[cries in english]

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When Rin gets really upset, he slips into English, then cries in English and Lewin is too busy laughing at this to comfort him, while Ryuji is panicking because he has no idea what Rin is saying and, by extension, no idea why Rin is upset in the first place.

And usually, when Rin cries, it’s over something he's overthinking too much. So Rin has to go out of his way to shriek “IT’S NOT FUNNY, DAD!” In English and that doesn’t help Ryuji. At. All. 

So he just kinda has to hug Rin and tell him it’s okay–which, in turn–makes Rin cry harder because he’s not used to being hugged all the time.  He's a touch starved softie.

Rin was a silent crier, but sometimes when things were especially difficult it felt good to let the warm tears spill and the choked sounds escape his throat. It felt good to let it all flood out when he got too frustrated. He didn't let himself get upset over things very often, so when he let it all out, he was an absoloute mess.

His poor boyfriend had no idea why he was crying because Rin had the habit of slipping back into Texas-accented English when he was upset. Lightning never understood the emotions behind actions like crying, so he usually thought it was hilarious when Rin suffered.

Rin really wished he had a real Dad sometimes. That feeling was getting more and more familiar the more he was sent out to do the Order's dirty work. Even when they would leave to go back to America, Rin would probably have to be on call 24/7 and be the Order's Weapon, their Tool.

He wished life wasn't so cruel.

This time, he was crying over the fact that he didn't want to be a weapon. He wanted to be a normal teenager in America going to highschool with his hot Japanese boyfriend. He wanted to live. He wanted freedom. He'd never even been given a chance at that though. That was something that had been far out of his reach since before he was even born.

Why now he was mourning his loss of freedom, he had no clue. Maybe because now he had Ryuji, who loved him and made him realize he wanted more out of life than doing a fucked up Society's dirty work.

So here he was, loudly sobbing on the floor in a heap while Lightning laughed at him blubbering in English while Ryuji tried to make sense of the foreign words. Finally, the older teen gave up and turned to snap at his Master.

"Oi! You're not helping while your kid cries on the ground! If you're not gonna help, get out and go through the damn files we got from Mephisto!" He growled. Lightning grudgingly listened and left the room.

Then the teen walked over and sat down on the floor in front of Rin. "Come here, Rin." He beckoned softly. The half-demon crawled into his lap and cried into his boyfriend's shirt.

"Now, what's wrong? I've never seen you this upset before." The older teen asked gently. He cupped Rin's face in his hands, wiping tears away with his thumbs only for new ones to replace them instantly. He frowned. So many tears.

"I don't wanna be their weapon. I wanna be with you. I wanna be a regular person. But I can't." Rin's voice broke at the end and he clutched onto Ryuji's shirt. The Japanese was sloppy, but he knew what the American boy had said. Ryuji's arms were wrapped around him tight. Being hugged by him was the nicest feeling in the world to Rin. He held on tighter to the bigger teen.

"Whatever you have to do to survive, I'll be here too. We'll survive together, and if we hate it, we'll hate it together too. That's the best we can hope for." Ryuji's calm voice filtered through his ears and he let out another sob. "I can't drag you down with me." Rin whispered.

"You won't. I want be wherever you are. I don't care about anything else. When I started at True Cross Academy, I wanted to kill Satan for burning down my Temple. But now, all I wanna do I be with you. Simple as that." Ryuji wanted to hold Rin like this forever. It was so comfortable, so sweet, so perfect. He loved it. He loved Rin.

He pressed a kiss to Rin's temple and laid them both down on the floor. Rin snuggled into him and pretty soon, they both fell asleep.


"Heh, kids." Lightning chuckled as he threw a comfy blanket over them.

Ryuji could fill the void in Rin's heart left there by the lack of parents.

And that was what Lewin was counting on.

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