Chapter 97: Oni-sama

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Iris: Onii-sama, thank god you're safe ! When I heard that everyone was arrested, I thought that there might be no choice but for me to break through the prison, even if it means starting a war.

"It's fine, Iris. Nothing to worry about. I know I shouldn't have stormed out so early without a word, but all they did was take them in for a few hours."

Kazuma: yeah, we weren't mistreated at all-

"Who gave you authorization to talk ? But yeah, all I was needed for was pay to bail them out after they were done holding their ears."

Kazuma: Is that why you summoned your soldiers thing just to drag us by the ears all the way ?!

"You troublesome kids never learn."

Iris: Well then, why were they arrested ? The hotel employees told me about that they were arrested, but never told me why...

"Ah, yes, that matter... well, I know enough about the exact reason they were arrested, however... I can't help but think you had something veeeeery nasty in mind when you did it, so why don't you tell me everything now, hmm~ ?"



Iris: O- Oni-sama, please... ?

"*Sip*. Sooo... Explanations. Now."

Darkness: I- iris-sama... ? Uhm, please forgive me for acting on my own with kazuma. However, we had good intentions...

Iris: ... -Thetic...

Darkness: Iris-sama ?

Iris: ... Pathetic.

Darkness: .. ... I- I'm very sorry, Iris-sama ! This incident is a result of my lack of virtue ! Please...

Iris: I said that i'm pathetic. I didn't do much during our negotiations, and left most of it to Onii-sama... And then when my request for additional funds was rejected, all I did was hole up in my room and sulk. Even though I haven't do anything... While I was busy sulking, Lalatina and Onii-sama's friends exerted themselves and tried their best, even though that it was I that was supposed to do...

Iris: ... Dustiness Ford Lalatina, I will now go visit the castle. Please come with me.

Darkness: I- Iris-sama ?

Iris: From there, I will appeal to Prince Revi for additional funds. Yes, in the name of the descendants of the hero, Belzerg, I will do whatever it takes, and whatever I must to complete this task !

Darkness: As expected of Iris-sama ! I, Lalatina, will protect you regardless of what happens !!

"My my, I'd like to know where did iris go, and who is this dignified ruler we're following."

Darkness: Oi Kazuma, how do you like today's Iris-sama ! Ah, to see the gallant appearance of the master that I serve... As a noble that protects my nation, nothing could make me happier !

"Careful there Lalatina. Your Loli-Claire is showing."

Kazuma: It's true that today's iris is really cool, but your depraved condition is completely canceling it out. If you still consider yourself a follower, then please act a bit sharper.

"That too, yes... But rather, what could be Iris planning ? I'm a bit worried with her 'Whatever it takes' kind of resolve there... She wouldn't just storm the castle, would she ?"

Darkness: What are you saying, you imbecile ?! Lady Iris would never do such a thing ! ... if we're talking about "Whatever it takes", there are a few ways. Rather, when Belzerg was first established, and when there wasn't enough money, there was something that they would often do...

Guard: What are you here for, princess Iris ? The prince has commanded that "From henceforth, princess iris and her subjects are not to be allowed into the castle", so please-



"... I was almost relieved hearing you, and now I almost sympathize with prince Revi, having to deal with a bunch of barbarians..."

"Add 4, put the 2, multiply..."

Kazuma: Don't bother keeping up the count. Past 30 bodies, we won't get out of here with an apology anyway...

Revi: Y- Y- Y- You realize what the consequences of doing this are, right ?!

"... Once more, I feel like we weren't needed anyway..."

Darkness: S- Shut up, be quiet ! We're just getting to the good part !

Aqua: ... Hey Kazuma, I'm starting to get worried about Emperor Zel, so I want to go home. I'm sure that that child is crying now because it can't see me.

Kazuma: i'm pretty sure it forgot about you after taking three steps, so don't stress about it, ok ? You stay here.

Revi: O- Oi, are you listening, you country bumpkin ?! Since you've done such a thing, you're basically asking for a war between our nations aren't you ?! The other nations that support you will not stay silent, you know ?! This is a huge foreign affairs prob- !

Iris: Prince Revi !

Revi: Eep- !

Iris: I'm only here to have a discussion with you. I apologize for my violent behavior, but as you have said so yourself, my nation is a barbaric one. This is something that is done by an impolite country-bumpkin like myself, so would you please turn a blind eye towards it ?

Revi: Wh-... As if I would excuse such an idiotic... !

Megumin: ... ... If you refuse to excuse it, then... With my Explosion magic and Iris' sword, we will destroy this nation...

Revi: W- W- What did you say ?!

Iris: Megumin-san, please don't interrupt and say such superfluous things ! That is not my intention !

