2| A Heart Of Gold

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Then Takuro Sensei letted out a small sigh before smiling and looking over at me.

"But, months later, I noticed and realized that you weren't faking it at all...Because you're still the mature boy today." He continued.

"Really!?" I went, feeling a little surprised after Takuro Sensei mentioned it, since I've never heard of him say that in front of me before.

"Yes, I meant it well, Ryobo." Sensei replied. "You're a boy who's got a pure heart of gold. I know it very well when I took you in 3 years ago.

You have your father's eyes and still look a lot like your mother. The fur color is just different since you have albino fur instead of your mother's red fur."

I smiled after hearing that.

"Thank you, Sensei. That was very kind of you when you mentioned that." I said before we arrived at our destination.

Luminous Forest.

This is where we would train at on days like this.

"Well? Ready to get started, punk?" My sensei asked as we stopped and setted our stuff down on the ground before stretching the tiredness out of our bodies.

"Ready when you are, Sensei." I replied as I nodded.

Sensei smiled and chuckled a little before we made a long distance between us after Sensei picked his katana up.

"最高の競合他社が勝ちますように..." We said as we bowed.

Then we drew our katanas out and began a small battle.

-Meanwhile, In An Unknown Location-

"Hey, Ayato? Are you sure we actually found them? The married couple and their younger son?" A male doctor asked as he looked over at the other.

"It's says it right here in the documents and DNA files, Zack. There's no doubt about it." The second doctor, named Ayato, says before he pulled out a folder and handed it to the first doctor, Zack, to have a look at it.

"It is them. Infinite and Gadget."

Everything, between the two mobian doctors, was silent for a few seconds as Zack scanned the files over before he returned the files and DNA information back to Ayato.

"What happened to them?" Zack asked as they resumed walking, their footsteps echoing down the hallway.

"They were in a car accident. The younger child and sibling, Itachi, survived the accident...But, no one doesn't know where the elder child and brother, Ryobo, went off to.

He was there one minute and then suddenly disappeared without a trace the next.

We all know he survived the car accident and is still alive...But, we don't know where he's located." Ayato explained.

"However, I was told that Ryobo came down with memory loss after being knocked unconscious twice from the accident. So, there's a possibility that he may not remember his parents until he physically meets them in person."

"What about Infinite and Gadget? Did they survive the car accident?"

Ayato nodded in response to Zack's question.

"Yes. But, Gadget's injuries was pretty bad. He and Infinite went into a coma after the accident happened.

We had to put them on life support for extra precautions because they've been in a coma for 3 years and their bodies would possibly shut themselves down by now if we didn't take extra precautions.

Anybody could die while they're in a coma.

However, Infinite and Itachi seems to be slowly gaining consciousness. But, we don't know if Gadget's still in a coma or is trying to regain consciousness." He replied.

"I hope he's not dead. That's the greatest thing that concerns me the most. That head injury and the gash he has. He's lost a lot of blood when he arrived here with the other two." Zack mentions as worry was filled up in his hazel eyes.

"Don't worry. I know Gadget's alive. He's still breathing okay..."

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