Chapter 109:Reconnaissance

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Megumin: Hey Komekko, you have some rice on your lips...

Komekko: Ah ! Onee-chan stole my food !

Megumin: K- Komekko ! Don't make drama out of me eating your single grain of rice ! Eat slower and steadier if you don't want that to happen again. Your breakfast won't grow legs and run away anytime soon.

Komekko: ... When Onee-chan used to steal corn from the farms, she said they would run away if we didn't eat them fast enough.

Megumin: Forget about that, cooked rice doesn't run !

Kazuma: ... ... Why would corn...

"Given what cabbages can do, corn that can run seems actually quite possible..."

Kazuma: yeah, fair...

Aqua: being sisters seems pretty good. Hey, Kazuma, now I also want an "Imouto". There are gender-bending magic items in this world, you know. Why not give it a try ?

Kazuma: While I don't get what you're implying, I understand your desire for little sisters. Imoutos are great, especially the cute ones that'd call you "Onii-chan", those are the best... Gh...

"Looks like someone remembered Iris..."

Announcer: EMERGENCY ! EMERGENCY ! All adventurers, arm yourselves and gather at the guild. I repeat, all adventurers, arm yourselves and gather at the guild !

"... Okay, which one of you pissed off a Demon General this time ?!"

Megumin: Why would you jump to that conclusion ?

"Because you always do. Urgent broadcasts are rare, especially around this time. It's no season for cabbages, and there hasn't been any high-bounty targets either."

Announcer: Additionally, all Crimson Demons currently in the city must participate. I repeat, all Crimson Demons currently in the city must participate !

"... ... Megumiiiiiiin~ ?"

Darkness: What's going on here ? Hey, what just happened here ?

Kazuma: If possible, I want to avoid doing anything dangerous. I just want to live in peace... but since it was an emergency, I'm afraid there will for sure be another evil antagonist... Just one thing, could please confirm that Megumin isn't personally involved... ? It's becoming weird...

Megumin: I- I can feel his breath on my neck... And what did you mean when you said all Crimson Demons must participate ? Komekko is also a Crimson Demon, although she can't use any magic yet, we've still brought her along for the time being...

Staff: You've finally come !

Megumin: ... Eh ? Why, all of the sudden ? Unless the guild gave me VIP status after finally realizing the true usefulness and power of my explosion magic ? A bit late in my opinion though...

Staff: No, not her. Actually, her attendance is optional. The more important subject is the other young lady.

Megumin: Hey, what do you mean "Optional" ?! Is that a challenge ?

Komekko: ... Huh ?

Staff: Welcome. We've prepared deserts, this way please.

Komekko: Yaaay !

Megumin: Hey, don't lead my sister around all willy-nilly ! What's going on ?! Since when did the Adventurer's guild turn into a Lolicon club , Depending on your answer, I might call police right here and now !

Staff: Th- That's not true ! We have our reasons ! Ah, Luna-san, what a great time for you to arrive !

Megumin: Specifically calling for Crimson Demons all of a sudden only to bait my sister as soon as we arrive, what is this supposed to be ?!

Luna: The Adventurers' guild is always on the search for excellent candidates. Reasonably, we'll serve Crimson demons who are born with the potential to become great mages. That said, isn't it only logical that we show hospitality to Komekko-san ?

Megumin: Excuse me, all else aside, i'm also a Crimson Demon !

Staff: A- Anyways, this way Komekko-san ! We've prepared an incredible amount of snacks !

Megumin: No ! I just said that i'm also a Crimson Demon...

Luna: Welcome, everyone ! Sorry about the emergency broadcast ! I understand everyone's been working hard yesterday. The success rate was very high, a rare occurrence since the Axel branch was established. Even the Spectre lucy had been subjugated by Aqua-san ! As expected of Axel adventurers, you are all excellent !

Kazuma: ... ... What could she be scheming... ?

"I feel you... All of this is way too nice to be true... Something's fishy..."

Luna: Although... We've prepared a new job for you exceptional people ! Compared to yesterday, the work is today really is only slightly more arduous and difficult. It should definitely be no problems for the adventurers here !

Adventurers: Hold on, Luna-san, don't be so inconsiderate. What do you mean by "More difficult and arduous" than yesterday's quest ?! Is this the reason behind the emergency rally ?! Forget it, just cut us some slack ! We gave our all yesterday, we've got no strength left ! And I was planning to relax at the bar today...

Luna: there will be no problems, since the Axel adventurers here are the cream of the crop in the nation ! Right, Komekko-san ?

"Ohhh... So it's that strategy now..."

Komekko: Hm hm ! Axel adventurers are super strong. Onee-chan said it, they're the type to never back off from any opponent, regardless of how powerful they are !

Adventurers: ... ... ... Damn it ! I- I'll take it, all right ? Oi, bring it on ! The hardest quest ! Come at me ! Just w- watch, I'll let you witness how powerful Axel adventurers are !

