Friend Or Foe

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Your POV

You just stand there, staring at them, tears falling down your face.

The Doctor slowly walks towards you, smiling sympathetically. Before she gets too close, I spin around and run out shouting at her, "Stay away from me, you always bring danger wherever you go!"

I run out and through the corridors of the college. I heard someone shouting my name, "[Y/N]!" As soon as I realised it was my friend AJ, I run towards her.

When she sees me crying and running towards her, she holds her arms out and pulls me into a hug.

"What happened?" she asks sympathetically, whilst smoothing my hair, to try and calm me down.

"I just realised who the new teacher is, and why I recognise her..."

"So, who is she?"

"The Doctor..."

"What? Really?!"


You step away from AJ and she smiles sadly at me. We hear a bang and we turn around to see a giant dog like creature. It was obviously an alien. I suddenly perk up and I smile at it.

"I've been looking for you," I say sweetly to the alien. I grab a translation device, and a transmat device too. I turn the translation device on and walk nearer to the alien.

I can feel eyes watching me and the alien. I walk a few more paces, but the alien growls.

"It's ok, I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm here to try and help you get back to your home planet," I explain to the alien.

The alien makes a few noises, which must be its language.

The translate says: "How are you going to do that?"

"Well, I'm going to put the transmat on your back, which will teleports you directly to your area of your planet. Simple." I say smiling.

"OK... That's OK to me, " The translator replies to me, retorting the alien.

I nod and walk towards the alien. I place the device on the back of the alien, and I ask, "Ready to go?"

The alien nods. I press a button on the translator, and the alien starts to disappear.

Before it does the translator says: "Thank you.”

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