Chapter 120: Socialized Capitalism

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"... Okay, stop glaring at me like you want to gut me and spit it out, why don't you ?"

Adventurer: It's true that we haven't been accepting many jobs lately, but even so, didn't we just recently deal with all the piled-up quests.. ?

"And that was a really good effort, please continue to do so."

Adventurer: Don't you dare get away ! Lalatina says that it's to resolve the country's financial issues, but who knows what she's actually using that money for ? I've been hearing rumors, you know ? That Lalatina's been spotted dragging around a young boy and teaching him who knows what.

'... Part of me wants to believe that this was just Sylphina being mistaken for a boy... The rest is hoping that it was just Sylphina being mistaken for a boy...'

Kazuma: And now Darkness is looking to become a Shotacon too ? Just how greedy is that woman ?

Aqua: ... Hey, Kazuma, isn't this a good opportunity ? Look at the covetous gleams in everyone's eyes.

Kazuma: Aqua, I don't want to hear that from someone who ended up crying after dropping 100 eris down a drain because she was planning on using that to buy ice cream.

Aqua: Shut up, you boorish man. If you keep spreading such baseless rumors, I'll lay a curse on you that will have you waking up each morning to find that the bed is wet... Anyway. I've found Darkness' actions to be suspicious recently. As her guardian, I feel a need to resolve the issues plaguing her ! I've been curious about what she normally gets up to for a long time. Hey, aren't you guys curious about what she usually does ?

"... So the orphanage, huh ?"

Kazuma: Why did you follow through with that ? I thought for sure you'd try to defend her or something ?

"Kazuma, I've been around you guys long enough to know how things work. i'm just here for when everything turns out to be one huge misunderstanding that will still greatly embarrass her."

Kazuma: ... You are either a genius or even dumber than Aqua. There's no grey area for that.

Aqua: Hey, is Darkness really here ?

Adventurer: Yeah, you can't mistake it, Aqua-san. Everyone's seen Darkness here wearing an erotic outfit and grinning as she looks upon the children playing. I'm not lying.

Kazuma: ... the erotic outfit sure does sounds suspicious...

???: Lalatina-sama, you shouldn't do this... It's still way too early for us...

Kazuma: Okay, what about that one ?!

Darkness: What are you saying ? The earlier you learn about it, the better. Plus, you'll need to know this stuff when you become an adult. So, come on, no need to restrain yourself...

Kid: B- But, Lalatina-sama...

Darkness: Fufu, you say that, but you are actually really curious about it, aren't you ? You can go ahead and touch them. Here, go ahead and touch it. This belongs to you from now on.

Kid: B- Belongs to...

Kazuma: ... Are you sure you aren't worried now ?

"Kazuma, Kazuma... If it was so easy, do you really think the whole Alderp matter would've ended that way ?"

Darkness: So, what do you think of it ?

Kid: It's firmer than I expected, and it's so smooth and soft...

Darkness: Don't just touch it, why don't you try sniffing it too ?

Kazuma: Okay, you have no excuses now... Are really starting to develop an NTR fetish or something ?!

Aqua: Hey guys, is the door stuck or something ? I'm getting sick of standing around out here, so I'm heading on inside.

Kazuma: Hey, wait- !

Darkness: So, what do you think ? A freshly-printed book has a really nice smell, doesn't it ? I particularly like the smell of this ink.

Kid: I like the smell too, Lalatina-sama...

"See ? What did I tell you guys ? I know these things, after having to endure them for so long."

Kazuma: ... You're a genius, you moron...

Darkness: H- Huh ? W- Why are you guys here ?

Aqua: Hey, Darkness, what are you doing ? This seems just like a school.

Darkness: Y- Yeah, it is. You guys mentioned it before, in a certain country, there exist facilities such as this that gives education to children free of charge. The town of Axel has been putting a similar program into action, in order to give the children whose families couldn't afford private tutors a proper education...

"Have you always been doing this kind of stuff ?"

Darkness: Hmm, well, I suppose you could say that. By the way, this is the outfit that I normally wear, but I've heard that it's also the uniform of female teachers of a certain country...

"... ... Kazuma..."

Kazuma:: ... N- Not me...

Darkness: My father has been thinking about reforming the education system for quite some time, so we're funding this experiment in Axel out of the Dustiness family's own coffers. To be honest, it's not something I often show to others, so having you all find out about this is a little embarrassing... By the way, what did you guys come here for ?

"... Imma tell her."

Kazuma: Don't you do it.

"Imma do it."

Adventurers: Don't you do it !

Kazuma: So um, you know how we got taxed yesterday ? We were concerned about where all that money was going to, so we came here to check things out. Ah, after learning that all my hard-earned cash is being used to provide children with an education, I'm now overflowing with the motivation to work; Right, guys ?

Adventurers: yeah, as expected of Lalatina ! The name Lalatina isn't just for show, I see ! You really are cool, Lalatina ! You're so cute, Lalatina !

Darkness: Shut up ! Don't call me Lalatina ! Do you guys want to get punched ?!

Kid: ... S- So... The food and clothes in this orphanage, and these books too were bought using the money earned by these adventurers...

