Chapter 107: Durian quest

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Kazuma: ... I honestly have no idea what is happening right now...

"Just go with the flow. This right here is a peaceful, no-stress situation, so might as well enjoy it while it lasts."

Megumin: ... Huh, Kazuma, you're up ? Are you here for breakfast ?

Kazuma: I've been here for a while, didn't you notice me ?!

Komekko: Onee-chan Onee-chan, your boyfriend is finally here. Can we got to the guild now ?

Megumin: K- Komekko ! Uh... Could you stop calling him "Onee-chan's boyfriend" ?!

"The guild huh ? Been a while since I visited, I guess it wouldn't do harm."

Aqua: Right, so Komekko wants to go there ? Since you're interested, why not let this famous Onee-san take you there ?

Darkness: That's right. I had returned here to start from zero, to keep doing quests. Taking Komekko along with me while we look for suitable quests isn't a bad idea. By the way, why would you want to go there anyway ? That's no place for fooling around.

Komekko: ... I want to visit the guild to see how strong Onee-chan is.

'... ... Awwwwwww...'

Megumin: H- Huh... Hummmm...

Komekko: In her recent letters, Onee-chan told me that she is well-respected within the guild. People would often compliment her and bow own at the mere sight of her.

"... ... i'm gonna pre-heat the popcorn~."

Kazuma: ... Hey.

Megumin: Gh- ! K- Komekko, why don't you go play in the yard ? You can meet Emperor Zel in the pen there. Besides, it must've been a while since you last played with Chomusuke, right ? So take her with you and go feed Emperor Zel.

Komekko: Understood ! I'll feed it 'till it's super fat !

Kazuma: ... ... Hey.

Megumin: It's not what it looks like. Let me explain, this matter has deep history... That's right, it dates back to when I first left the Crimson Village...

"That's... Nothing earth-shattering to speak of. You were just boasting and posturing in the letters you sent to your family. Nothing to write home about."

Kazuma: Uuuuuurg...

Megumin: I wish I had another way. Should my parents become too worried, they might come take me back, that'd be terrible news. Plus, without me, wouldn't Kazuma also be distraught ?

Kazuma: No, uh... Eh ? If Megumin gets taken away... ?

Megumin: Oi.

Aqua: I'd very much be distraught if Megumin left ! Because that way, I'd have to remake the chore distribution charts and do even more work ! On top of that, I'd have one less friend to play with !

"You're single-handedly making my construction and landscaper business successful, so you better stay here and keep hurling these explosions around."

Megumin: Urk- !

Darkness: L- Let's put that aside for now. You'd better tell Komekko the truth first. Since you can't hide it forever, confessing sooner than later could save you a lot of trouble.

Megumin: B- But my pride as an older sister... ! No, Darkness is right. Originally, I only wanted to lie about my conditions to keep my parents calm... At first, I wrote the letters sincerely, but my mother was still too overprotective... After all, since we live in a mansion now, boasting about being a frontline hero is redundant. There's no reason to take me home either at this point. I'd better come clean with Komekko.

Megumin: Komekko... I have some serious matters to discuss with you.

Komekko: ... ... Could the tub of pudding Onee-chan promised to give me... Be a ruse ?!

Megumin: It's nothing insignificant like that, the pudding isn't a trick ! I'm here to tell you something far more important ! Komekko... You remember how I claimed in my letters that we were the strongest party in Axel, right ?

Komekko: Mhm, that Onee-chan is a super-duper mage that can kill any monster in a single hit and she's well-respected by other adventurers because of it...

Megumin: Right. About that...

Komekko: And the blonde onee-san never backs down before any monster, she's a reliable crusader who can withstand any attack. The blue-haired onee-san is a priest that never loses to any undead or devils, she can even revive dead people like a Goddess !

Megumin: H- Huh...

Komekko: Onee-chan's boyfriend is a very lucky and smart man, he killed many strong enemies. Even though he often complains, he still stands up for his friends when they're in danger. Very gentle.

"... So love does make you blind after all..."

Kazuma: Will you shut up, man...

Megumin: Komekko, you didn't have to say everything ! The truth behind these descriptions...

"Is that I do not regret that you kept her quiet before she got to my part. Blablabla billionaire, psychopath yadda yadda... Heard it all already..."

Komekko: Actually, Onee-chan sais that you were a ruthless fighter with firepower to rival her own... But also always the first one to fly and help when they need it...

"... ... Okay, forgiven."

Aqua: As expected of Megumin, at least acknowledging that I'm like a goddess, even though I am one. It's fine Komekko, your sister ain't lying.

Darkness: Er, hmm. While I'm surprised at how Megumin sees me, those aren't realy lies. Hehe... A reliable... Crusader, huh...

Megumin: Wh- What happened to you two ?! D- Don't get the wrong idea, Komekko, what I wrote in the letters were all-

Kazuma: Completely true.

Megumin: You guys just had to mess up this matter even more. I was already prepared to be despised by her when I confessed...

Kazuma: Relax, you. I really don't think what you had told Komekko was that inaccurate. While it was indeed exaggerated, they were true for the most part.

"Hi, I'm the most part."

Kazuma: No, you shut up.

Darkness: That's right, they were exaggerated just a tiny bit. Besides, many things can't be explained clearly in letters, so those mistakes aren't even your fault.

Komekko: Blonde Onee-san, are you really super strong ? Sturdy anough to withstand Explosion magic ? Too powerful for even devils to possess ?

