Chapter 100: Red spy in the base

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Darkness: mm... But, you're...
???: No Dark... I'm... You're...

'Urrrrg... Okay, head count... One. Great, it's still there.'

'... ... Aight, bound and gagged in a closet... Hold on, did Darkness did that ? Holy hell, I didn't know she could turn the tables on me like that...'

Darkness: B- B- But, there's too big of a difference in our social statuses, so it's not that simple... No, of course I don't hate you, but ! But, it's still too early for this, or something like that...

'Oh, speak of the devil. Girl, you're in so much trouble when I get out of here, I swear...'

???: What do you mean by our difference in status ? I swear that, even if I have to throw away my status and riches, I will love you alone, Darkness. That's why please, with me... !

'Hey... That's MY voice ?! What the... Status ?! Is that me ?! Is that me higher than me ?! I'll fucking buy me !!'

Darkness: Throw away your status ? What are you saying ? Even if you're still one of the richest in Belzerg, you're still a commoner...

???: Eh ? Huh... ?

Darkness: rather, you've been acting rather strange. To give a specific example, the fact that you don't have that weird smirk you have on every time you are planning something... or all that nonsense you've been spouting...

???: N- No, of course, i'm just nervous when i'm alone with you. More importantly, my gaze...

Darkness: Nervous ? How can you be nervous just being with me in a room after everything you've done to me ? Your gaze lost any trace of afterthoughts... You bastard, you're not the real one, are you ?!

???: Kuh- !

'That's my girl ! But also, what the hell is your opinion of me, for pity's sake ?!'

???: ... If it's like this, then you leave me no other choice. i'll do whatever I can to suppress you ! This is this man's room, and you've noticed that he's not here, right ? If you resist, then who knows what'll happen to him... ?!

Darkness: Wha... ! You bastard, you dare take a hostage, you coward ?! W- What do you plan on doing to me with the rope and handcuff me, tie me up, and do unspeakable things to me, like he would do ?!

???: No, I don't plan on doing unspeakable things to you, I just need to keep you restrained... W- what do you mean, "He would" ?! What is that honesty ?!

Darkness: Kuh, it's fine if you do this to me, but don't you dare lay a hand on my friends ! Ah, the handcuffs are cold... ! Oi you, could you use that voice and say "Hehe, what an excellent sight to behold, darkness ! You already know what's going to happen from here, right ?" with a slightly savage tone to it ?

???: You... N- No, ok. Hey, I'm trying to tie you up, so stop squirming. Hey, i'm not gonna do anything strange to you, so stop blushing !

Darkness: I mean, you're doing this with that face of yours, so... ! Hey, what are you planning to do with me ? Could it be that you're planning on locking me into this closet, and... !

'... Hm ?'

???: ... Were you looking at this shameful sight this entire time ?

'... ... ...'

Darkness: Hrgf !

???: Now, let me tell you who I am, and why I did such a thing.

Ragcraft: My name is Ragcraft. The leader of the demon king army's intelligence division, Doppelganger Ragcraft. My my, you guys gave me a run for my money.

Ragcraft: -And that is what happened thirty years ago. I had finally become a minister of domestic affairs after applying countless number of times during an endless amount of selection periods. From there on, I worked wholeheartedly each and every single day. Useless co-workers who were immersed in casinos. Royalty who were crazy about casinos, and the nobles who loved casinos just as much. Thanks to their splurging, wasting and overspending, do you have any idea how hard I was forced to work... ? "Leaving this country alone would be beneficial to the demon king army, wouldn't it ?", do you have any idea how many times I thought that ?

'Just got captured, blah blah blah, evil monologue, yaddah yaddah, God this guy is even more boring as demon than minister...'

Ragcraft: Do you get it ? All the people of this nation continued living off of the money that the first king had won through gambling, and were driving this country to the brink of collapse. The one who turned that all around was...

'Row row, row your boat, gently down the stream... merrily merrily merrily, life is but a dream... Row row, row your boat...'

Ragcraft: "There was no need to do all that", right ? After arriving at this position, I finally began to move. Yes, the time to act for the sake of the Demon King had finally come. Despite the worthless rumors that you imbeciles spread about the demon king, my master is actually a wonderful person who is worth working for...

'You put the line in the coconut, and drink 'em both up~...'

Ragcraft: Fuu... I've always wanted to tell someone about my long years of complaints and hardship, but I couldn't until now. Thank you for listening.

"... ...*Snoring*"
Ragcraft: ... ... WAKE UP !! Now then, I would like to have my revenge against you guys, who made all my long years of hard work amount to nothing in the end. At first, I really wanted to kill you, but I thought about it again. What do you guys hate the most ? Yes, that is if that princess iris is harmed.

Darkness: Hmm ! Hmmmnnff !!

Ragcraft: Ah, that's the expression, that's the expression I wanted to see ! HAHAHAHA, i'll keep you guys here for now. Then, I'll take your appearance and first go to your companions room to restrain them in the same manner, tell them the same thing I told you, and then head to Princess Iris' room ! Then I'll be borrowing your unattractive appearance for just a little longer. FUHAHAHAHA, yes, that's the frustrated expression I wanted to see ! Oh joy ! Oh joy ! What a truly joyful moment this is !

