Chapter 108: Exorcist needed

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

*Lucy the Spectre.
In the mountains near Axel are the ruins of an old church, belonging to neither the Axis cult nor Eris church... No one really knows which God the small cult followed, rumors say that Lucy was the last of their kind. And since in this world a God's power is proportional to the faith of their believers, that implies that if a God loses all their believers in the mortal world, they will vanish as they're stripped of power.*

"... ... ... ..."

Kazuma: No, you can't just nuke Arcanletia to make Aqua disappear.

Aqua: Wh- What ?!

*The devoted cultist Lucy didn't want the God she follows to disappear, so she chose to continue praying for them even after death. And because she kept praying even as a spectre, the virtuous disciples were touched by her ardent faith and are reluctant to let her pass on.*

"And on top of that, Lucy's an ex-crusader, so she got high resistance to holy magic despite being an undead... So we'd need an extremely powerful archpriest or something of that caliber... Priests in Axel are as corrupt as one can be..."

Adventurers: What about the Axis followers ? They should be happy to send Lucy to the afterlife, right ?

Megumin: ... ... G- Guys...

Aqua: ... Huh ? Hey, why is everyone looking at me now ?!

Darkness: Hey Aqua, this must sound puzzling coming from a Crusader, but... Do we really have to vanquish Lucy ? To be honest, i'm not very convinced...

Aqua: What are you talking about ? You have heard of the reason she stays on this world, right ? She's a different case from a certain Earth spirit in our house who is lonely and enjoys adventure stories. Should she pass on automatically after her soul's been satisfied, it'd be no problem. However, Lucy will forever remain on this world; That way, I have the responsibility to force her into the afterlife.

Kazuma: ... That's a rare sight of Aqua making a goddess-like oath...

"Don't be fooled. And you, don't act like you didn't want to do it until everyone basically pushed that request on us."

Aqua: Hey, while I know not of which unpopular God she worships, having fewer competitors is nevertheless better. I'll let their final follower pass on and eliminate this reject God for good.

"See what I meant ?"

Kazuma: You good-for-nothing woman, give us back that slight feeling of compassion !

Aqua: Look up ahead ! This has to be it, the church of the reject God ! Who cares if she's the goddess of Vengeance and Manipulation, I'll destroy her together with Lucy !

Kazuma: I'm inclined to agree with Darkness... Seeing that the endangered God is female only made me even more reluctant. After all, I can't really bring myself to hate a spectre living in anxiety...

"She said Manipulation and Vengeance, Kazuma. Not the Goddess of NEETs getting laid. Don't get your hopes up."

Megumin: ... Wait, you were saying ? Goddess of Manipulation and Vengeance ?

Aqua: Indeed. That's what the receptionist lady told me. Lucy the spectre worships the Goddess of Manipulation and Vengeance. She still prays to this day.

Megumin: ... Kazuma, could I say something... ?

Kazuma: What ? Don't tell me you want us to have mercy on Lucy because the Goddess of "Manipulation and Vengeance" sounds too cool to be lost.

Megumin: ... N- No. While the Goddess of "Manipulation and Vengeance" does sound cool, she is more importantly related to me-


"The fuck did I just hear you say you little... ... ... My neck..."


Kazuma: ... You know, I'm more surprised he managed to stay conscious even after twisting his neck in a 180 like that...

Eris: Well, isn't that the unusual sight...

"... That's really embarrassing..."

Eris: I think it's the first time you actually got here on your own... How is Kazuma doing ?

"Oh, they're all doing well. And if my count is correct, we're at... Uh... Beldia, Vanir, Hans, Sylvia, Wolbach, Ragcraft... Counting Wiz, we're at 7 out of 8 Demon Generals either out of the picture or on our side... Sometimes both. So things are going rather smoothly. Though, i'm not exactly sure, wouldn't the Demon King make more Generals as time goes by ?"

Eris: I don't think it would work. The Generals are not just commanding officers, they power the barrier protecting his castle. Unless all the current generals are defeated and the barrier is broken, a new generation should not be created.

