Chapter 98: Iris Septim

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Megumin: Now then, we're about to confront a strong enemy, so why don't we take a break for now ? Iris, I'll teach you about what you need to be aware of when resting in the wilderness. First, do not light a fire in the habitat of brutal monsters, so as to not draw their attention...

Aqua: Kazuma-san, Kazuma-san, can you Tinder this for me ? I want to drink some delicious black tea.

"Pretty sure you're gonna drink some bland hot water if we let you do it."

Kazuma: You brought a tea set with you ? You really can't be helped huh. Make a cup for me, alright ?


Aqua: Waaaah ! Hey, Megumin, what are you doing ? Why did you put out the fire ?!

Megumin: Don't you "What are you doing" me ! If you light a fire in this place, won't you attract monsters ?! Ever since I started lecturing her, you guys... !

"I'm pretty sure if you start yelling so loudly, things will notice us waaay quicker..."

Kazuma: i'm picking up something from my Enemy Detection. Hey, something's coming !

Aqua: It's all because Megumin Shouted so loudly !

"I'll have to agree with her on that one."

Megumin: It's my fault ?! Yes, I totally caused this situation to happen, didn't I ?! I'm so sorry ! I might've apologized, but I'm not satisfied with this, ok ?!


Kazuma: It's coming !!


"... Okay, i'm no expert but... Aren't the golden dragons like, really bad news ?"

Aqua: Guys, we've hit the jackpot ! This is a golden dragon, and amongst all types of dragons, this has the highest sale price ! If you eat its meat you'll jump levels in one go, you can make rare potions from its blood, and you can even make skill-up potions from ingredients made from its parts. You could probably even make highest-quality weapons and gear from its hard scales and horns. It's practically a mountain of treasure !

"Yeah, only this mountain fights back !"

Darkness: Lady Iris ! I will draw the dragon's attention, so please attack it from a safe position ! i'm not good at attacking, so... !

Kazuma: Alright Megumin, begin chanting explosion magic ! Ideally, I don't want you to shatter such a precious dragon with your Explosion Magic, but if Iris has any trouble, don't hesitate to release it ! Aqua, use your magic to support Iris and Darkness ! I will attack it from a distance using my bow !

Megumin: U- U- U- U-, understood... ! W- W- What, it's just a d- d- d- d- dragon, before my Explosion magic, it's not d- d- d- different from a mere lizard... !

"Guess our main DPS is shaking in her boots... I'll charge the shot, So get ready to scramble before I crack it."

Kazuma: Try not to go for the Summoned bone dragon this time ! We don't want something blocking the shot !

Aqua: Hey you skimping NEET, don't just tickle the dragon with your bow and arrows and try to be useful !

Darkness: Come, golden Dragon ! I'll let you witness the power of the Dustiness house who are called the Shield of the Kingdom !

"Charging... Iris, now's the time ! End this !"

Iris: ... Sacred... EXPLODE !!

Citizens: The dragon has been subjugated ! The Golden Dragon in the gold mines has been slain by Belzerg's princess !

Guard: I already heard about it ! I never thought that you would be able to defeat the golden dragon... Please, come on in !

"Yeah, that... Uhh, about that, very sorry for what happened earlier when we stormed in."

Guard: Nothing to report about that ! Uhm, could you please tell me, just a little bit, about how you fought...

"... It ended in one strike, what else was there to expect ?"

Guard: One strike ?! O- One strike... !

Megumin: Iris, don't think that you've already won, alright ?! 'Cause there's no doubt that my Explosion magic would've also defeated that dragon ! I just didn't want to blast this precious dragon to smithereens, so I purposely, pur-pose-ly, let you take the credit for this, alright ?!

"Kazuma, would you mind telling your loli to behave ? This isn't the time, nor the place."

Kazuma: Like she'd even listen to me on that matter...

Iris: I understand. I understand, Megumin-san. So please let me go already.

Megumin: No I won't ! Whatever that "Sacred Explode" thing was, I can't forgive you for giving that skill a name that makes it sound like a high-level version of Explosion magic. Don't you dare use it again !