"Way to go and try to steal the thunder, Megumin; Stand back."

Revi: Then what do you want from me ?! If you want to ask for additional funds, even if you threaten me... !

Iris: During the establishment of my nation, Belzerg, this is something that the royal family would often do when we didn't have enough funds... please tell me about the strongest, most harmful monster in this nation. I, Belzerg Stylish Sword Iris, will eradicate it without fail !


Kazuma: Quit being noisy and shut it ! Our opponent can actually be called an opponent this time around ! So even if it's someone like you, we still need you around !

"Honestly, when was the last time we had to take care of something like that by ourselves... But seriously, a-"

Revi: You say that you will eradicate the most harmful monster to this nation , The strongest, mightiest monster ? Don't joke around ! I know how strong you are, but isn't it obvious that it's impossible ?!

Iris: It's not a problem if I can't do it, is it ? I have decided to go defeat this monster on my own, so it's not a problem even if I die in the process; I will leave a message before I go, so...

"You will do no such thing. Simply because you will certainly not be alone on this one"

Kazuma: Hey, don't we have a say in this- Hmmmngg !!

"As you can see, we're thrilled to put down whatever it is."

Revi: That's not what i'm talking about ! Even if it's someone like you, since we've held a few conversations before, it would leave a bad taste in my mouth if you die ! Don't go and commit suicide !

Megumin: Fu, what is there to be afraid of ? It might be hard for Iris to face such a powerful monster on her own, but I, Axel's number one greatest magician, am here as well. Now Iris, let's go and rout the monster that harms this nation, shall we ?

Revi: You... I'm saying this because you guys have no idea what you're heading into ! Listen, in any case, the ones that brings the greatest amount of damage is the monster living in the gold mine. However, that is-

Ragcraft: Please wait. Prince Revi, why don't you let them try ? They have stated their desire to do so themselves. Furthermore, if "That" living in the gold mine is eradicated, then we'll profit from it. Certainly, we must stop the unskilled adventurers and knights from stimulating it, but Lady Iris is a member of the Belzerg family that inherits the hero's blood through her veins; In any case, it seems that she will not back down so easily.

Revi: ... Do whatever you like !!

Aqua: isn't trying to subjugate a dragon stupid ? Hey, it is stupid, right ? Are you all stupid ?

"That's insulting coming from you."

Kazuma: Shut up and let it go already. There's no other way, you see ? Also, isn't it about time we got the achievement of being "Dragon slayers" as well ? I mean, we've already fought against Demon King army generals and an evil god, so at this point a dragon, isn't really that much is it ?

"To be fair, you're already raising a dragon as a pet, aren't you ? And since I already bested Emperor Zel in one-on-one combat, so we should be fine"

Aqua: You did what ?!

Kazuma: True, that match was something to remember... When you hit him with that Piledriver...

Aqua: AAAAAHH ?! Besides, don't you dare compare my clever child, Emperor Zel, to the likes of the dragon here. That child is very smart, so it won't attack people, you know ? And I mean, a wild dragon is basically a retarded lizard, right ?

"Once more, coming from you, that's really rich."

Iris: Aqua-sama, I will protect everyone, so I will need your help in turn; Since the opponent is a dragon, without your support magic, I think it will be rather tough...

Aqua: ... Geez, I guess it can't be helped then. I will help you out, so when you grow up and become the queen someday, make the Axis church the state religion, please.

Kazuma: Who would allow such a chaotic thing ?! Rather, think of it as a blessing if the Axis Cult isn't completely destroyed instead !

Iris: Hehe... Ah, don't misunderstand ! I've always dreamed of doing adventurer-like things like this, and I was just really happy that we're like an adventurer party right now...

Megumin: Fufu. Geez, we're not playing around, you know ? As a sheltered princess, you can't be so simple and naive... Alright, since you are my underling, I will teach you the basics of being an adventurer.

Iris: Yes, please take care of me !

Megumin: Hmph. Iris, please look at that. The branches of that tree are broken, right ? there's a high chance that a monster did that not too long ago.

Kazuma: No, my "Enemy Detection" skill isn't picking anything up, so there probably aren't any around.

Megumin: ... ... Iris, do you know what is the most important thing for adventurers to have ? Yes, it's water. Amongst all dangers, the situation you'd want to avoid the most is the "lack of water". Thus, there are times where you should try to save the water you've brought...

Aqua: Please leave your water problems to us ! Kazuma-san and I can use "Create Water", so please drink to your heart's content !

Megumin: ... ... ... Ah, Iris, there ! This is a rather large chasm right there. We need to tread carefully around it, so-


"Big rock in big hole. Anything else ?"

Megumin: ... ... ... ... Kh !

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