Chapter 31: All is Fair in Love and War. Oh, Wait, It's Kitty. It's Just War.

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Chapter 31: All is Fair in Love and War. Oh, Wait, It's Kitty. It's Just War.

       I didn't know if Paint and I were ready for the cross-country race at the fair. Not only was it possible that it was going to start running, but I still wasn't feeling all too confident.

       And if I wasn't confident, Paint would sense that and we wouldn't do to well.

       When Sawyer and I got to the fairground with our horses, we had to sign-in before bringing them to the stables that were set up for them. I placed Paint in the stall that was on the very end with Raven in the only stall beside him since he didn't do well with any other horses.

       Raven was the only horse Paint was okay being around after all the time Sawyer and I took the two on the trail.

       Once Paint was in his stall, I reached into my backpack and pulled out a carrot for him; his favourite snack. He ate it happily as I rubbed his neck. "We are going to do great today," I said. "You are going to do great."

       "Do my eyes deceive me?" Kitty suddenly said from behind me. "Or is the great Sawyer Birch actually competing again?"

       I turned to look at Kitty, who was holding the lead rope of her horse, a chestnut one with a golden mane and tail. The smug look on her face was a lot more confident than it was at school not that the competitions were today.

       Sawyer paid no attention to Kitty. He just continued stroking Raven's neck. I knew he was feeling very nervous today since it was going to be his first time competing since his accident. He did amazing while he was training but that was a lot different than competing with the many eyes on him.

       I knew he was going to do great, though.

       "Hello?" Kitty said. "Sawyer? I'm talking to you."

       I thought Sawyer would snap at her by now but he didn't. He just kept annoying her and if there was one thing about Kitty, it was that she hated to be ignored.

       So she was close to fuming now. 

       I wanted to laugh.

       Kitty decided to stop trying to get Sawyer's attention and finally noticed I was here as well. When she saw me, she laughed. "No way. You're entering a competition too? On that difficult horse?"

       "Paint isn't difficult," I said. "He has trust issues. There's a difference."

       "Either way, you're delusional for entering," Kitty said. "I've seen how he acts. There's no way you're going to get him to listen to you during a competition. So what are you entering? Showjumping? Dressage?"

       "Cross-country," I said.

       "Cross-country?" Kitty repeated. Once again, she looked extremely smug. "Oh, that's hilarious. You think you have a chance of winning?"

       I shrugged. "Don't know. We'll see."

       "You might as well just drop the competition now," Kitty said. "Save yourself the time from the humiliation. You too, Sawyer."

       Kitty could say whatever she wanted about me competing but once she said Sawyer should drop the competition to save himself the humiliation, that was one I lost it.

       "You know, you are something else," I said. "Not everything is about you and not everything is about winning. Sawyer isn't going to humiliate himself today. Not only is he going to kick ass, but he's also going to look hot doing it and I get to appreciate how hot he looks since I'm dating him."

       Sawyer chuckled. "Of course that's what you're thinking right now."

       "What? It's true," I said. "Hey, any chance you can compete shirtless?"

       "No, definitely not," Sawyer said. "But I can go shirtless at home, just for you."

       Sawyer wasn't really one to talk like that and I know he only said it to annoy Kitty, but hey, I was all for Sawyer talking like this.

       Kitty's smug look turned into one of disgust before she scoffed. "Good luck, both of you. You two losers are going to need it."

       After she walked off, Sawyer sighed. "Maybe I should just drop the competition," he said. "What if I humiliate myself? What if I fall off of Raven and injure myself even more than last time?"

       "You're not going to," I said. "You didn't fall off once during your training. And the only reason you fell off was because of what Kitty said to you. You weren't focused." I walked closer to him. "And I'm not going to say anything like that to you before your competition. All I'm going to do is wish you good luck. And also ask if we can have sex afterwards."

       I got Sawyer to crack a smile. "I honestly wouldn't expect anything less. Do... Do you really think I can do this?"

       "I do," I said. "I really think you can do this."

       Sawyer wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me even closer to him. "And I think you're going to kick ass in your competition."

       "Uh, obviously," I said, even though I was lacking in the confidence. "This is me we're talking about."