"... i'm suddenly very glad we don't have to take Wiz out. Well, I'll be going then. I swear, I'll have a sore neck for the whole day after that..."

Kazuma: You... This demon, that Goddess... Why do you always manage to involve yourself with such insidious entities. It's annoying enough as it is with Aqua around !

Megumin: ... Kazuma, remember when you went to the Crimson Demon Village ?

Kazuma: Mhm, I do. How could I forget such a unique place ? Shared a bed with Megumin and got poked by Sylvia...

Megumin: I'd rather you not remember sharing a bed ! Besides that, I'm asking if you remember the attractions in the village.

Kazuma: Right. Stuff like the Cat-ears shrine and the Excalibur scam. What about them ?

Megumin: There were also the "Tomb which seals the Evil God" and the "Sealing grounds of the nameless Goddess", right ?

Kazuma: Mhm, I vaguely remember. Both seals were broken if I recall correctly. Sealed in the tomb was the Demon general known as Wolbach, and ?

Megumin: The seal of the evil god was accidentally broken when I was young, but at this point prosecuting me is pointless. let's set that aside that for now. The problem lies within the grounds of the sealed nameless goddess.

Aqua: Guys...

Kazuma: What do you mean by pointless ? I think letting that Evil God escape is poking a wasp's nest and very significant.

Megumin: ... Yep. It dates to when I had first learned Explosion magic. To defeat an invading evil god's subordinate, I chanted the Explosion spell as I protected Komekko and Yunyun.

Kazuma: hey, don't you try to change the topic, look at my eyes while you talk.

Aqua: ... Guys...

Megumin: Simply put, the target's location of my Explosion magic just so happened to be the sealing grounds. As a result, the Goddess of Manipulation and Vengeance that was trapped there escaped, and we haven't seen her since.

Kazuma: What the hell are you saying ? Hey, just what are you implying ?!

Megumin: The holy being that Lucy worships must be the Goddess that had been sealed in the Crimson Demon Village up until that point. By now, the Goddess has been free for two years, so she most likely has gained new followers besides Lucy. Therefore, don't sweat making Lucy pass on, the Goddess won't vanish even then.

Aqua: Guys...

Kazuma: What the hell is wrong with you Crimson Demons ? Bringing an evil God from elsewhere on your own accord just to seal her at your home, even making it an attraction. Aren't your lives too lawless ?! Consider at least a little how others feel !

Aqua: Guys !

Kazuma: What now ?! we're busy !

Aqua: He's awake !

"... ... ... ... ... ..."

Aqua: He's been for this entire conversation.

Kazuma: ... ... COVER YOUR EARS-


Undyne: What an adorable little thing...

Komekko: *Nom nom nom*

Undyne: Where does she put all of that though...



Undyne: ... Do you hear that ?

Asgore: I feel that...


Vanir: ... What the devil is that noise... ? Dear associate ?

Frisk: Please, stop drinking... he left already, he can't-


Chara: : Boohoooooo !!

Eris: I wonder how things are doing for them... He seemed a bit on edge...


Eris: ... More like a lot on edge...

Rayleigh: ... And so ? Why did you stop ?

"Shhhh... Stay quiet."

Law: What for, you were just going for-


Rayleigh: ... What ?!

"There it is. It finally arrived."

"Ahhh. Ahhh... Ahhh... Crimson... Demon... Axis... Stop messing.. need... destroy... "

Megumin: What the hell happened to him ?

Vanir: I think your rage broke, dear associate.


Kazuma: ... What ?


Vanir: ... Muahahahaha.

Kazuma: ... Leave him be, he'll calm down eventually.

Lucy: Stop right there, Axis scum ! Don't come any closer !

Aqua: What did you say, you damn ghost ?! I feel that even using purification magic on you is a waste ! Let me send you on your merry way with a God's beating !

Lucy: Great Regina, Goddess of Manipulation and Vengeance, please bring divine retribution upon this blue-haired woman ! You despicable Axis cultist, taste my curse !

Aqua: You have the audacity to curse a pure Goddess, don't make me laugh ! Darkness, give me your sword ! Watch as I obliterate the hell out of the ruined church that this ghost calls home !

