Chapter 99: Gold, mine.

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Aqua: Kazuma-san, Kazuma-san.

Kazuma: Yes yes, I'm Kazuma.

Aqua: You were really col today. You know, I have meant to tell you that for a long time...

"Is there any depths you're not willing to flung yourself into to get your way ?"

Kazuma: No matter how much you praise me i'm not gonna give you an allowance alright ? 'cause if I give you money you'll just mess up our bet... Oh hey, they're here.

???: Hey you lot, do you have a moment ?

"Huh. Two masked men blocking the path. How utterly expected."

Iris: Amazing ! To think that you predicted this !

Kazuma: Right ? It's just as I said, "We'll definitely get ambushed". These people are hired by the casino, you know ?

???: Y- You're wrong ! We're muggers that came after hearing that you won big ! Be obedient and leave the money here, otherwise you're in for a world of pain. Don't worry, your life is s-

"I'm gonna cut you right there. I frankly don't care who you are, who ordered you to be here, or any other question. The only important thing are the names I'm about to give you. So, how may we help you, Mr.Collateral, and Mr.Damage ?"

Collateral damage: *Glups*

Kazuma: Alright, capture these guys and use the lie-detecting ti-ling ti-ling magic tool to collect some evidence ! I mean, if they're backed by the casino, then we can blow this event out of proportion and forcibly "request" the funding !

Darkness: Y- You... Is that why you said we should go through the dark alleyway on our way home ? Ah, that's why you told Aqua to cast support magic, and go to the casino fully equipped...

Collateral: Hey, isn't this looking bad for us , I can't help but feel that we've been tricked, but...

Damage: More importantly, isn't that person over there a Crimson magic clansman ? To add onto that, there are two blonde-haired blue-eyed people. That means that... Oi, they were nobles ! All the nobles are super strong, you know ?!

"Ah, it looks like they're about to run. I don't think we can let you two do that, in the end. I'm truly sorry if I end up tearing you apart in the process, but we have Aqua with resurrection in case of a... Tragic incident."

Collateral: R- Run !! these guys are trouble, they even said that they have resurrection ! These guys are for real, they're really gonna do it ! We can't let them catch us ! RUN ! RUN !

Damage: Wait, don't leave me behind !!

Darkness: ... ... Hey Kazuma, to say "resurrection" and things like that, isn't that a bit too much ? Just saying.

Kazuma: Nope, I figured that if we said that they would get scared. I mean, there's no way I have the guts for... Hey what it is, don't look at me like that. For real, please stop !

Megumin: ... It's not you we're worried about...

"Hey, I'm pretty sure they're still in range... want me to get them back ?"

Kazuma: ... Yeah, I see what you mean...

Kazuma: Incoming~ !

Manager: E- Esteemed customer ? Uhm, due to your immense ability, our business may be forced to close in the near future; We will give you a reward, so please...

"What are you blabbering on about now ? This is a state-run casino, is it not ? There's no way it could go out of business to begin with, no matter how much in the red you get. And for starters, the prince himself told us to 'Go to a casino and relax'. Hey, do you know what this is ? Do you know what a VIP pass even is ?"

Manager: T- The prince ?! N- No way, how could it be...

"Oh, and I'd appreciate if you stopped bothering him, you're distracting him from his bets. So from now on, please address your concerns to me, his agent, instead."

Manager: E- E- E- Esteemed customers... Uhm, actually, the casino is planning to stop operating starting tomorrow. And well, you see, because you are regular customers of ours, I felt the need to inform you...

"What did I tell you about not disturbing him ?"

Kazuma: It's fine. Well, until we reach our desired goal, we'll continue to live here for however many years it takes. However, if the casino stays closed for such a long time, will the country's revenue books be alright ?

Manager: However many years...

"Don't worry about it, Kazuma. The revenue would simply go to the merchant district in that case. Which I now more or less own, thanks to your work."

Kazuma: Heh. Maybe we should really consider buying out the country after all.

Manager: Esteemed customers, I beg you ! Please ! Please no more ! I'm being scolded by my superiors every single day, so please forgive me !

"Hey, if you're only at the stage of being scolded, then things aren't that bad, are they ?"

Kazuma: It's fi-ne, it's fi-ne, the prince said it's fine after all. If you got any complaints, bring it to the prince, alright ?

"... You don't think they'd actually do it, would you ?"

Kazuma: ... Honestly, I'd doubt it.

Revi: i'm begging you, just go home already.

"... Well, looks like you were wrong on that one. Hey, aren't you the one who said we should "Go to the casinos and relax", didn't you ? All we're doing is playing around for a bit, and then we'll go home."

Revi: Wait, if you keep winning like this, then I can't take this as a joke anymore ! With the way it's going, my nation will have practically given you the additional funding !

"... You say that as if it wasn't exactly what we were trying to go for. If the crown can't give us the funding, might as well kill two birds with one stone while having fun. Kazuma ?"

Kazuma: You call yourselves "The great nation of casinos", but you're going to drive the customers that have won big home ? What is that supposed to mean, hm ? All we've done is play around in one of your casinos, so is there a problem ?

