Chapter 134: Wingmans

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" ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"Oh, hello... Nice weather, innit ?"

Duke: ... The hell ?

"... if anything, I might have an idea... Vanir, take one of these out..."

Vanir: These, dear associate ? They weren't exactly ready for release just yet...

"Exactly. That will be the perfect field test."

Kazuma: ... And these are... ? They look like these candy dispenser, with a skull on the top...

"... Vanir, we need to tweak it and make them candy dispensers as well. But what you see here is the last command from the Adventurer's guild, the pocket summoning tool. All you need to do is activate it, and out pops a blaster to help you out. For now, we got two different models, the one who shoots lasers, and the one used for transport."

Kazuma: Okay... How is this gonna be useful ?

"They're all linked to my abilities. Wiz can take one in case things get dicey on that 'confrontation', that'll give a signal for me to help out."

Wiz: Oh... Thank you...

Aqua: Wiz didn't come back today either. There's nowhere for me to play now. i'm really bored...

Megumin: And after 3 days, Y/n barely came home either... That means Duke sis probably still hanging around town.

Kazuma: A sudden proposal is really too tough for a person inexperienced with love to deal with. The matter of romance really is complex. Even one as popular as I hasn't grasped all of its intricacies.

Aqua: You know, you're still a virgin NEET. Don't let it get to your head just because you've become slightly more popular.

Kazuma: ... I'm going out for dinner, so you don't need to make my share. I'll probably be staying out tonight.

Aqua: Say, you occasionally stay out for the night, but where do you go ? If you're going drinking, I would really like it if you could take me with you.

Kazuma: I'm having a drink with the guys, so sorry, no can do. I'll give you some allowance, so go buy some good wine and share it with everyone.

Aqua: How wonderful, Kazuma-san ! I'll properly watch over the house while you're gone !

Dust: Hey Kazuma, what's wrong ? You've been staring at that guy for some time now. Do you know him ? I mean, Y/n's being all buddy-buddy with him, so...

Kazuma: No, it's not like we know each other... And I have no idea when they got to be drinking buddies... H- hey, where are you going... ?!

Dust: Hey, I haven't seen your pretty face around before. My name is Dust, i'm a little famous around these parts.

Duke: ... Why did you suddenly come here for ? Do you have some business with me ? Do you know this guy ?

"Well, he introduced himself already, he's Dust. As for the 'Famous' part, he managed to rack up an impressive 63 sexual harassment complaints, is known as a real delinquent around these parts."

Dust: D- Don't mind that. I already named myself, so shouldn't you name yourself too ? Don't you know what courtesy is ? Eh ?

Duke: ... My name is Duke. I'll ask again, do you have some business with me ?

Dust: You're a new adventurer here, right ? I just said it, but I'm a little famous around these parts, and not for what this guy just spouted. It'll save you a lot of trouble down the road if you treat me to a drink.

Duke: ... Ho, you wish to extort money from me ? ... I see, there really are all kinds of folks out there. It's not often I experience something so interesting.


"Please calm down. Tone down the pressure, people are already starting to look dizzy around us."

Duke: Hmm.

Dust: ... Heh, you passed; Yes, that's how adventurers should be. For us, it's all over if we get looked down upon. that's why I frequently call out to newbie adventurers like this. If they are the kind of cowards who honestly fork over the money, I'll tell them that they aren't suited to be an adventurer and go back to their mother. And for someone like you, how about a drink ?

Duke: is that so ? You're quite interesting indeed.

'Gotta give credit where credit is due, he handled that extremely well after fumbling.'

Dust: H- Hey, Kazuma, what the hell is he ?! If you knew he was such a dangerous person, you should've told me ! I ended up having to treat him to a drink !

Kazuma: Y- You... Anyway,how strong do you think he is ?

Dust: ... That guy is dangerous. he's head and shoulders above anyone else I've faced. You could say he's on the same level as a Demon King's General or a high bounty target. Guess it makes sense why he's getting along with Y/n like that...

Kazuma: So... You're saying that he's strong enough to tangle with me.

'... And here comes Kazuma trying his luck... guess he'll have to learn the hard way...'

Duke: Why do you seem so pensive ?

"Nothing, nothing... Looks like someone else wants to have a word with you."

Kazuma: Hey, do you have a moment ? My name is Satou, yes, the one hailed as the Strongest Adventurer in this town, Satou Kazuma.

Duke: Here comes another stran... Satou ? Satou Kazuma ?! That Satou Kazuma ?!

Kazuma: heh. Yes, i'm that Satou Kazuma. The one who took down many high-bounty targets and Demon King's Generals-

Duke: The Satou Kazuma who simply gives orders to his companions and holds very little power himself ?! The very same Satou Kazuma who would lose in a fight with Kobolds ?!

