Chapter 103: Hostage

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Iris: It's been a while since Onii-sama came to my room. Make yourself comfortable, I'll go fetch Claire's dessert.

"Wasn't the last time when you and Kazuma switched place with that magic item... Speaking of, I've been keeping a close eye on it. So, what kind of game did you want to play ? Kazuma brought back some of these cards from Elroad, so..."

Iris: Wait, let's not play games tonight. Since we rarely have some time alone, I want to hear onii-sama's stories.

"... And so she kept on charging every single day, on her own to take down the hydra, all so she could clear out the massive debt the landlord pushed on her family and free us of possible repercussions. As for what happened after it was defeated, well.. That is a story for another time."

Iris: Wait, Onii-sama is going back tomorrow, who knows when next time will be ! What really happened, please tell me at least the beginning !

"... Just the beginning, all right ? All of it is a story of demons and gods, where either parties in place could be considered monsters in their own right, letting the worse of humanity transpire.."

Iris: Wait, this beginning is too interesting to leave the rest for next time ! What did that landlord do ?! I can't sleep without knowing this !

"Hmm... To describe something of the likes... To summarize the gist, I guess you could say he got his just desserts for his infamous acts."

Iris: Wasn't that landlord the one named Alderp ? I heard he disappeared one night without leaving a trace...

"Sharp as ever, just as expected of... This ?"

Iris: Oh, this... ? Umm... Big boss... I mean, Megumin taught me how to make it; Dhe says it's a traditional crimson demon lucky charm. Since Onii-sama often winds up in dangerous situations, I thought I might try and make one... After Onii-sama goes back, I won't be able to continue adventure anymore... So please, at least take the charm with you...

"... Then I will take your gift with me on my travels from now on. That way, you will still be there. But speaking of... I got a bit carried with stories, so it got a bit late. I shall head to bed."

Iris: ... Don't.

"Hm ? Are you worried about me ? Please don't. Be it Claire or some guards, I don't think anyone cans top me, and you know it. i'll be back eventually-"

Iris: I forbid ! "Visiting occasionally" is not enough. I know I said that you could take the charm along in my stead, but I still rather go myself. I still want to adventure together with Onii-sama, experience all the world has to offer ! Please keep teaching me all sorts of things ! In the twelve years I've lived in this castle, the short time I've adventured with Onii-sama felt infinitely more accomplishing and wonderful; please don't leave me. Together, we...

"... ... And here I wondered if being a "Dragon slayer" overrode being a child at heart."

Iris: E- Excuse me, I got headstrong again... I couldn't help but turn childish whenever I'm with Onii-sama. i'm still very much the princess of a nation; I have an obligation to protect the people.

"... At only twelve, acting like a child is something normal, princess or not. When there is something you want, you should voice it to those around you, even if you want to let the country before you."

Iris: Onii-sama, please don't spoil me so. If we kept living together, I'm afraid I'd say something far more willful than wanting you to stay longer.

'... Red flag... ?'

Iris: until the day Onii-sama defeats the demon king, I promise I won't act cutesy or headstrong. So... So, for only tonight, please spoil me jut a little.

'Red flag red flag red flag !!'

Iris: Onii sama... No... Onii-chan...

'... Crimson...'

iris: I like you so much... !

" 'And so, I am currently held hostage by the princess tugging at my heartstrings to make me stay longer at he castle... I beg of you, please come and save me, this isn't something I can do on my own...'..."

Heidel: Windings-sama, may I ask what you are mumbling about ?

"O- Oh Heidel, I didn't see you there. Nothing important, just sending out a letter to my friends in Axel, telling them that I'm doing okay... After a week of staying at the castle on my own..."

Heidel: I was under the impression they had been rather understanding of your situation...

"if you're referring to Kazuma's letters that I had to open facing away from me out of fear of them imploding... I never expected him to actually ask for that cursed paper they sell at Wiz's shop..."

Heidel: There was also some letters that came in soaked in water...

"Yes, and I can't tell who sent them between Aqua or Kazuma... ... I need a good reason to take my leave without hurting Iris' feelings... Anything would-"

*knock knock*

Claire: Y/n-dono, do you have a second to talk ?

"... ... Ask for providence and you shall receive. Claire, what a pleasant surprise. How may I help you today ?"

Claire: How you could help ? What a great question. I think we both know exactly why i'm here. You do know what people here in the castle think of you, right ?

"In good terms, I hope. I do not often listen to the rumors, furthermore if they concern me."

Claire: ... ... ... ...
"... Heidel, could you please leave us ? I have a feeling that this is something of a private conversation."

Heidel: of course sir.

"... ... ... So, what will it-"

Claire: I beg of you, please go back to Axel ! Not only is Lady Iris only talking about you now, even the nobles of the Capital are thinking way too highly of you !

"... If only I could ! Do you think I never examined the option to just run away ?! But anything I even come close to the subject, Iri's eyes start glistening with tears ! I can't bring myself to..."

