review #66.S3: Fairytale Fate: The Legend Begins

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Fairytale Fate: The Legend Begins

Author: MelodyKingWriter
Reviewer: Dragoon_Of_Darkness


Twin sisters Aura and Carolyn Addams lost their chance to grow up "normal" when their parents died in a car accident when they were only a few weeks old. Their whole lives they always felt they didn't belong in their small, coastal Massachusetts town. The day after their 16th birthday, everything they once knew to be true about themselves is flipped onto its head as they are thrown into a completely new world -- literally.

The world of Fabula is home to valiant heroes like King Arthur and fair maidens like Snow White. The fairytales beloved by millions fly off the pages of the storybooks and into reality. However, the Heroes and Heroines have been stripped of their happily ever afters ever since the Villains rebelled and took control of the kingdoms.

Now Aura and Carolyn must embark on a journey to help save Fabula and restore the lost happy endings while unearthing secrets they didn't even know they had.

The twins know their fate, but the only question is...what will YOUR fate be?


Title & Cover

The cover gives off a very gentle and nice vibe, it comes off as a fairy tale looking cover. It also lets others know it’s book one and by the writers which is a nice touch. It shows that much time was put into making it and the idea behind it, which fits perfectly with the theme of the book.

The title is nice, something simple which can be easily noticed but at the same time parts of the title are very common words to see.


The blurb was nicely done and it told the writers much of what they would be reading about, it was simple yet very clear.  It also gave us something to know about the main character and what kind of life they have before reading the book. I did like how you added King Arthur and other few fairy tales in the Blurb to show just what kind of tale this is. With that said, good job on making the blurb simple yet at the same time nicely understood and easy to read.

First Chapter

The first chapter had a high pace while keeping the story moving along perfectly, it had the reader wondering what could happen next. While at the same time, it gave a dark look for the characters and events that were unfolding around them. The story had good world building along the first chapter creating it at a good pace without rushing the reader with too much to understand.

One of the biggest good key points of the first chapter was the tone that you made for it, along with events that were unfolding in it. The way you put it across the writer was also done nicely and early character development also showed strongly in this chapter.

The rest of the chapters

The rest of the story slowly turned into its own unique pacing and you did have a few moments that threw me off a bit. Nothing wrong with that, due to your quickness of getting it back on track right after, I could see that you did put time and effect into each chapter and it showed in many ways during these chapters.

You kept well to the core of the theme, the fairytale theme that showed clearly to the reader, something that is very important to do. You used your words in each chapter to bring out the book, it showed each chapter just how much work you put into it. Something you should be proud of due to how good each of these chapters turned out to be.

Grammar and Spelling

I didn’t see many errors or anything really wrong with the spelling nor the grammar. You seem to use the right words for each part of the story, maybe a few times could use a better word to explain something. Other than that, the majority of the book was perfect in both the grammar and the spelling.


The plot itself had a very nice twist on the whole fairytale take, it did give something new to the world of fairytales. At first I didn't know where it was going, but the more I started to read into each chapter, the more I got an understanding of the flow. It had its own twists and turns, leaving the reader something to think about while reading along.

There were few moments that were off to me yet only a few which didn’t hurt the story at all, just caused me to get lost for a few seconds here and there. So nothing too major to worry about, overall you have a solid and good plot.

Writing Flow

The writing flow itself was one that flowed very well and only a few times did it seem like it was going off track. Nothing too major to toss the reading off or make them stop reading, some little bit off track here and there.

Character Development

The biggest thing I wanted to point out in this review was how well you made your characters, each one stood out on their own. They did not need another one to really push them out there, each and everyone of these characters had their own development shown.

You could tell that there was great care and time into making each and every character in this book, so if you keep at this rate you will make these characters the best they can be.


I really enjoyed reading the book, it had many interesting points to it. What I enjoyed the most of your book was how you built up the characters and showed their growth. The way you made each one of them stand out, overall the story was fun to read. Not many books get me hooked into character development but this book did which is rare. I hope you keep writing with your character development as it is to move forward.

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