Iris: Despite the skill's name being "Sacred Explode", it has nothing to do with "Explosion"...

Megumin: How could you possibly say that it's unrelated ?! The name is practically ripped off from Explosion Magic ! Not to mention, the reason behind its massive power is probably because it shares a similar name with Explosion !

Iris: Megumin-san, you're really annoying ! Don't call the special move that's been passed down through my family a "Rip-off" please ! To start with, the special move originates from the sword's name... !

"... How does she want to be treated as a grown-up when she acts like a child..."

Kazuma: That question applies to a lot of grown-ups, I hope you know it...

Revi: Did you really do it ?!

Iris: Yes. Here is the dragon's horn that serves as evidence. Please take a look.

Revi: ... A horn that shines with golden light... There's no doubt that this is the horn of the golden dragon that lives in the mines...

Ragcraft: Please wait.

'And here comes the party-pooper...'

Ragcraft: As expected of the princess who carries the hero's blood. I can't blame the demon king army for being afraid of your clan, I suppose... Oi !

Iris: Uh... ? Th- This is... ?

Ragcraft: This is the reward for the dragon-slaying request. This is an amount that is a fair bit more than the amount we would give to an adventurer. Please take it.

Iris: N- No way... !

Kazuma: Hey, hold on ! We were promised funding for defeating this dragon ! This is far from-

"Not now, Kazuma..."

Revi: W- Wait, Ragcraft ! I think that this is too harsh, but... N- No, I understand. If we give them the increased funding, then a variety of problems will occur. I completely understand that, but to give the dragon-slaying hero such a reward is...

Ragcraft: Prince, I've already explained to you countless times. Originally, it would have been best for us to cut the defense funding entirely, but turning a blind eye to that, granting the attacking funds is something that cannot be done, for the sake of the nation... Lady Iris, I understand your situation. However, we also have our unavoidable circumstances. I hope that you understand.

'... Circumstances... ?'

Revi: Uhm... I'm sorry. We also have various troubles, so we cannot give you the money. that's all there is, please forgive me.

Iris: No way...

Revi: Uhm, how should I say this... Right. Would you like to go to the casino ? Given how serious you are, you probably haven't been to the casinos that are the pride of this nation, right ? At the very least, go there and relax yourselves.

"Prince Revi ? Could I have a quick word with you ? I won't be long, I promise."

Revi: What is it ? Right now, your little sister is...

"I know, and that's about it. My companions have been putting in a lot of effort, and I'd like them to be able to play around to the fullest before going home. Could you give us a pass to the biggest casino with the highest stakes ?

Revi: ... You... Are you serious ? Your little sister is depressed right now, you know ? Actually... No, I was the one who told you guys to go to the casino to relax, so do as you like. However, let me remind you that the petty tricks that you used against me won't work there, alright ? The casinos in this nation aren't that naive. Anyway, since this nation was established on casinos, I wouldn't stop you, but-

"You have my utmost thanks, your majesty."

Iris: ... i'm so useless. I thought that if I worked hard, it would work out... Onii-sama and everyone helped out, and I promised everyone back at home that I would...

Darkness: ... I-

Megumin: Hey, at times like this, should you do something as her Onii-chan ? That girl might be my underling, but I don't like it when she's depressed.

"... Why am I everyone's therapist and parent here... Hey, Iris..."

Iris: ... !

"... You worked harder than anyone else for this whole thing. You even got the title of 'Dragon-slayer' now. You're a hero, and anyone trying to blame you for the results you obtained is dead wrong. So, from now on... just leave the rest to me."

Aqua: ... Hey, those are the "headpat" and "dumb smile" techniques, you know ? To be specific that man is using the legendary skill where, by patting the head of a girl, and showing her a smile, he can make her fall in love with him.

"Would you mind leaning to read the mood a bit from time to time, seriously... But it's okay. Kazuma... It's time to drain them dry."

Kazuma: Ohhh, now you're speaking something interesting.

Darkness: You... After you said something cool like that, I was expecting something good, but in the end, it's this again ?!

"Darkness. Do you think I got where I am today making bad, reckless decisions ? If we're here today, it's because this plan is by far the most likely to be successful."

