Chapter 101: Long way home

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Aqua: hey, in the end, we really didn't do any real sightseeing or fun things, did we ?

"What part of diplomatic business do you not understand ? And besides, thank Eris you in particular couldn't do anything, with how prone you are to cause disasters. We let you have fun once, and look what you caused."

Aqua: Hey wait a moment you bed-creeper psychopath. If I had some more allowance this trip, I would've been able to enjoy myself much more. After we get back to Axel, increase my allowance ! If you do that then I'll take cooking duty for one day ok ?

"... That's mighty insolent of you to assume i'd have even the slightest interest in you."

Aqua: Oh, really ? You slept next to a beautiful woman like myself, right ? there's no way you didn't have any sexual fantasies !

"... I don't know, Darkness wasn't there just yet."

Aqua: Huh ?!

Darkness: H- HUH ?!

Kazuma: ... Smooth, dude.

Iris: Ahahahaha ! Every day is really fun when you're around, onii-sama. Thank you for accepting this bodyguard request.

"There's nothing to worry about that, so don't think too much about it. The one thing I find weird is that only Iris managed to see through that Doppelganger, despite knowing me for the shortest time... I mean, Darkness was able to see something was off, and Kazuma had some suspicions as well, but still..."

Darkness: H- hey, I saw through it ! I'll admit I was tricked at first, but I confirmed that it wasn't you immediately after that you know ?!

"Yeah, right after you managed to get the Demon General super uncomfortable with your antics. That's an achievement."

Darkness: Ugh...

Iris: Well, I said this to Prince Revi before, but I have confidence in my ability to judge people you see ?

Aqua: ... Hey iris, whenever you admires him by calling him "Onii-sama", your eyes are always clouded, you know ?

"Yes, please listen to the cloudless self-proclaimed Goddess who couldn't even see though the disguise of a demon general."

Aqua: Ngh !

Iris: Heh. Ehehehe... Onii-sama ! Ah, no... Erm, uhm... Thank you for everything, Onii-chan !

Aqua: Ahahahaha ! Ahahahaha ! Hey Kazuma, look at this ! I used the flyers from the shopping street to make that weirdo devil's mask !

Kazuma: Buhahaha ! What the heck is this ? If you didn't tell, I would've never thought that this was made of flyers ! You really are good at this kind of thing !

Aqua: "Fuhahahaha ! The devil that sees through all shall hence announce. Thou, who looks soberly looks upon us beholding an amused expression, who is a lady who possesses large biceps, the digestion of alcohol requires protein. If thou shouldst drink more, then the hard muscles that troubled thee may soften somewhat."

Kazuma: Buhahahaha ! That's just like him !

Darkness: S- Shut up you drunkards ! And Aqua, don't say that I have hard muscles !

"It's the truth though, you can't deny it."

Darkness: Not you too !

"i'm stating a fact. A fact I very much appreciate. And you should be thankful i'm not getting drunk like these kids, or else things would get crazy very fast. And for the last time Megumin, no."

Megumin: Just let me drink already ! I'm already of marriageable age, so why am I still being treated like a child ?!

"Because you are. So stop crying and drink your juice."

Darkness: W- Well even if you ask me, Megumin, it's not a difference of age, but more like, well, a difference of physical maturity or something like that, I guess ? Megumin, uhm, compared to other people, your development is a bit...

Kazuma: Ahyahyahyahyahya ! Good one !!

Megumin: That's not a "Good one" ! Hey, what's so funny, you drunkard ! Hand over the bottle you're holding, please ! Ah, what are you doing with your hand, give it ! Hng, agh, Hiyaaaaahhhhhh ?!

"You know, i'm glad it was just 'Drain Touch', 'cause otherwise the noises could make it very much weirder to hear..."

Aqua: Ahahahahha, ahahahaha ! Good one~ !

Kazuma: Good one~ !

Megumin: This guy !!

"... *sip*. I should ask to be paid for constantly looking after these walking disasters..."

Aqua: Kazuma-san Kazuma-san ! Let's drink all the wine they have in this castle !

Kazuma: Alrighty then, let's fill me upper' then I'll show you all a "Create water" where you don't need to use magic power at all !

Darkness: That friggin scumbag ! How dare you say such a dirty joke !

"That's it, can someone please escort them into their rooms ? I feel like they had one too many drink... or many too many..."

Aqua: hey Kazuma, I had a lot of fun today ! I mean, this is the first time that our hard work and accomplishments have actually been recognized this well !

Kazuma: You got that right ! For whatever reason, when we actually got down and did stuff in the past, we would end up with even more debt or in some sort of crazy situation. Even in the best case all we got was some money or awards or whatever ! Today, I'll enjoy myself to the fullest !

Claire: Well done. I have truly misunderstood you ! What you've achieved this time was far beyond my expectations !

"uhh... Honestly, most of the hard work was done by Iris herself, not me. All I did was pull some strings from the background, that's it."

Claire: Such humility... To be honest, I wouldn't have cared if the funds were completely cut as long as Iris-sama's engagement was called off. With that in mind, for you to manage to get the funding whilst also voiding the engagement, as well as saving Elroad from a desperate situation to get them to owe us a favor is- !