Revi: Gu... That is... My nation also has particular circumstances...

Iris: ... Uhm, what do you mean by "particular circumstances" ? Why are you unwilling to tell us ?

Revi: N- No, this is just...

Ragcraft: My nation intends to make a deal with the Demon king's army.

"... ... Kazuma, I feel like my ears just started malfunctioning for some reason..."

Kazuma: I... Don't think that was...

Revi: Ragcraft, you- !

Ragcraft: My nation is currently involved in peace negotiations with the demon king army. Should the demon king army defeat your nation, they have promised to leave my nation alone, on the condition that we cut our support to Belzerg.

Darkness: You bastard, you believe in the words of the demon king army ?! Do you have no shame as a human being ?!

Ragcraft: However, the truth is that Belzerg is unable to overcome the demon king army. As of now, the demon king army and your nation are currently in a stalemate, and the state of the battle is at which no one knows who would win; thus, pledging our neutrality, and removing ourselves from the state of affairs would not be a bad choice to make as a country's leader, is it not ?

"... I... I'm at a loss for words."

Darkness: To think that you would trust the Demon king... ! Listen closely, the Demon King is a terrible existence that kidnaps females- even children- and "Plays" with them for his own amusement ! A terrible existence that kidnaps princesses and female knights, and sexually assaults them with limitless, inexhaustible, and unspeakable methods, such is the demon king !

Ragcraft: D- Don't say such disrespectful things ! No, I mean, where did you hear such rumors ? Actually, I am in charge of the negotiations. From my conversations, I feel that the demon King-sama is a rather open-hearted, and trustworthy member of the demon race...

"Do you even hear yourself talking ?! This is the Demon King you're talking about, the one ravaging the land in his conquests !"

Aqua: Even if you say that, this saying is actually quite famous... On top of that, I've heard that "The demon king is a lolicon", "The demon king is the number one pervert on the continent that likes abnormal play", "The demon king is a homo", and others rumors like that...

Kazuma: I swear, if you make a remark about how the first two made you think of me...

"Hey, I didn't say anything. Although I did think it."

Ragcraft: Who the heck is spreading such baseless rumors ?!

Aqua: These are rumors that are spread by us, the Axis Cult ! My children use their own ways to spread my image of the Demon King, you see ?

"Please tell me the reason the Demon King is attacking humanity isn't because of you nutcases... Well, be it. I guess I should thank you for the dragon reward. Getting money by cleaning up your own property is a nice thing."

Ragcraft: Your... own property ?

"Oh, my. It looks like they haven't reported the news to you just yet, have them ? But yes, that gold mine ? Mine. I bought it off during the first days here. They were pretty glad to get it out, probably wanting to leave the dragon problem to someone else."

Kazuma: Like, for real ?

"I'll admit, I was a bit peppered seeing all those plots of land you bought off, but I guess there was some gold in all that dirt. So if my calculations are correct, I now own roughly a tenth of Elroad's land, and about a quarter of its economy is under direct control of the Winding Corporation. So let's not be salty about the funding, we'll get it sooner or later."

Ragcraft: Th- That will not stand ! You will give it back, by force if necessary !

"Fine by me. As long as you're fine losing a fair share of the food supplying chain for this whole kingdom. let's see how long you can hold."

Ragcraft: You...

"Shhh... Let's not make the kids hear that grown-up conversation."

Iris: Uhm, prince Revi ? I have a good grasp on the situation. The demon king said that, "After Belzerg is defeated, I will attack Elroad next. If you don't want that to happen, then work together with me" or something like that, yes ? That said, if the prince has thought this through, and has come to this decision for the sake of survival, then I will not object.

Iris: Please rest assured. So that the relationship of our nations does not crumble, I will smooth things out with my father... I have faith in my ability to judge people, you know ? During our first meeting, I somehow understood that the Prince does not truly hate me. You were merely conceited. that's the feeling I have.

"Belzerg isn't so weak that the Demon King army could just do as they please."

Iris: So please don't show such a pained expression.

Revi: ... ... It seems that I am called an idiot prince by the world. It seems that people say that I don't care about politics, and that I spend all my time doing nothing but gambling. You there.

"Hm ?"

Revi: Would you like to have one more contest with me ? No tricks this time, alright ? If you are able to win against me... Then I will bet that Belzerg will beat the Demon King !

Ragcraft: P- Prince ?!

"... You're on, your majesty."

Revi: Great. Now... Which side will the coin land on ?

'Well... Things went a bit better than expected... Not only the defense, but even quite a bit of the offense funding obtained... Didn't even need to press them them with economical assets...'

*Knock knock*

Darkness: Hey, are you there ? There's something I want to talk to you about, is now fine ?

"About as fine as any time... Things got wrapped up quite nicely in the end. What do you want ?"

Darkness: Um, I... I want to sleep with you tonight. Uhm, is... that... Fine... ?

"That's it ? Darkness, with what we did before, I didn't expect you to be so flushed over something like that"

Darkness: H- Hah ?! I mean, of course... J- Just, could you close your eyes... ?

"... Haaaah... This will be another of your weird roleplay things, isn't it ? I'll go get what's needed, just wait-"


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