Chapter 110: Tranquility

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Aqua: Ne, Kazuma, isn't that the place ? I see light over there...

"Bright clearing... Extremely large tree... That matches the description we were given."

???: Hello adventurers. Have you come to seek a peaceful end, or are you merely lost ? Or perhaps you have come to see... Me~ ?

"... Funnily enough, that last one would be the correct answer..."

Aqua: hey, so you're the Tranquility Princess ?

Princess: By "Tranquility princess", do you mean me ? Since humans all have names, you've also given me a name, is that how it works ? Thank you. And please also offer my gratitude to the creators of my name for me, won't you ? After all, I couldn't move in this form.

'... That's bad... She's already starting to put them all in her pocket...'

Kazuma: 'Yeah, the one at the Crimson Village acted weak to provoke your protective instincts, but this one actively bonds with her victims...'

Aqua: Ohh, your roots are intermingled with the Earth, unlike the Tranquility girl which had the form of a complete human...

Princess: Don't ! Don't touch my root. The roots are oblivious to my emotions and will harm you humans...

Aqua: ... What is it ? You can pour out any hard feelings at me, you know ?

Kazuma: '... Is she really the upgraded version of the Tranquility girl ? She just admitted her deadliness... It bugs me...'

Darkness: What are you talking about ? The Tranquility girl you mentioned was devious, right ? However, the Tranquility Princess is human, or so they say, at least. Even the adventurers dispatched by Axel to destroy her all ended up unanimously agreeing. As for whether the Tranquility Princess should even be eliminated, that problem is hotly debated within the guild. They argue over whether she really is harmless, whether she should be considered an enemy at all and things like that.

Kazuma: And that's why they commissioned us. Speaking of which, the onee-san at the guild did mention that this was a reconnaissance mission. As a seasoned professional who had see through the trickery of the Tranquility girl, i'm always cautious.

"Let's be honest here, we only were lucky enough to catch her being her true self..."

Kazuma: Maybe, but my point is, they've sent us in hope to investigate the true intentions of this monster.

Darkness: I'm not so sure that she really trusts you, but at least she acknowledges the fact you destroyed the Tranquility Girl without any second thought.

"Honestly... While I'm still a bit unsure about how dangerous she may be... All she's been doing so far is bid farewell to those already at the end of their lives. The retired adventurers who had lost all friends and foes alike... To think the one to bid them farewell would be a monster... Ironic."

Darkness: To pass away all by yourself in a secluded spot, or to spend your final moments hand-in-hand with a beautiful woman who truly understands your sorrows ? They really had quite the debate over the better option.

Kazuma: ... I wanna ask, how did the recent visitors fare ? How well did they take the ends of their lives ?

Princess: ... Everyone's faces looked peaceful post-death. But you... You seem different from the adventurers I've met up 'till now. The very reason for my existence was to murder humans like you, after all...

Princess: You appear to have an iron will... While it worries me, and fills me with guilt, to ask you this... For the sake of my beloved humans... Could you destroy me ?

"... ... ... Well, asked so nicely, it would be rude to decline. Don't worry, it won't be painful."

Aqua: What ?! Hey, stop right there, you heartless... Look who's the monster there !!

Kazuma: 'Crap, what do we do... Could she really in fact be a good-hearted monster ? She wishes to be destroyed because she regrets harming humans. No, wait a second, think back to the Tranquility girl.'

Aqua: please don't pay any attention to what this one says. You should treasure your life as long as you've got no diseases tormenting you, understand ? Nothing is without use on this world. The only ones that deserve to be wiped out are the undead and unholy ! There are cute and delicious monsters, also kind ones like you ! If even NEETs get to live happily, such a nice-hearted creature like you has no reason to stop living !

Megumin: Indeed, you're not in the wrong. Besides, for retired adventurers, Tranquility girls are normally the only hope for a peaceful death. Compared to dying a treacherously long death, ending their lives painlessly under company is certainly better. On top of that, as the evolved form of Tranquility girls, it's by their own choice to let you bid them their final farewell. You have no responsibility to worry over.

Princess: ... C- can I... Really keep on living on this world... ?

"... Kazuma; I think it's time to get to work for us."

Kazuma: Indeed...

Darkness: Huh... ? Hey, you two, about the Tranquility princess, I say... Y- You're... is that the lie-detecting item... ?

"Don't look at us like we're the monsters. We know for a fact Tranquility girls can be sneaky and are not above lying; This is just to be sure."

Aqua: Huh ? What are you holding ? Could it be that dingalingy thing from before ? I know what it is...

Megumin: K- Kazuma ? Are you still skeptical ? Even without things like that, we could...

Princess: Huh... What is that ?

"Oh, that ? A lie-detecting magic item. It rings whenever it hears a lie"

Kazuma: Don't fret. As long as it doesn't rings, we will trust you 100%. This way, it'll also be easier for the Adventurer's guild to decide their diplomacy with you.

Princess: ... makes sense. As a monster, i'm untrustworthy.

Aqua: Look, Kazuma, right now I feel like you're totally the paranoid and inadequate guy who suspects that his wife is committing adultery when she cheerfully announces her pregnancy even though he's been saturating himself with other women on a regular basis.

"All of that would imply that Kazuma could get a wife or 'Saturate himself with other women' Aqua. Please try to think before talking nonsense."