Darkness: Fmm ! Fmmm !!

'Yes, yes, That is a bit of a situation... But if you managed to pick up what was wrong, they will too. He doesn't seem like that much of a fighter anyway.'

Darkness: Hmnnffff !
'... yeah, that is a bit of a problem, I guess... if he goes straight for Iris...'

Darkness: HNNFFFFFFFF !!

'Hey, i'd like to see you in that situation, which you're in as well ! i'm tied up in case you haven't noticed ! How do you expect me to just take these off and walk out of... ... ...'

Darkness: ... ...

'... ... ...'


"Aight. Now this embarrassing display is done, let's right some wrongs, and add yet another general to our hunting board."

Darkness: Hnnnff !

"Okay, so do you have any idea where Iris' room is ?"

Darkness: I don't know ! The one that assigned the rooms was that prime minister, the only room I know is yours !

"Only mine ? Hold on, how come you only know where mine is ? Why specifically mine ? And on that note, why did you even come for in the first place ? Did that Doppelganger call you ?"

Darkness: Th- That is... No, this incident was only resolved thanks to your help, so... I thought that I could give you something more earnest...

"And you're just as hopeless as ever. Well, you're lucky Kazuma don't know of that, else you'd have the 'Ero-Darkness' nickname for months on end..."

Aqua: Here !! I finally found you you sexually-harassing NEET !!

Megumin: So you were here you despicable man ! Absolutely despicable ! You really are despicable !

"Oh, give ol' Despicable Me a break already, and tell me what happened instead."

Kazuma: Honestly, I'd like to know that as well. Like, what just gotten into you, man ?

"Okay, you know what ? Keep the story for later. First, tell us where Iris' room is, now !"

Megumin: ... Iris's room is just ahead, but is there anything you want to explain first ? I never thought that you'd try to crawl into Aqua's bed.

"... ... Okay, explanations. Now."

aqua: Are you kidding ? You went into people's rooms and tried to sweet talk them, so what are you trying to say now ?! Geez, if Megumin didn't come to my room to play, who knows what you would've done !

"Well, guess that guy really don't know a thing about our group's dynamics, huh... That just makes another reason for me to slap him into Oblivion. Okay, enough talking, where is the room ?"

Aqua: Oho ?! You were so passionate just a moment ago, but now that you've been rejected, are you so embarrassed that you want to pretend nothing happened ?! If you really want to sweet talk me or something like that, use your financial assets or expensive sake or something ! There are a variety of ways, right ? If you do that, I even won't mind linking arms with you !

"Okay, so long story short, that prime minister's a demon general, and he took my appearance."

Kazuma: Yeah, that explains a lot... Like, I think he actually tried to flirt with Aqua...

"Uh god, don't make me think about that... Okay, Iris ! Room ! Now !"

Megumin: Well, it's right over there... And I can already hear voices inside...

"Dammit, that bastard was faster... hey, Iris-"

iris: EXTERION !!


Revi: I'm truly ashamed !!

"No, really, you don't have to feel guilty, you weren't related to the incident at all..."

Revi: i'm sorry ! Either way, I was an idiot. Ah, I can't complain if I'm called an idiot prince ! If it weren't for princess Iris, my country would've fallen to the clutches of the demon king's army...

Iris: prince, you're also a member of royalty, so you can't lower your head so easily, you know ?

Revi: I... I understand, however, as a result of this incident, we owe you a large debt. My nation will never forget Belzerg's favor. If there are any troubles from here on out, please tell us. Uhm... ... 'C- Cause Belzerg and Elroad are allied and friendly nations after all.
'Aaaand a tsundere prince for Iris, huh.... That's odd, I feel like there was something I was told about that...'

Darkness: Now then, with this, the incident comes to an end. Everything was wrapped up in an amicable manner and the relationship between our nations has improved. From the results, all's well, is it not ? From today onward, my nation will be in your care, prince revi.

Revi: Ah, although we can only assist you from behind, please leave it to us. However, everything truly ended well. Not to mention, princess Iris' brother has also taken good care of me. Although it's unacceptable to resort to trickery, it was a good social experience.

"Always glad to be of help."

Revi: Since you'll be my brother someday as well, feel free to think of this castle as your home, and come here to play around anytime.

"... ... Your brother ? Why would I become your brother ?"

Revi: ... ... Eh ? No, you're princess Iris' brother, right ?

"... Oh. I feel like there is a misunderstanding here. i'm her brother only by title. I'm more of a playmate and caretaker."

Revi: You're not blood-related ? W- Which... means ? You're not Prince Jadis ? So who the heck are you ? Well, in any case, Princess iris admires you like a brother, so I should also...

"This is my second question, didn't you break your engagement with iris already ?"

Megumin: ... Uhm, I think there are some things you mustn't say, alright ? Everyone decided not to touch on the subject, so why did you have to tell him ?

Revi: T- T- T- That was... J-Just to keep the distance between my nation and Belzerg. I just wanted Princess iris to hate me, so I didn't really mean it... ! Also, I, too, was tricked by the prime Minister, and furthermore, as a sign of our nation's alliance and friendship... ! B- Belzerg and Elroad will forever and ever be friends, so let's also be friends forever.

Kazuma: ... Hey, wait just a second- !!

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