Iris: Claire ! Which is more important, my engagement or the nation's funding ?! If we weren't able to get these funds, then we wouldn't be able to fight against the demon king army, you know ?!

'You finally started to realize that her devotion is more of an obsession, huh ?'

Claire: Of course the matter of your engagement is more important, Lady Iris. As long as you are safe, the demon king army can do whatever they- OWOWOW ! Lady Iris, have you become more violent since returning ?!

"Oh, we all grew a lot from these experiences, and Iris the most."

Claire: E- Either way, it's a job well done. You can have whatever you want for your rewards, just name it.

"... ... ... These are some words you should never have spoken..."

Claire: Hm ?

"For the love of Eris, Claire, don't throw a banquet if you can't hold your drink ! You only had half a cup and you're already wobbling !"

Claire: Uuuh, Y/n-dono, m- my apologies...

'... Why do I get the weird ones... ? Why do I only seem to attract the nutcases ?! First the masochist knight, then the Lolicon noble... ... Am I the issue here ? Then again, Kazuma got Megumin...'

Iris: Onii-sama, what do you plan on doing after this banquet ? Are you going back to Axel so soon ?

"It can't be helped. I've been away from some responsibilities for too long, and some of my collaborators have been struggling to keep up..."

Iris: if you'd like to take a rest, couldn't you do it here ? There are a lot of empty rooms, and you're also in no rush to head home, right ?

"... I guess staying for a bit wouldn't hurt..."

Iris: if it's possible... If it's possible, I'd like to live with everyone...

'Please don't say that out loud, or Kazuma will end up making the decision for everyone-'

"Well Kazuma made the decision for everyone... What were the odds."

Iris: The odds ?

"It's a rethorical question, Iris. The odds were obviously 100% with how desperate Kazuma was to come live in the castle. So, how is my little Dragon Slayer doing ?"

Iris: Onii-sama, please don't call me "Dragon Slayer"... I know that's what the residents of the Capital have all been calling me, but I wish they would switch to another title too...

"Iris: When you accomplish some great deeds that you are proud of, you should wear the titles and acknowledgment you get from them like a prize. It's something you earned by yourself, for yourself after all. And as much as Claire makes me uncomfortable by squealing all over it, her 'I always knew Princess Iris was capable of great deeds' is something I agree with."

Iris: Please don't mind Claire, she had recently come to me quite a few times to hear my heroic dragon slaying tales.

'... I'd mind it less if she didn't constantly come back just to hear "Iris took down the dragon with an incredibly powerful attack" over and over again... I guess her not complaining about Kazuma staying here is a plus... Despite some... Things...'



"You know... All of that is a peculiar feeling... Not a bad one, but definitely odd..."

Kazuma: Develop ? How does accompany us for the daily Explosion gives you that impression ?

"I can't really describe that... But the two of us quite literally taking Megumin and Iris so they can play together... Is that the feeling single dads get at the park meeting other single dads ?"

Kazuma: ... ... Okay, so I'll ask you to stop here. You're making me feel weird as well.

"Right ? Well, replace the park with lines of gathering spots for monsters


Kazuma: I mean that I want to see Megumin as a love interest, not a daughter figure. With your age, I guess you can only see her as a little sister of sort, kinda like Iris.

"I mean... Harsh, but not without a valid point. You think she also sees you as such ?"

Kazuma: ... ... Hey, what do you think of me ?

Megumin: What are you saying so suddenly ? What do you mean what do I think of you ? Have you been a little too bored lately ? All I've seen of you has been unusual behavior. You better stop going with aqua to bush-sculpting in the courtyard. While Aqua's works looked beautiful and were rated highly, Kazuma's dog-bush was strongly disliked.

"... ... Wasn't it supposed to be a bear ?"

Iris: Umm... No matter how bored you feel, I still hope you would refrain from instructing the soldiers in training while Onii-sama teaches them about that "Artillery" thing. I wouldn't have minded if you were skilled, but as it stands, the soldiers are already calling you "The strange guest who pretends to be a teacher despite often losing"...

Kazuma: ... Are you really arming this medieval fantasy army with laser cannons, exoskeletons and satellite bombardment ?

"If Space marines- level of military might is what it takes to defeat the Demon lord, then you better bet I'll provide."

Kazuma: Well, don't mind what I've been doing lately, I was just bored ! No, uhm... Look, there must be plenty more to say about me, such as whether you have feelings for me. Just say how much you like me, I want to hear you say it yourself !

Megumin: Why does it matter ? As I said, I like Kazuma. Why ask this all of the sudden ? What is going on ? Did you hit your head today ? As if you weren't odd enough already, what you've been saying was even stranger.

Iris: ... Onii-sama, your friend has been acting quite disgusting...

"PFFRRRRRR- !! *Ack cough*... S- So sudden... !"

Kazuma: Shh ! Don't say stuff like that, even if you know it's true ! Worry not. i'm a very generous man who would never leave one side out.

"I think that's enough for now. let's get back to the Castle before anyone starts getting murderous intents..."

Megumin: ... Megumin, for some reason I feel furious right now. Why don't we knock some sense into him after our daily explosion ?

"Well, here goes my advice. I'll go get Aqua..."

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