Kazuma: ... So the translucent spectre is welcoming us, and Aqua is doing her usual stuff... How is he doing back there ?

Megumin: I think he's having a stroke on the ground... And a skull is trying to munch off his head...

Darkness: Calm down, you two. Aqua, we're both disciples. Lucy, you must have been a disciple too, right ? Then, let us stay calm and talk this out. The goddesses that you two worship wouldn't want a fight, would they ?

Aqua: Oi, what do you mean by "The goddesses that you two worship" ?! Didn't you say that you recognize my godhood ?! This spectre dare look down upon a goddess, don't you think she should be destroyed as soon as possible ?!

Lucy: Regina-sama, who I faithfully worship, is the Goddess of Manipulation and Vengeance ! We believe in the eye-for-an-eye ideal ! So, an outsider like you can go mind your own business !

Aqua: Man, that's what I meant when I say Eris cultists are absurd ! Eris has many followers, of course she has no need to fight ! Although, acting arrogant to the bone just for being the national religion couldn't possibly be beneficial. Darkness, why not come pray for the Axis church once in a while ?

Lucy: I'm so envious of the amount of followers Eris has ! Unpopular religions like us must fight for survival everyday ! Wanting peace ? Don't bring up such a first-world problem !

Darkness: ... Uhhhh...

Kazuma: Look at you, just had to meddle in other people's business. Aqua would have purified her either way.

Darkness: ... I'm also a devotee, so I've always wanted to convince a ghost into ascending on its own device...

Aqua: Go repent ! Go repent in the underworld for angering a Goddess ! Ahahaha ! Watch as I God blow the reject goddess Regina along with her final follower into Oblivion !

Lucy: Grrr ! The scent of a Nemesis I've been smelling up 'till now... I didn't believe that someone like you could be such a... ?! Regina-sama, Regina-sama, I still have favors I've yet to return ! Regina-sama who sent the man that wasted all my hard-earned money to hell ! Regina-sama who robbed penniless the woman that married my brother only to scam him of all his wealth ! I have to keep you from fading, at least in the name of all who's unfortunate !

Megumin: Don't worry, the Goddess that you praise was relieved of her seal two years ago. She must have garnered other followers by now.

Lucy: ... ... Really ? How would you know about this ?

Megumin: Because I was the one who saved the Goddess you worship.


Megumin: Ignore that. You can go and rest in peace now.

Lucy: ... ... Thank you so much, kind stranger... While I want to properly express my gratitude, it seems that the sole desire keeping me on this world has been satisfied, I couldn't stay much longer. Sorry that I couldn't return your favor...

Megumin: The essence of us Crimson Demons is to never refuse gratitude; This is quite fitting to the eye-for-an-eye teaching of yours. We seem to click well with the Goddess of Manipulation and Vengeance, so you have no need to stress-

Aqua: GOD BLOW !!

Kazuma: ... The hell are you doing all of a sudden ?! Why did you have to mess it up after finally reaching an understanding ?! At this rate, she was in shape to naturally ascend ! We have already this one to deal with afterward, so don't add on his outbreak !

Aqua: Exactly because she was going to leave soon ! I can't stand being looked down upon by this questionable reject Goddess and having her follower escape after defiling me !

Lucy: ... No way you're a Goddess ! It's gods like you whose followers become outcasts ! Don't you feel ashamed of having less followers than your Kouhai Eris-sama ?! Your junior's cult has become a national religion, while the number of Axis cultists... Pfffrr !

Aqua: Hey, hold it, you !! I won't accept being scolded this way by a reject cult with such few members that they might disappear any second !

Lucy: great Regina-sama... As the follower of the Goddess of Vengeance, in my final moments, I have unleashed an epic roast upon the Goddess that lost to her own junior... Having finished acting badass, I shall be on my way now. I wish you a bright future...

Aqua: ... ... ... WAAAAAAAAHH !! How could she run from this !!

Kazuma: ... We should probably deal with that now...

*It took three days for him to calm down afterward. The only way to deal with it was to wait from him to drop from exhaustion. All of them agreed to never bring out this topic to him ever again*

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