Kazuma: Gh... Yep, that's blood.

Megumin: You went too far, Aqua. However, I do agree that he is one crafty man who's also despicably shrewd and chronically paranoid...

Princess: Thanks, you two. i'm fine, as a monster, I've gotten used to being doubted. Please take it lightly. And sir, don't look so depressed either. Please go easy on yourself...

Kazuma: '... Damn it, why is a monster the only one to console me... Why did the Onee-san have to shove this job down my throat ?'

Darkness: You didn't do anything wrong. I agree with you. So let me use the magic item, I can't let you do all the dirty work after all.

"... Well, have a go then."

Darkness: Dear Tranquility princess, I wish to ask you a question. What do you think of us humans ?

Princess: ... Humans are incredibly important to me. I'd even go so far as to say that they're a necessity.

*... ... ... ...*

Darkness: Phew... Sorry for suspecting you. Please forgive me. But this way, we can officially put our skepticism to rest... See ? Be more positive. It's a rare opportunity for us to end a mission peacefully.

Kazuma: ... What happened to the adventurers and visitors who died here, after you've accompanied them for their final stretch ? Did you absorb their bodies for nutrients ?

Aqua: Y- You... ?!

"You did say that humans were a 'necessity' for you, did you not ? However, is that as companionship, or merely as food serving itself to you ? So I will ask as well. What did you do with the bodies of the adventurers ? Did you absorb them ?

Princess: ... yes. They did become my food. they've become a part of me... They will live on inside my body. iI never forget them... Are you satisfied now ?

Aqua: Y- You two, you're villains after all; What happened to your humanity ?! Tell me where you left it so I can go fetch it to you !

"About the same place your left your brain, so I don't think you can remember the way there."

Megumin: Kazuma, not sure if I should criticize your way of speaking or form of questioning... But she did stop Aqua from touching her roots earlier, so she definitely absorbed those people unintentionally.

"... Alright, we're clearly not gonna get anywhere like that. Could the three of you leave us alone with her for a little while ? There are some things we need to clarify."

aqua: Clarify ? Why would fiendish, heartless guys like you want alone time with the innocent and pure tranquility Princess ?!

Megumin: Could you two be planning to pull off what you had done to the Tranquility girl at the Crimson Demon Village ? Killing her off while we're gone to victoriously inform us that she's dead ?

Kazuma: Are we that incredible ? "I will not chop her down while you're away". See ? The magic item agrees.

Darkness: ... What about you ? And don't you dare avoid the question by being too specific !

"You lot know me so well... It is not my intention to attack or harm the Tranquility Princess, so I will not do so."

*... ... ... ...*

"Reassured ? I won't do anything, so just leave it to us."

Darkness: Look, I know that it is our duty as adventurers to eliminate monsters, a necessary one at that. But please, don't push yourself too hard and dig your own grave...

Kazuma: ... ... So. Be honest now. We know your true form. No need to play dumb, just tell the truth.

Princess: ... Man, isn't it exhausting ti live with paranoia ?

"I'd rather call that experience. Well, at the very least, i'm glad you're not putting up that facade anymore."

Princess: What a narrow-minded man. No wonder you're... Wait, no. I was gonna call you a virgin, but that only applies to him.

"And a stray shot to Kazuma's self-esteem and worth as a man..."

Kazuma: H- hey, i'm not okay with being called a virgin by a plant. Where does a monster learns vocabulary like that ? Which adventurer taught you ?!

Princess: Living so long this way makes you wise. What about you ? Which of those three shall you mate with ?

Kazuma: I-

"Honestly, I don't think he'd be picky, thought he seems to have his sights on the small one."

Princess: Seriously...

Kazuma: Would you two not team up against me ?! See, that's why I hate monsters, no manners whatsoever. Plus, these three are all friends, so don't look at us through such an indecent lens. Don't tempt me to uproot you entirely.

Princess: Your friends would charge in if you were to do that. Do you not even mind hurting their affinity levels ? Besides, stop making excuses, male humans should be in heat all year round, shouldn't they ?

"... How many adventurers tried to get handsy with you... ?"

Princess: Way too much. I swear all that male humans have in mind is mating and nothing more...

Kazuma: What male humans, what mating, what heat ?! Change your vocabulary already ! Us humans employ a graceful and patient approach to the subject matter. Humans are intricate creatures, worlds apart from you monsters... I'm not convincing anyone, am I ?

"None whatsoever, Kazuma."

Princess: I agree. Weren't you staring at these when we first met ?

Kazuma: That's instinctual for male humans. Just like how you plants photosynthesize and release seeds carelessly during spring, it's a reflexive process.

Princess: Putting aside photosynthesis, the way in which you reproduce has much more finesse than just crudely spreading seeds. Don't compare me to the uncivil, inferior regular plants that reproduce without control. We Tranquility monsters spread by convincing humans to transport our saplings faraway for us. I was once rooted elsewhere, and requested a human to bring me someplace where monsters and adventurers are both weak. Thus, I settled here.

Princess: In addition, unlike you constantly breeding humans and goblins, we germinate once every century. Unlike your mindless multiplication, we seek harmony and balance with nature.

Kazuma: Don't drag us down to the same level as goblins ! Now that you mention it, life as a plant is sure hard.

'... I'm watching two kids bicker. Why do I feel like I should get used to that ?'

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