Review #4: @Furashu

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Title: Hurt, Broken and Shattered
Author: @Furashu
Reviewer: CatLoverHope
Let's start with what the readers see first. I think the cover looks a little too rushed; with just a little makeover, it can be very interesting. The blurb is okay, but I think it's be even more interesting if you express your reasons for writing the book with poetry, which would be interesting.
Now, regarding the poetry: I noticed that your line break were on point, but they have room for improvement. The word arrangement could be worked on, if the author arranged it in a more suitable way, it would bring out even more if the perfection of this work of art. I also noticed how the author focuses on one emotion/message alone, and doesn't rush. I admire that. The main thing that would help improve this story would be wording. I really enjoyed reading this book.
Also, the author's inspiration or reason for writing the poems was really well expressed by words, I must say.

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