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Whole night duo were wide awake, none of them slept.He was playing with her hairs, she was listening to her heartbeats. It was almost 6 when Randhir's phone buzzed with his alarm.

So, ready for the day 1 of honeymoon wifey.....he asked her pinching her nose.

Yes, Mr.Shekhawat .....she replied to him .

Come, let's ready quickly then....he spoke to her, and got up to wear his clothes.

Chiii, Randhir .....she said loudly seeing him naked.

What is chii in it , you have seen me yesterday also?....he said wearing his boxers, she covered her face with quilt hiding inside it.

He picked up her covering, quilt wrapped around her frame.

What are you doing ?....she asked moving away the quilt to see what all was wrong with him.

Go and get freshen up fast, I'm waiting for you on breakfast table, and please don't come out wearing bathrobe like you did yesterday .....he said laughing and ran away from there.

Shameless, get out now.....saying she pushed him out and dashed into washroom to get freshen up.

Wearing, a long floral knee length dress she came out. It was decent one, so she was more than comfortable in it. She thanked her stars as some decent kinda of clothes were kept at the end of all.

Here. Randhir got himself decked up in casual blue-shirt and paired it up with black jeans. He was impressed with the kinda of clothes his friends had packed for him.

Applying, only lip gloss and keeping her simple, she rushed down to see him already on video call with Arya. Wanting to see Trisha, Sanyukta ran towards Randhir.

Heyy, Princess see her momma is here...Randhir spoke turning his phone's screen to Sanyukta.

Good morning, baby.Momma misses you and did my baby slept well ?.....Sanyukta was speaking to Trisha, but was soo busy in holding the phone in tiny hands that she didn't even listen to what Sanyukta and Randhir were saying.

Princess.....Randhir called her sweetly, and she looked upto them.

Wanting to touch her dadda and momma she raised her hands and caressed the screen. Sanyukta blew her a kiss. Trisha was waving at them.

Princess, Dadda and momma will be back soon, Arya take care of her.Bye......Randhir said wiping away his tears.If had stayed up on call for one more minute he would have ended up crying in front of Trisha.Sanyukta too was missing badly her baby.

Randhir, I too miss her, we will be back to our daughter soon....saying she pulled him into an hug.-


Sanyukta cheered up Randhir, and now they were sitting in lawn outside having their delicious breakfast.

I'll feed you today, as daily you feed me ....he said pulling his chair next to her.

As your wish Randhir.....saying she opened her mouth as he forwarded her a sandwich.

You too eat....saying she stuffed next bite in his mouth.

After, breakfast they roamed around the villa. When, their Manager arrived they decided to go for sight-seeing and market place.

As the person, guided them around, they were done with sight-seeing. Seeing, a carefree Sanyukta back Randhir was at peace. Most of time, he instead of observing the surroundings kept on staring at her lovingly.She had caught him many times, but he didn't care about anything. It was his favourite time to adore his baby wife.

Sanyukta was mature at handling Trisha, and when it came to something really important, she would put her heart in it, that was not real Sanyukta which Randhir knew, she was a care-free child who needed someone on her step, on her every walk, as it said "A bad experience changes a person a lot ", Sanyukta was changed a lot, somewhere that change had it's own pros and cons.

Returning on their way back in car, Randhir sat with Sanyukta on back-seat , while their travel Manager Amit, sat in front telling him about the place around.

Randhir, I want to shop for all ....Sanyukta said to him , who had rested her head on his shoulder.

Amit, can you suggest a place to shop?We need to get some gifts for our family....Randhir asked to him.

Sir, there is place nearby, infact they are lots of shops , if you won't mind we can go there now.....Amit asked him.

Let's go then.....Randhir said to him.

Reaching, the market area, it was huge. Sanyukta shopped hundreds of things for everyone. Randhir was denying to buy something for him, she forcefully got him a watch and some other stuff. After, shopping for all, and for 5 hours all, tired they were on there way back. Sanyukta been hungry was having her chocolate bar. Randhir asked her if they, want they can have their food outside, but stubborn Sanyukta wanted to go Villa and have food, to which  her husband had to agree to her. Reaching,Villa Randhir asked Amit to leave and come other day as half of the day was gone and now they to rest. Remaining places, they decided to explore tomorrow. Making sure , all was at it's place Amit left the place, guiding all the servants their duty. Randhir picked up the sleeping Sanyukta in his arms and walked inside their room. Removing her sandals and keeping the shopping bags properly, Randhir went down to check upon food.Carrying food in tray, he entered to see his wife, sleeping snuggling into blanket.