Megumin: Heh ?! Everyone listen, you don't have to be so absurd...

Darkness: Mmm... Hmm... Although I don't quite agree with the tactics, the adventurers have indeed been weak and lazy. Durian quests aside, even regular quests were seldom completed...

"With some exceptions..."

Papyrus: This will be my 243th quest of the month ! Time to beat my personal record !

Undyne: For the last time Paps, you're not supposed to take several at once...

Darkness: True... But all in all, since they have defeated quite a few high-bounty targets together, a number of them earned more money then they knew what to do with. Consequently, laziness increased overall. Especially those who adventured with kazuma, they've been NEET-ified thanks to him. For the sake of Axel's security, I could see the necessity of this measure...

Kazuma: ... This woman and her speeches, I swear...

"Alright... So I guess I can postpone the creation of the 'Windings mercenary loaning service', where people could purchases soldiers and weapons for quests then..."

Kazuma: Why are you powers such magnets to money-making... ? Anyways, let's just take a few random quests. Gotta let Komekko witness our power at least. Right, Megumin ?

Megumin: ... That's right. Only Aqua got her chance to shine yesterday. If I want to keep my dignity, I'd better display my strength.

Luna: No worries. As a commission for Satou-san and his friends, we've specifically prepared a job aimed at strong parties.

Kazuma: ... hey, go prepare whatever you want, I need to have a word with the staff right about now.

"Alright, Karenzuma. I'll just look up these stupid durian quests."

Kazuma: ... Alright, onee-san, onee-san, don't you have a clear idea of our actual, raw power ? Please have mercy on us; Flattering so much right now, what are you expecting from us ? Even though you're a beauty with a body that ticks all my criteria, I still won't be led around like a dog on a leash.

Luna: Ah, haha, i'm a beauty huh... How flattering of Satou-san. What about this, should Satou-san successfully finish this commission... We can go on a date today after work.

Kazuma: Ah, I'll pass on that. Onee-san's anguish for being a Christmas cake has spread rather extensively among the adventurers.

Luna: Excuse me, but who has been spreading such misinformation ?

Kazuma: And thus, we bid you farewell. We'll go hunt down some stray toads.

Luna: ... Not so fast, Satou-san. Putting the other quests aside for now, only this one requires you and your friends in particular. I can say with confidence that out of Axel, none other than you, Satou-san, can complete the quest I'm offering.

Kazuma: ... You really do rate me highly. It might sound weird coming from me, but frankly, i'm a real scumbag in face-to-face combat.

Luna: of course I knew. The quest that only Satou-san can complete is...

*The Tranquility Princess. Inside a small forest West of Axel grows a large tree. This tree is infamous among adventurers and guild staff; Although the area around it is forbidden territory, tourists from other cities still visit it constantly*

"So, an upgraded version of that leisure girl from back then, huh..."

Aqua: Look, guys, why don't we forfeit this quest ? The enemy is a tranquility princess. Do you know how she's managed to stay rooted there for so long without getting destroyed ?

Megumin: Kazuma Kazuma, I actually don't feel that motivated to destroy the Tranquility princess...

Darkness: You guys shouldn't put all the blame on Kazuma. The Tranquility Princess is in fact a very benign existence to some people. For example, those who are tormented by terminal disease can go to her and pass away peacefully... Does that really count as evil ? Although, also due to her existence, suicides have become rampant in that forest. Yes, that counts as suicide. As a servant of our Goddess, I frown upon suicide, even if the subject has good intention, I still cannot tolerate assisted suicide.

Kazuma: What about...

"... ... I could make a satellite cannon and aim at the Demon King's palace... Sorry, I spaced out, what were we talking about ?"

Kazuma: ... You three, how could you still have not made up your minds ? Do you really think I'd destroy the Tranquility Princess for wealth and fame ?

"Don't ask questions you don't want to be answered, Kazuma..."

Aqua: Well of course, aren't you the man who would brutalize cute, innocent fairies for their experience and bounty ? Last time, you assassinated the Snow Sprite that I caught and named. I still haven't forgiven you yet !

"... You mean the one you put in front of the fireplace and carelessly left to melt ? And on the topic of these monsters, didn't we tell you about the one we met on our way to the Crimson village ? You should know these things are devious and manipulative..."

Aqua: I'm still skeptical after all that happened. Since the opponent was so malevolent, how then could it go unnoticed by my all-seeing eyes ?

"Back at Arcanletia, those eyes couldn't see two Demon King's Generals bathing literally next door. Are you sure these aren't actually some marbles ?"

Aqua: What ?! You...

"And then you couldn't see how Ragcraft was a Demon General either, or how Alderp used a devil... You think they make glasses for these ? I honestly don't think it would be enough."

Kazuma: ... Before you get at each others' throats, I brought this...

Darkness: ... That's... The lie-detecting tool ?

Kazuma: Yup. So look closely, you all. I'm telling that I'm right.

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