast this morning?" Jungkook didn't always know how to help, but he never stopped trying. If Yoongi was out of sorts in any way, he would look for ways to ease his mate's workload, even if it was something as small as cooking a meal or doing some cleaning.

"Maybe." Yoongi did like it whenever Jungkook did the cooking. The incubus was still learning in that area, but he wasn't bad at it, so Yoongi never minded letting him take over the cooking sometimes. He did his best to give his boyfriend some helpful tips and suggestions as he would cook, and it proved to be a nice time for bonding. Perhaps some bonding time was what they needed right now. "Anything simple will be fine."

A soft smile spread itself across Jungkook's lips. "I'll make something delicious." Leaning over, he pressed a kiss to the side of Yoongi's head. "Are you going to take a shower while I make breakfast? Or shall I join you?" His tone definitely held his meanings. He never hid those kinds of intentions.

"I'll go solo today." Turning his head to finally look at Jungkook, Yoongi felt like such a bad guy. That adorable incubus was just smiling at him, appearing as sweet as ever. How could he have such uncomfortable thoughts lately? He felt bad for ever doubting Jungkook's intentions, but he also knew that it was a behavior he developed after his bad experience with Yukwon. Yoongi wondered if he should finally see a therapist about his relationship trauma. The only thing that worried him about seeing a therapist though was the thought of accidentally saying anything that might make the therapist suspicious about the incubi or the things they'd all been through. He would have to give this option more thought before he could make a decision.

"Okay, I'll get breakfast ready while you shower." Jungkook was confident that he could make a delicious breakfast and have it ready by the time Yoongi would be done showering. "Can I make a request?"

That caused Yoongi to tilt his head just a little. "What is it?"

"Will you use my shampoo and body wash?" Jungkook reached over and gently touched Yoongi's hair. "I want you to smell like me today. Since shower sex is not on the menu, this is the next option I would like."

Yoongi's heart did some sort of flipping feeling that made him nauseous and warm at the same time. "Sure, I'll do that." He really liked it when Jungkook's possessive side would show. It was never overpowering, just enough to show that the incubus was staking his claim again. This desire to have his mate smell like him was usually shown on days that Jungkook had something planned, and they did have a date planned.

"Thank you." Jungkook pushed off the blanket and rose from the bed, walking straight for the door. Luckily, he stopped before exiting and chuckled to himself. "I'm so ready for breakfast that I almost forgot to put on pants." He'd done that before. Though he was much more used to living on Earth, he still occasionally slipped back into his old ways. Nudity was still no big deal to him, and he knew it wasn't a big deal to Seokjin either. Still, he knew that Yoongi and Jimin had both expressed discomfort at the thought of any of the incubi walking around nude in shared spaces.

"Yeah, put on some pants, dork." That also earned a small chuckle from Yoongi. He loved his silly incubus lover, and he hoped with all his heart that everything would go well today. He didn't want to upset anyone with his insecurities more than he already had. He just wanted to push that aside and enjoy their date as much as he possibly could.

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