       "Hey..." Sawyer said softly, removing one hand from around my waist and place it gently on my cheek. "You don't have to lie. I can tell you're nervous about it."

       I sighed. "It... is my first competition. And with Paint who, I admit, is stubborn and unpredictable."

       "Just like you," Sawyer said. "That's why you two work together so well."


       Sawyer smiled cheekily at me. "C'mon, you know it's true. Anyway, you are right. It is your first competition. You don't have to worry about winning. Just worry about having fun. You're doing it because both you and Paint love the thrill of it."

       "And I am doing it to kick Kitty's ass and knock her down a pegs."

       "Anyway, just have fun. Just think about how you felt whenever you were training back home. No pressures. No scores. Just you and Paint having fun."

       "You should take your own advice."

       "I will, don't worry," Sawyer said. "I'm still nervous but... You're right. Last time, Kitty distracted me. And this time, she won't. Nothing will distract me from competing." He pulled me into a hug. "Thanks, Jamie. For believing in me and for helping me get ready to compete again."

       "You're welcome," I said, hugging him back. "So since I'm still feeling nervous, can we sneak off and make out somewhere?"

       Sawyer chuckled. "We won't do that, but we can walk the trail you're going to take for the cross-country competition. So you know what the jumps will be like."

       "We can do that?"

       "Oh, Jamie. You have a lot to learn about the competition world."

       "It's my first competition, Sawyer."

       "Yeah, yeah. C'mon, let's go."

       I told Paint I would come to see him soon before Sawyer intertwined his hand in mine and led me onto the course where my competition was going to take place. Seeing it now, surprisingly, wasn't making me feel less confident. In fact, I was feeling excited about it.

       I loved going on trail rides with Paint and this just seemed like a glorified trail ride, with the addition of a few jumps. Or a lot of jumps but it was still on a trail.

       When Sawyer and I finished walking the trail, we decided to get something to eat from one of the many food stands at the fair.

       Well, actually I was the only one who got something to eat. Sawyer said he didn't feel like he could stomach anything. He was too nervous for the showjumping competition that was coming soon.

       We found a place to sit down while I ate the corndogs Sawyer bought me. "Are you sure you don't want anything to eat?" I asked.

       "I'm sure," Sawyer said. "I'm afraid I'll end up getting sick during my round."

       "Fair enough," I said before taking a bite out of my corndog.

       "You're not nervous?" 

       I shrugged. "Not really. The course looks fun. Like a glorified trail ride. And it's my very first competition so I'm not too worried about winning or anything."

       Sawyer sighed and rested his head back against the bench we were sitting on. "I wish I could be as confident as you."

       I snorted. "Sawyer, I'm only faking my confidence. Truthfully, I'm not sure if I'm even ready to compete. But hey, fake it 'til you make it. Speaking of making, can we make out somewhere?"

       Sawyer chuckled. "You're relentless."

       "Is that a no?"

       "It's a not while we're at the fair."

       I sighed. "My life... it's too complicated."

       "You'll survive," Sawyer said before kissing my cheek. I wanted to continue scowling at him but I couldn't because him kissing me always just made me smile.

       "Sawyer Colt Birch!" a voice suddenly called. 

       We looked over to see Zach, Felicity, and Lynda walk over. To be a pest, which made me very proud, Sawyer pointed to himself. "Me?"

       "Yes, you," Lynda said. "Is there any other Sawyer Colt Birch in Ruralburgh? And honestly, how dare you?"

       Sawyer furrowed his eyebrows. "I'm confused. How dare I what?"

       Lynda didn't answer Sawyer right away. She only said, "So something interesting happened. I went to the sign-in for the showjumping competition and you wouldn't believe whose name I saw on the list."

       "Zach's?" Sawyer asked.

       "Hell no, I'm not a showjumper," Zach said. "And I'm pretty sure she's talking to you since she, y'know, used your full name."

       "How come you didn't tell us you were showjumping again?" Felicity asked.

       "I don't know," Sawyer said. "I know you three have never pressured me into getting back into it but... I don't know. I didn't want to make a big deal out of it."