Darkness: What part of it even suggests that ! Gambling money to earn money, especially when we need it the most, is obviously wrong, right ?! i'm sorry lady Iris, I was a fool to have trusted that man...

iris: No, Lalatina, I think that this is a good idea.

Darkness: L- lady Iris ?! Lady Iris, please think it through again. You staked your life in order to obtain the dragon's bounty and the price for its parts. Although it's still far and away from the additional funds we desired from Elroad, compared to our former, desperate situation, this is... !

Iris: And it's thank to Onii-sama's decisions we managed to get out of it. Lalatina, the archpriest of the Axis cult, Aqua-sama, once said that "Since it's pointless anyway, go ahead and try it. If you fail, then just run away."

Darkness: Lady Iris, those beliefs are wrong ! You can't allow yourself to be polluted by the Axis cult !

Kazuma: Iris, don't become a hard-headed girl like her, alright ? This is a casino. Casinos are places where you go to have fun.

Darkness: You imbecile, what do you mean by hard-headed girl !

"Iris, if you don't have fun during contests, then there's no point in these to begin with. And at times like these, there is but one phrase you need to remember, taught by someone with even greater luck than us... So...

Chris: Let's do it !

Kazuma: Let's do it !

"Let's do it !"

Aqua: Ahahahaha ! We won ! We've won again ! Because Kazuma-san has terrific luck ! As long as we're in a casino, I will follow you for the rest of my life !

"Then stop putting your chips on the same spot, what if your rock-bottom luck taints the good fortune ? Darkness, more coffee !"

Darkness: Y- yes, immediately !

Kazuma: I feel good. Are things smooth enough ?

"More than enough. I didn't even have to... Spice things up yet. Keep this up."

Croupier: ... ... Uhm, esteemed customers...

Kazuma: Hm ? What's up ? You can't tell us that "You can't gamble anymore", alright ? After all, when a customer starts losing enormously, it's not like you'd tell them to stop gambling, right ?

"Well, fine. We wanted to make things slow, but since our presence here isn't wanted, we'll take everything and then leave. If I remember correctly, you gets exponentially more gains if you guess the number instead of the color, right ?"

Manager: Esteemed customers ! P- P- Please don't gamble anym- !

Kazuma: Your turn to work your magic, man.

"Hmph. Hey. Do you know what these two pendants are, and what they mean ?"

Manager: Huh ? T- That is... ?! The insignia of the two great noble families of the neighboring nation, house Dustiness and house Shinfornea ?!

"Precisely. We are here for a diplomatic mission on their behalf. But I guess I forgot to introduce ourselves. Names aren't that important at the moment, but we respectively are president and vice-president of the Windings trading group, i'm sure you've heard of that."

Kazuma: Man, it's almost too easy making this our win. You must know that if you don't allow us to gamble anymore, then there'll be some foreign affairs problem, and a very angry corporation after you, you know ? Black-6, with everything.

Manager: Guh- !

"Good. Glad we could come to an understanding. Now if you excuse us-"

Aqua: I'll put it here as well ok ?!

"What ?!"

Kazuma: You little- ! We told you not to put anything ! This isn't a game, ok ?!

Aqua: Why can't I gamble as well you stingy shut-in NEETS ! I've had nothing but losses recently, so let me earn a little back...

Croupier: Red-5...


Aqua: WAAAH- !! My little savings, it's all gone !!


Kazuma: ... Huh ?

Croupier: W- What ?! How did that... Th- The ball went over the edge and landed on Black-6 ?! How did it happen ?!

Kazuma: ... 'You can't hide it from me. That was a risky move.'

'Still better than letting this one waste everything' darkness, take her away from the table ! She already started polluting Kazuma's luck !"

Aqua: What ?! Hey darkness, I beg you ! If I don't earn a lot of money here then I won't be able to buy a gift for Emperor Zel ! i'll pay you back when I win, so let me borrow some !

Darkness: I'll buy the gift, so come over here ! The future of my nation is at stake, you know ?!

"Phew... That's one public danger out. Now you work your magic, Kazuma."

Kazuma: You got it. Let's do this !

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