Wake up, Sanyukta you are hungry. Eat and sleep....he said moving the blanket away from her face.He flopped a kiss on her forehead and she opened her eyes, passing him her bestest smile.

Wake up sleepy girl, eat and sleep....he said, She got up and went into washroom to freshen up, till that Randhir arranged the plates.

coming, outside seeing her favourite Italian she alomst pounced the food. She was soo much into the food that she didn't care if it spoil her dress. Seeing, her enjoy like kid, he smiled but seeing her stuff food hurriedly he scolded her wiping her face with tissue.

Kadus, Randhir .....she had twitching her nose in irrtation and concentrated on her eating. Randhir was done with his food, he kept on staring at his kiddo wifey who was eating as if she was hungry since ages.

What are you looking at ?...she asked him finding his gaze on hers.

Nothing.....he replied still staring at her.

If you want extra, then get it, but stop staring as I won't share with you kadus.....she spoke hiding away her bowl of Italian noddles.

Is that soo ?....he said getting up and walking near her.

What are you doing Randhir?....she asked him with a stammer, feeling his hot breathe on her lips.

Before, she would say anything, he pressed his lips onto hers and tasted the noddles out of it.

It was yummy by the way and I had my share....he spoke breaking the kiss and licked his lips.

Such an shameless kadus you are . Does anyone eats in this way?.....she asked him angrily.

It my way wifey....saying he ruffled her hairs.

Don't do that kadus....she said getting annoyed more.

He messed up her hairs, and ran away. She stuffed all the noddles quickly in her tummy, acrried the tray out and handed it to the servant. Angrily, she walked back into room and began to search him as he was not there. Randhir who was hiding behind the door, came from back and caged her in his arms.

Leave me you idiot, I won't leave you, you had messed up with my hairs....she said trying to hit him with her tiny hands.

You are such a tiny girl, so stop using your energy as it won't affect me much...he spoke and it triggered her more.

What ? Tiny girl and me ?....she asked him hitting him.

Seeing, he was not letting her go, she bite him on his hand, and he left her.

Now, I'll show you wait....saying she picked up the pillow and threw it him. He was quick enough to run away before it would hit him.

Furious Sanyukta was running behind him, to catch him and he was more fast than her in running. Getting tired she returned angrily back, to the room and sat on the bed. Randhir who was running to save his life, stopped in his way finding her no-where, getting where she must be there,he reutrned back to room, to see her sulking still in angry. She had become all red due to running and angry. He quietly went and sat next to him.

Sanyukta......saying he patted her shoulder.

As soon as he did it, his face welcomed a pillow from her. She pushed him on the bed and began to hit him with that soft pillow.

Will you call me tiny girl again ?.....she asked him continuing her pillow fight.

No, i won't call it again ....he repiled next moment as he knew his angry wife won't let him come near him.

Good then....saying she stopped and threw the pillow away.

Thank God !.......he spoke catching up his breathing back to normal.

All tired and sleepy, she laid next to him ,and hugged him tightly.

Tired ?....he asked her caging her in his arms.

Yes, let's catch sleep for sometime....saying she closed her eyes and dozed off to sleep.Randhir too closed his eyes and drifted to sleep.


Waking up, he found that it was almost dark outside, the cold breeze was blowing through as he stood near the window. Sound of water waves, was making him go crazy.Changing into his comfortable clothes he decided to walk near to beach. He saw that Sanyukta stirred in her sleep.She opened her eyes and closed it again.

Something, stuck his mind, he wrote a note "Waiting for you near beach", asking he plastered that on her phone and moved out.

Moving, out he called up Sanyukta. Lazily, Sanyukta picked up the call.

Hello, Sanyukta wake up and see something is stuck on your phone, I'm waiting come soon...saying he hanged up.

She opened her eyes fully, and pulled out the note stuck on it.

Beach, yipeee................saying she jumped in happiness.

She moved towards and was searching for something she can wear on beach, when her eyes landed on a swimsuit. She took that saw it, it was extremely shot.

She decided to wear it, as she was left with none other option. As it was cold outside while moving out, she wrapped a jacket around her frame. Getting out, her phone again buzzed with Randhir's number, who had saw her moving out. He guided her the path and she reached near him, to find him already inside water taking dips into it.

Seeing, water droplets sticking to his body she gulped down seeing her husband looking handsome and sexy.


Thank you!!

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