       "We get that," Felicity said. "We really do. And because you don't want to make a big deal out of it, we'll make a big deal out of something else." Felicity sat down on the other side of me and Lynda sat down on the other side of Sawyer. "How come we don't hang out with you and your boyfriend?"

       "Do you not think we're good enough to hang out with you two?" Lynda asked.

       "Are you afraid we'll embarrass you?"

       "Have you two ever argued?"

       "Was it a bad argument?"

       "If you haven't argued, will you argue soon?"

       "Are you two in love?"

       "What the hell, Felicity? Of course they're in love. Sawyer called us all the time when we were on tour, saying how hopelessly in love he is with Jamie and he doesn't know what to do about it."

       "Oh, right."

       Sawyer glared at his friends. "Thanks for that."

       "What, did you not tell him that you love him?" Felicity asked. "Just tell him, already."

       "I did," Sawyer said. "Can you three go away now?"

       "Uh, three?" Zach asked. "Excuse me but I haven't been annoying you two."

       "But you will soon," Sawyer said.

       "Fair enough," Zach said. "If have to go get ready for the bronco riding anyway. So do you, Felicity."

       Felicity sighed heavily as she stood up. "Fine, whatever." She looked at Sawyer. "But I will be back soon to torment you even more. I mean, to get to know your boyfriend even more because you're so rude and won't let us hang out with him."

       "Yeah, Sawyer," I said. "You don't have to be so rude. Your friends are so nice and I never get to hang out with them."

       "Yeah, we like him," Lynda said, standing up as well. "He probably annoys you like we do. He'll fit in perfect. Oh, and I forgot. Good luck today, Sawyer. You're going to do great. But don't cry if I beat you."

       "I would never," Sawyer said.

       After his friends walked away, I asked, "Now can we make out?"

       "We're not doing that," Sawyer said as he placed one arm around my shoulder. "But we can make a deal."

       "Why make a deal when we can make out?"

       Sawyer rolled his eyes before pressing his lips on mine. I thought he was actually going to make out with me but no, he pulled away from me shortly after. "So wanna hear the deal?"

       "Fine, whatever."

       Sawyer chuckled. "If you can go the whole day without asking to make out, or making any innuendos, then tomorrow, I will take you out somewhere special."

       "Where is this somewhere special?"

       "That, you'll have to find out."

       I sighed. "You're making this hard for me."

       "I know," Sawyer said before giving me another kiss.

       Before I knew it, it was almost time for the showjumping competition so Sawyer had to get ready. I gave him a kiss for good luck before heading to the seats and sitting with his and my family.

       "I still can't believe he's competing again," Vincent. "I mean, I want him to but I honestly thought he wasn't going to do it again."

       "I'm so proud of him for trying," Trey said. "He's going to do amazing."

       "And he's going to look hot doing it," I said since Sawyer wouldn't be able to hear me say that, so the deal would still be on.

       Mom sighed heavily. "I'm certain Sawyer's family doesn't want to hear that."

       I shrugged in reply. Not my fault Sawyer was too hot and I couldn't help but bring it up.

       Lynda was the first one to compete and once she started her run, I could see why she was on tour with Zach and Felicity. She was amazing.

       I was waiting patiently for Sawyer's turn but it wasn't coming yet. I just wanted to cheer him on.

       While one girl I didn't know was competing, I couldn't help but notice Vincent was smiling the whole time and cheering her on loudly.

       I leaned towards Vincent. "Who's that?"

       "Oh, just a friend," Vincent said.

       I eyed him suspiciously. Just a friend. Sure, Vincent. Sure. 

       I was on to him.

       I didn't know what I was on to him about but I was still onto him.

       After Vincent's 'friend' finished her run, another ride was called to go and Sawyer was called to prepare since he was going to go after.

       And when it was Sawyer's turn, I could tell he was looking nervous. He scanned the crowed and when his eyes landed on me, I gave him a smile and a thumbs-up. He smiled at me and his family before turning his focus to the course.

       He was given the go to start his run and so many people started cheering him on loudly. Since he won so many competitions, he must have been extremely popular.

       Everyone here was probably extremely happy to cheer him on again.

       I was especially happy to cheer him on. I was so proud of him for facing his fears.

       And he did an amazing run. He didn't hit a single jump.