Darkness: Yeah, that's right. These adventurers fight monsters day and night in order to protect you, and they even give a portion of the money theyr earned in order to help people like you who've lost their parents. So you need to appreciate those feelings and properly treasure that book... Okay ?

Kid: ... yeah, I understand. Thank you very much, everyone !

Darkness: ... I have something to discuss with these adventurers, so please quietly study with your textbook while we talk.

Darkness: I showed an embarrassing side of me...

Kazuma: Say, Darkness, is this orphanage really supported with the money you robbed from us ?

Darkness: What do you mean rob ? Don't make it sound that bad. The tax money that you contributed went into helping adventurers who got injured on the job and retired adventurers. The occupation of an adventurers has always had an uncertain future after all. With this, the adventurers who've gotten too old to work will at least be guaranteed enough money to eat.

"... ... Socialized healthcare, retirement and public services... Funny how this world is more socially advanced than what we know of..."

Kazuma: I- is that so ? But, those children earlier...

Darkness: The Dustiness house is paying for their upkeep, but, as ashamed as I am to admit it, we've had some financial issues as of late. The money we taxed from you was used to shore up that deficit, so that's why... But don't misunderstand ! I will definitely properly repay it ! Several people got injured dealing with the piled up quests the other day, so there's been some unexpected expenses...

"... okay, I'm gonna have to discuss this matter with Vanir..."

Darkness: S- So, that's what I did with the tax money you contributed... Is it acceptable ?

Adventurers: Well, we heard that Lalatina was teaching something or the others to children ! So, well, after learning that our money was used for something like this, we are very, well, er, you know, right everyone ?

Adventurers: yeah, of course, it's Lalatina we are talking about. We're just worried that she might be trying to quietly shoulder some big burden on her own !

'... You lot are a bunch of hypocrites...'

Kazuma: ... 'I know...'

Adventurers: Right ? And just like we feared, Lalatina has been pushing herself again ! Right ? Aren't we comrades ? The fact that you're nobility should have nothing to do with this. If you want, we could even escort them on their way to and from school.

Darkness: No, there hasn't been any difficulties in particular so far. Just hearing those words is enough, thank you. The safety of the children from regular households as they commute to and from this school is already being handled by a worker of a certain magic items shop. Still... Hearing you all say that really makes me motivated. Thank you very much. I was sure that you all would still be holding a grudge over what happened yesterday.

Adventurers: What are you talking about, Lalatina ?! Yeah, Lalatina, don't be so distant ! How could we ever doubt you, Lalatina !

Darkness: Umm, i'm really happy to hear you all say that, but I really wish you would stop calling me Lalatina...

Aqua: Hey, isn't this a little different from what you were saying before ? Darkness, i'm telling you, before we came here, they all were-

Adventurers: 'Make her shut up now !!'

Aqua: H- Hey, what are you doing ! Cut it out !!

Darkness: ... ... What was that ?

"Oh, they were all just convinced you were teaching naughty things to these kids and basically acting as a Shotacon."

Darkness: ... ... ... ...

Kazuma: W- Well, can you blame us ? If you acted more like this in your normal life ? If you behaved like this, you wouldn't be unmarriageable and would probably even have a few children by now.

Darkness: Wh- Who are you calling a Shotacon ?! Do you want to get beat up ?! And I'm not unmarriageable, I just chose to not get married ! Had I wanted to, I would have plenty of suitors to choose from !

"You know, she actually is right on that one. Back in the Capital, there were plenty of nobles who seemed keen on asking for her hand."

Adventurers: Oh, speaking of which, Lalatina, I heard that you and Y/n had a child together !

Darkness: PFRRRRRRRRR ?!

Adventurers: Oh yeah, that's right. Congratulations, Lalatina ! Don't got off and play any strange erotic games on your own now, Lalatina ! But isn't it great ? Lalatina-chan does have some weird inclinations, after all. I always feared that she'll end up getting abducted by some strange folks. I was worried that she would happily head off one day to live in some strange monster's nest. Hearing this puts me at ease.

Adventurers: He looks to have a pretty secure future. There's no need to worry about being too poor to afford food if you are with him !

Darkness: You guys ! Even after I took pains to explain everything... ! You guys don't get it at all !

Adventurers: We get it, we get it ! Every noble has their secrets, after all. It's okay if you don't want to admit it ! We know how it feels ! I hope that the joyous day where the two of you officially declare the date of your marriage ceremony isn't too far off !

Darkness: You guys don't understand ! You don't understand at all !!

Adventurers: So, seriously, how have things been going, Y/n ? Did something really happen between you two ? I mean, knowing you, there's no way something actually happened, right ? You're famous for not giving a crap about these kind of things, right ?

Adventurers: Oh, by the way, I saw a girl in there with blonde hair and blue eyes like Lalatina-chan in there earlier. Is she the child you had together ?

"... That kid you saw was Darkness' cousin. Nothing more. A kid already ? Don't make me laugh. The only children I see here are the ones studying, the nosy ones not minding their business, and-"

Vanir: Fuhahahaha ! Have you cheeky scamps been studying hard today ? Moi have come to fetch you all ! Now, all who wish to touch my mask, please properly line up... Hmm, what's going on here ?

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