Kazuma: ... bro, what did you tell him about me ?

"For once, nothing. I didn't mention you to him yet."

Duke: I see, it's just as the rumors said. I can definitely feel the aura of a small fry from you. The reports of the Demon King's Generals falling one after another to a party operating under the orders of a NET must be mistaken somehow...

Kazuma: Hey, are you picking a fight ?

Duke: ... Hmph, I came to this town for a women, but... Very well, I originally wanted to wait 'till my business with her is concluded, but there really is no reason to wait. I might as well take care of you right now.

Kazuma: Don't make it sound like you're taking care of a small errand while out buying dinner ! What, you want to go ? i'm stronger than you think. I didn't just bumble my way into taking out all those Demon King's Generals ! And I have the backing of both the great noble house of Dustiness and of the Windings Corporation ! You'll regret it if you carelessly pick a fight with me ! And I have a lot of strong friends too ! Including him !"

Duke: ... Is that true ?

"Well, i'm part of his party. Though with how he's digging himself deeper and deeper out of sheer ego, I won't move a finger to help him."

Kazuma: H- hey !

Duke: ... if you're part of his party, guess the reports had a bit of truth to them. Hmph, right now there's a person that I need to give my fullest attentions to, so I'll let you go for today.

Kazuma: I- I'm a man who'll get things done when he needs to ! People call me Kazuma-san who becomes really strong when he gets serious ! It's just, I'll get serious tomorrow !

Duke: ... ... ... 'Is he really that much to talk about, or...'

'Right now, he's mostly boasting and trying not to lose face. But to his credit, his quick thinking and unorthodox tactics let him take on opponents quite stronger than himself.'

Kazuma: S- So I'll let you... Say, that person you need to give your fullest attention to... You're talking about Wiz, right ? Urk- ?!

Duke: How do you know that ? What's your relationship with Wiz ?

"Okay, please keep it down. I said I wouldn't help him, but him having his throat sliced would be a hassle. At least let me get Aqua first."

Kazuma: C- Calm down ! Please calm down ! I'm a friend of Wiz ! She'll definitely be torn up if you kill me !

Duke: ... ... ... ...

"For once, he tells the truth. And I'd rather do without Kazuma soiling himself and walking home with brown pants, so could you please take off your dagger ?"

Duke: Hm... I don't know how much you know about Wiz, but you shouldn't get too close to that girl. She isn't someone a small fry like you can handle.

Kazuma: Guh... I know that you're aiming for Wiz. Actually, i'm willing to support you.

Duke: What did you say ? ... Aren't you friends of Wiz ?

Kazuma: It's precisely because I'm her friend. I don't think she's very well-suited for her current job. And... even if she is a Lich, she has the right to seek her own happiness. I'm thinking that it'd be nice for her to retire and live a happy life afterwards.

Duke: ... You still continue to associate with her even after knowing she's a lich. Seems like I need to revise my assessment of you. What about you ?

"Hmm... Well, I don't think I have the right to meddle in her love un-life... I'll just sit back and watch, maybe it'll be good for her."

Duke: I'm of the same mind. I too do not think she's particularly suited for her current job. It may have been a different matter back when she was still being hailed as the Ice Witch, but her current state is just too pitiful.

"Well, she was a pretty famous adventurer in the past. She might've been a little more capable back then than she is currently... Still, trying to seek a fight with her might be a little too much. You should probably try and talk things out with her first, don't you think ?"

Duke: What are you saying ? There's no meaning in doing things that way. In order to take over for her, I need to prove my strength.

"Take over, huh... You mean taking over all of her responsibilities ?"

Duke: Obviously. There's no better person fit for her job than me ! After doing so, I'll definitely turn this sorry state of affairs around.

"... All of them, huh... That might make things better for everyone, indeed..."

Kazuma: Wait, isn't there a serious obstacle standing in the way of that ? If you know so much about Wiz, I'm sure you know about Vanir too, right ? It'll be one thing if you are just getting Wiz to give up her place, but if you wish to replace her afterwards, I don't think he'll accept that.

Duke: Hmm, Vanir-dono, huh... True, he will be most troublesome, but this is between Wiz and me. Even if it's Vanir-dono, I can't afford to back down !

"Just a thing, Vanir is an esteemed and invaluable associate of mine, so don't straight-up take him out."

Kazuma: even if you say that, he'll definitely get in the way. However... I don't dislike guys like you.

'Kazuma, Kazuma... I have a feeling you'll soon learn to not overlook anything, and be wary of how words can play out...'

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