Rain: Long time no see, Y/n-dono... In this awkward situation ? Why are you crying in each other's arms ?

"Allow us to share our common grief at the situation, please !"

Rain: Uhm... I know how hard Y/n-dono worked to help Princess Iris over in Elroad, how you stayed to tell princess Iris stories every night, and how Her Highness has consequently become quite extroverted and joyful...

Claire: I- Indeed, she looks very happy everyday, and I have you to thank for that. We couldn't imagine how restless Princess Iris must have been in secret as someone who is so young yet lives in a castle that could be under siege from the Demon King's army at any moment.

"Well, if you have any suggestion that would allow me to leave without activating the waterworks, i'm all ears..."

Rain: ... Lady Claire, isn't it a bit too much to request that , Unlike his friend kazuma-dono, there was not any ill rumors about him...

*Knock knock*

Iris: Sup, Onii-chan ? Staying in this late ain't good, yanno ? The weather's lit AF today, so let's grab some bentos for a picnic !

Claire: ... ... ...

"... ... ... Who let her read Aqua's joke letters ?!"

Claire: He ran that way !! Get him !!

"For the last time, I am not the one who taught her that !!"

Claire: Don't underestimate him because he's only one person ! He has defeated numerous demon generals and high-bounty criminals, Eris knows what he has up his sleeve !

"... My second time being chased in a mansion by a blonde noble lady..."

Knights: Windings sir, we cannot let you proceed ! Please stop resisting and just follow...

"I would gladly if she wasn't trying to cut me open ! This has nothing against you, but I will politely decline !"


Knights: he slipped through ?! When did he move ?!

Claire: Y/n-dono ! The flash of light... And white hair... ? For goodness sake, how could I been so blind...

"Hey, you better not be thinking about lumping me together with that silver-haired thief. May I remind you I was amongst those who cleaned up your mess after you failed to catch them ?"

Claire: ... That may be true... But I read some letters that your archwizard friend had directed towards Lady Iris... Mentioning two silver-haired individuals... Y/n-dono... I also regret having to bid farewell in this manner. That aside, I must thank you for one more thing. Thank you for protecting Princess iris from the dangerous divine item.

"Hold on hold on for just a second. I think you've misread the situation right there. What you want me to do, is leave the castle, correct ? And please be upfront, no sugar-coating it."

Claire: ... yes, that is what I would ask you to do.

"That's what I want to do. But every time, Iris would ask me to stay 'Just a bit longer' with tears in her eyes."

Claire: Oh... E- Even so... For you to keep that dangerous divine relic is not acceptable ! So I will ask you to give it back.

"You just want it because it belonged to Iris and on the off chance it could still be working. Loliclaire-"

Claire: I- If you were to refuse, I'm afraid we'll have to retaliate by publicizing your secret identity; This will be necessary despite inevitably upsetting Princess Iris. If you wish to remain anonymous, obey and-

"I don't think you actually want to do that. If you personally attack me, then you can expect dire consequences."

Claire: W- What ?

"... Winding company now owns the entirety of the trade routes going in and out of the Capital. A single word from me and nothing will ever come in again."

Claire: Y- You wouldn't !!

"I'd hate to do it. But you're being a rightful idiot right now, and people like you only learn through trial and error. Now please lower your weapon, call out your guards, and lets resolve this situation like civilized beings. If not, then I shall show you what it takes to handle a bunch of misfits and troublemakers like these guys..."

Claire: Eh ?! W- Wait ! Hold it Y/n-dono, despite everything, i'm still a noble-woman ! You wouldn't do... Anything too extreme in public... Would you ?

"... Ask Kazuma or Darkness. they'll both tell you the same thing... That my sense of morals became inversely proportional to my wealth."

Claire: RETREAT !!

"N- now, no need to go that far ! As I said, let's make this end well-"

Knights: CHARGE !!

'I should apologize to Darkness when I come home...'


Claire: I am terribly sorry for what has transpired !!

"Hm. It's fine. Being an adventurer means not being stranger to concussions. Though the blame lies mostly to your soldiers."

Rain: You mean the ones who-

"Yes, I mean the ones currently patrolling the sewers. Seriously, am I that terrifying to deal with ? Don't bother answering, I know it's a yes."

Claire: Indeed. Not only combat-wise, but your limitless wealth, means of pressure and... Limitless moral sense...

"Thankfully for you, being in this kind of business means being rather forgiving, so I'll let bygones be bygones. And that gave us quite the opportunity to explain my departure, didn't it ?"

Claire: Huh ? I- I suppose it does...

Iris: O- Onii-chan... Are you really leaving... ?

"i'm afraid so. Things have been thrown into disarray, and that incident is just showing everyone is on edge. So it's better if I leave for a bit. Don't worry, I'll make sure to come back later."

Iris: Y- You better !

"But you need to promise me to never use the vocabulary you saw in Aqua's letters."

Claire: Before you go... Whenever you get the chance, please give this to Kazuma.

"... And this is-"

Rain: Teleport !

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