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Anika reached home and saw Shivaay and Kiara sleeping on the couch while a Disney movie was playing on the TV.

She smiled sadly looking at them. She took a blanket and covered Shivaay and Kiara with it. Shivaay's stirred in his sleep when he felt someone's presence. He slowly opened his eyes and saw Anika covering them with blanket.

S- Anika, you are back?

He then noticed her swollen and red eyes. He knew something was wrong.

He immediately stood up and cupped her face worriedly but Anika avoided his gaze.

S- Anika, is everything alright? What happened at your parents'? Did they say something?

A- Uh... I'll take Kiara to her room.

S- Kiara? You never call her that?

Anika avoided his question and picked up Kiara in her arms and walked towards her bedroom.

Shivaay also followed her. Anika made Kiara lie down on the bed and pecked her forehead with teary eyed.

A(whispered)- I love you my baby. I hope one day we'll meet again.

Her voice was meek that it wasn't audible to Shivaay.

She wiped her tears sneakily so that Shivaay couldn't notice it.

She turned to look at Shivaay.

A- Did you eat dinner?

S- No. I was waiting for you.

Anika just nodded her head and walked out of the room.

A- I'll go and change and then we'll eat dinner.

Anika said in a low and breaking voice and Shivaay knew something was very wrong.

S- Whats going on, Anika?

Shivaay said pulling her towards himself while holding her elbow.

A- Let's eat then we'll talk.

S- No. You tell me first, what's wrong with you? Why are you behaving like this?

A- You want to know right. Okay. Then I'll tell you. I don't want to live with you anymore. I'm fed up being a maid to you you and your niece.

Anika said loudly and Shivaay was taken aback.

S- What? Anika, I know you're not saying it. Your parents said something to you right. What happened there? Tell me Jaan.

Shivaay tried cupping her cheeks but Anika pushed him back. She was trying very hard to control her tears and she knew Shivaay's once touch can break her down.

A- Yes. My parents made me realise that I'm not made for this life. I lived my whole life in luxury. I own India's best Fashion house and you're no match to me and my lifestyle. You're just a racer, well not anymore. You can not give me the life which I deserve. So I've decided that I don't want this marriage anymore. Anyways, now that you're fine, so our contract is also null and void so that won't be a problem anymore.

Shivaay was beyond shocked. What has happened that made her behave like this in a matter of few hours?

Anika opened her handbag and pulled out divorce papers and slammed it on the table.

S- What's this?

A- These are divorce papers. Sign it. Our relationship suffocates me now.

Anika said in a breaking voice and Shivaay looked at her in shock.

S- Anika, what's going on? Tell me, is it your parents? Have they blackmailed you? Why are you behaving like this?

Shivaay said while clutching her arms tightly.

A- Everything is good. My parents just opened my eyes. They've found a rich boy for me and I'll be getting married to him by the end of this week. So yes, everything will be great if you sign the divorce papers fast.

Anika said while moving her gaze here and there. Her heart was breaking with each word she said.

S- Okay. I'll sign the divorce papers. But before that Answer my one question. "Did you ever loved me truly?"

Shivaay asked her and Anika was taken aback.

Her eyes pricked with unshed tears and her mouth got tied.

Shivaay was observing her keenly and suddenly left her arms and stepped back.

S- I got my answer.

He picked up the pen and signed the papers.

S- I guess You're free now. Now you can marry that rich brat without any worries. Well, Congratulations on your wedding. Are you leaving now or do you want to  stay the night?

Shivaay asked her hopefully and Anika looked at him longingly.

A- I better leave now. I can't breath in this crappy house.

She packed her belongings and looked at Shivaay one last time. Shivaay was looking at her hopefully that she'll change her decision or atleast tell him the cause of all this but nothing like that happened.

A- I guess that's a goodbye but you're most welcome to my wedding.

Anika turned to leave and a tear slipped from her eye.

She closed the door behind her and Shivaay slumped down on the floor and tears started streaming from his eyes.

"Two souls which were completely broken and found Solace in each other, parted their ways. Was it a play of fate? Will they meet again? Will destiny bring them together?"

Hello everyone.🤗🤗

Here you go with the next chapter. 😁😁

How was it?😊😊

All I can say now is that 'trust me'🥺🥺

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