Darkness: Mhmm, those are indeed true. Hmm, er... Man, did Megumin include even these details... ? Needless to say, they're still true.

Komekko: So great !

Aqua: So, what about me ? Why not talk about me a little ?

"... Damn desperate for compliments..."

Kazuma: You don't say... Okay, please make them wait for a little bit... I need to take care of something...

Megumin: I have something to say !!

Kazuma: Everyone, listen, we have a request for you all !!

Kazuma: ... And that's about it. So, you just have to cooperate. We aren't sure about the reward yet, but at least for the time Megumin's sister is around, I'll pay for all your drinks. I know what I'm asking for is stupid, but... You have my sincerest gratitude should you accept...

Megumin: K- Kazuma... ! You didn't have to go this far for me. I should better tell Komekko the truth. Compared to keeping her Onee-chan's dignity, not troubling Kazuma is more important. Everyone, please forget what he just said. Sorry for dragging you all into this mess.

Papyrus: Please do not worry ! I, the Great Papyrus, will do anything to help a friend in need ! You are a great adventurer, and should be treated as such !!

Undyne: That's true, kiddo. You did defeat powerful Demon Generals multiple times. that's not even an exaggeration. Speaking respectfully about your little girlfriend ? Piece of cake. Hey, even we did earn quite the sum fighting alongside you lot.

Megumin: Uh... Thank you all very much. However, I still can't fathom everyone lying for the sake of my petty dignity. So, while I understand your good intentions...


Aqua: And here is the Axel Adventurer's guild ! Sure, this might be a beginner's town and everyone here are low-leveled, but it doesn't lack in gentlemen who would eat and drink with you for just hanging around !

Komekko: But Onee-chan said that this city was filled with powerful adventurers ! She said they faced off against Demon General Beldia, the Mobile Fortress Destroyer and the Kowloon Hydra without faltering. They're super courageous, and super handsome !

Adventurers: ... ... ... ...

Megumin: Uhhhhhh... ... ...

"... ... Oh, old friends. HOW ARE YA DOING ?"


Chara: HBFRRRRRR !! You trashbag !!

"Billionaire trashbag, please. Get it right before I buy you out."


Komekko: So cool !

Frisk: R- Really ? Perhaps. Adventurers from other cities would have abandoned post instantly. We may be strong, but your sister is much more powerful !

Papyrus: Mhm, ever though we're low-leveled, our passion for adventuring surpasses that of any city ! But of course, we're still no match for the great Megumin-san !

Komekko: So cool !

Megumin: Hey ?!

Adventurer: Megumin-san was being honest, lil' girl. The adventurers of this city are all very brave. The ones like me had charged directly at that bastard Beldia's face only to be slaughtered by him. Hehe, while it was for the good of the city, back then I could've used a little more finesse... Although, courage wise, i'm still no match for Megumin-san, who had faced off Beldia one-on-one...

Adventurer: When I first heard that the Mobile Fortress destroyer, having laid waste to numerous nations, was coming to Axel, I shuddered in fear; But then, I decided that I must protect the city that nurtured me for so long. Of course, that machine was also blown up by Megumin-san's Explosion Magic; By the way, it was from that battle that I got this scar on my head...

Adventurer: I remember the fight with the Kowloon Hydra. It was a tough one... It was supposed to be a match for only the royal knights, yet because the Capital had been busy dealing with the demon army, they couldn't find time. Alas, we had to take care of it ourselves. Was I afraid, you might ask ? Ha, I unfortunately don't remember what fear is. And the Hydra ? It was terminated by none other than Megumin-san !

Komekko: Onee-chan and everyone here are all so great !!

Megumin: ... ... Demonic little sister...

Cook: Come on, little one. Have a taste of Axel's specialty, roasted shrimps !

Waitress: Idiot, little kids obviously love hamburgers way more ! Here try this shrimp hamburger !

Komekko: I'll take both !! Nom nom nom !

Megumin: ...' How terrifying. i'm truly worried about her future. It'd be a real problem once she starts exploiting men for her own benefits.'

Kazuma: 'Being the older sister, you're also pretty skilled at making waste out of men. See, on the rare occasion things get steamy, you would kill the mood...' Owowowowowow !

"I do think we have quite a few masters of manipulation on our hands..."

Aqua: What is that supposed to mean ?

"Wouldn't you like to know, pyramid-scheme girl ?"

Luna: Um, excuse me... please have this...

"Huh ? What is... A subjugation quest... ? 'Lucy the Spectre'... ? Why do I feel like I heard of that before ?"

Kazuma: I think I did too... The adventurers here usually refer to it as the "Durian quest", because nobody would touch it even with a ten-foot pole. So the quest fell into neglect.

Aqua: Kazuma Kazuma, I have an ominous feeling. We'll definitely end up being forced to take this hairy quest.

"For once, I agree... This smells bad, and not just because of the nickname..."

Luna: You are Komekko, yes ? I have ice cream for dessert here, so could you listen to Onee-san for a while in exchange ?

Komekko: Sure !

Luna: There was a priest called Lucy who had, due to circumstances, become a monster known as a spectre... To this day, she still spends her days in anxiety near the ruins of what used to be her church. Komekko, don't you feel bad for her ?

Komekko: I do.

Luna: Komekko thinks so, too ? But worry not, for our powerful adventurers will certainly finish the quest with little effort !

Everyone: What ?!

Kazuma: H- Hey, Luna-san, what are you talking about...

Luna: You guys will finish it, right ?

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