       When he finished, the judges announced his score. So far, he was in second place, which definitely wasn't bad since it was his first competition in a long time.

       Best of all, he stayed in second. Nobody else beat his score.

       After receiving his medal, I went over to him and gave him a good hug. "Congrats, Sawyer. You did great."

       "Thanks," Sawyer said, hugging me back. "Really. Thank you. I probably wouldn't have gotten back into showjumping if you didn't make that course for me." He gave me a kiss. "You are the best. I love you."

       I smiled at him. "I love you too."

       It was soon time for the cross-country competition and as excited as I was to get on that trail, I was also feeling extremely nervous.

       Kitty was the first one to go and she definitely set the bar high. When she finished and she saw me, she smirked at me. 

       I didn't want my main goal to beat her but with her acting like the way she always did, it was hard not to make it my main goal.

       I didn't even think I was going to be able to compete. The weather was started to look very bad and I made myself a promise to never ride Paint again out in the rain.

       I couldn't break that promise.

       When I was called to prepare, the weather hasn't changed yet so I did go to the stables and took Paint out of his stall. I hopped onto him and rubbed his neck. "Let's do this, Paint," I said. "On that trail, it's just going to be you and me. We can do this."

       We couldn't do this.

       Because shortly after, it started raining.

       Seriously, it couldn't have chosen a worst time to start raining.

       I sighed heavily. "Looks like today isn't our day."

       I hopped off of Paint and put him back into the stall. I was rubbing his neck when Sawyer walked over to me. "I take it you're not competing?"

       "I can't," I said. "I'm not pushing Paint to compete when it's raining."

       "I'm sorry, Jamie," Sawyer said. "I know how much you wanted to compete."

       "It's okay," I said. "There will be other competitions. Hopefully none that happens in the rain."

       "Jamie Krukowski, you're up next," the announcer suddenly said. 

       I sighed. "I guess I should tell them I'm not doing it."

       I was about to walk to where the announcer was but Paint neighed loudly, stamping his hoof on the ground. Before I could even stop him, he bursted out of the stall, standing beside me and stomping his hoof on the ground.

       "No way," Sawyer said. "He wants to compete."

       "But... But he doesn't like the rain," I said.

       "I guess he's willing to push through," Sawyer said. "He really wants to compete. If you're going to compete, you should get to it."

       I smiled before getting onto Paint. I pat his next. "Alright, let's do this."

       "Good luck, babe," Sawyer said. "Go kick ass."

       I smiled at him before leading Paint to the starting line. Once my time officially started, Paint didn't take any time to start running once I cued him to.

       He didn't seem at all affected by the rain that was falling down right now. Every single time he was out in the rain, he always panicked. But he wasn't panicking at all.

       Paint was enjoying this course as much as I was.

       I didn't even feel like I was competing. I just felt like Paint and I were riding a trail, like we always did whenever I had free time.

       I think I was going to enter more competitions. We both genuinely liked it.

       Paint jumped over every jump perfectly. He never hit any of the jumps. I was so proud of him for doing so well in the rain.

       We crossed the finish line, which was also the starting line since it was just one big circle, I waited for my score.

       I was the last competitor of the cross-country competition so whatever my place was, that was final.

       "That run has put Jamie Krukowski in first place," the announcer said. "Kitty Ward has placed second. Steph Lou has placed third."

       No way.

       I actually placed first?

       I wasn't even expecting to place in the top three, to be honest.

       Kitty wasn't too happy during the trophy and medal ceremony. She was glaring at me the whole time, not even caring that everyone was watching.

       After I received my trophy, Sawyer walked over to me and pulled me into a tight hug, slightly lifting me off the ground. "I'm so proud of you," he said. "You were amazing."

       "Thanks," I said. "And I'm sorry, but I'm breaking the deal. Can we have a celebratory make out session somewhere?"

       "No, but I'll let that slide since you just won," Sawyer said, placing me back on the ground and giving me a kiss. He then looked at Paint and rubbed his neck. "And you did so good in the rain."

       "He really did," I said. "I'm feeding him lots of treats when we get back home."


haha kitty you lost :P

also oof i think this is the longest chapter in this book with 3300 words oof. 

also we need more of sawyer and his friends


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