Chapter 135: Lovestruck

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" ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Kazuma: And thus, we've decided to support him.

"You decided to actively decided to support him, Kazuma. I just agreed to not get in his way. But I'll agree on what he said. That Duke might be quite the stubborn guy, but he doesn't inherently seem like a bad person. In terms of morals, he's leagues over Scumzuma here who tries his best at getting himself the harem treatment."

Megumin: ... Well, as far as I'm concerned, it's a good thing for the women around Kazuma to get hitched, so I don't really mind...

Kazuma: Ho ? You were referring to me as "Your man" earlier, but you're still worried about that ? You have a pretty cute side, don't you ?

Megumin: I don't know what you're trying to do, but that act is giving me the creeps, so please drop it.

Aqua: ... Are you really fine with letting a man with such an unclear background take Wiz away ? Knowing your personality, I was expecting you to say something like "Megumin isn't enough, Wiz, Yunyun, Iris, eris, Chris and Komekko are all mine !".

"I will give you points for not including Darkness in that."

Kazuma: Just what kind of man do you thin... hey, hold on, isn't that last one a bit strange ?! Even I have a line I won't cross, you know ?! I've said it many times, and I'll say it again : I'm not a lolicon !

"Then you might want a word with Aqua, 'cause I believe a few rumors have already earned you the new nickname of Lolima."

Kazuma: What ?!

Darkness: ... ... Yes ! That man's love is a very precious thing indeed ! He loves her even if she is a lich ! Yes, he cannot even be compared to a certain weak man who can't even resist a little bit of seduction... !

Kazuma: hey, are you referring to me ?!

"If you need to ask, you already know the answer."

Darkness: I'll help you ! All we have to do is to stop Vanir from getting between the two, right ? Just tell me what to do !

Megumin: All of you, calm down. First we need to confirm how they feel towards each other, right ? Unless you are a mature adult who's well-versed with matters of romance like me, most women will become flustered in the face of Duke's passionate pleas. In the first place, Wiz is still missing. Things can't exactly progress when one of the parties isn't here.

"HNGN- *SNORT*... Gah ! Juice through my nose ! My orange juice came rushing out through my nose ! Don't make me laugh like that, dammit !"

Kazuma: Since when did you become a mature woman who's well-versed with matter of romance, you little brat ? The only person that can be described as mature here is an experienced man like me.

"PFRRRRRRRRR- Ack cough ! A- are you actually trying to kill me ?!"

Megumin: ... Then, shall I show you what a mature woman I am ? I'll be heading over to your room tonight.

'And they're ignoring me... Whatever...'

Kazuma: No, I'm not in the mood for such stuff tonight. I just saw what it means to be a real man yesterday. It'll be some time before I fall for your tricks again, nor will I be lured in by your somewhat lacking sex-appeal.

Megumin: Huh ?!

Kazuma: What ? Did you think I a simple man who's raring to go at any time ?

"Yes. I don't *think* that you're this kind of person, I *know* that you are."

Kazuma: You stay out of this !

Megumin: Err, no... It's just... I thought things were going well between us, so I was sure you would go for it...

Aqua: Right now, Kazuma won't be moved by anything you say. He spent the night outside yesterday, remember ? You see, whenever he spends the night outside-

Kazuma: Aqua, what happened to the allowance I gave you yesterday ? Did you spend it already ? How did the wine taste ?

Aqua: The wine was quite delicious, but why are you dragging me off ? Wait, I haven't eaten my dessert yet ! Where are you taking me ? Stop ! Darkness, Megumin, in this town, there are succ- !

Kazuma: I'll give you some allowance today, so you come with me for a bit ! I have something very important to discuss with you !

"*Sip*... Why are they so adamant on tending to that plot... Even under the rain. I guess Aqua doesn't care about it, after all..."

Darkness: Say, can't you say something to them ? Farm work isn't easy. Every year, some Matsutake and Bamboo farmers end up going missing.

"Oh, I know farmers have it rough. There are things like typhoons and sudden floods where I come from, and every year a few farmers end up going missing because of them. But on another note, do you really think they would listen to anything I say ?"

Darkness: You have typhoons where you come from too, huh ? Yeah, the vegetables do get agitated during Typhoon season...

Aqua: hey, come take a look ! They've already started sprouting !

Megumin: The eyes of the mackerel are also showing. they are a little grotesque to look at, but you should still take a look.

"... Still can't wrap my head around how you catch watermelons in the seas and harvest mackerel in the field here..."

Darkness: Why, is that odd ? You say some really strange things sometimes.

"... Cultural shock. *Sip*"

*Knock knock knock*

"Okay, what now ? Yunyun, is that you ? Oh, Lord Zereschrute-"

Aqua: Ah ! I'm sure I told you that I'll purify you if I see you outside. You sure have some guts coming here. Very well, that strange devil isn't here to interfere, so I'll send you to heaven right now-


"Don't mind her. So, what brings you here in such a panic ?"

Zereschrute: Y- Yes, there's a reason why I came here. Vanir-sama and Shopkeeper-dono are...

Kazuma: Wiz ! You're back ! Everyone was worried about you !

Wiz: Vanir-san, you idiot ! That tactless part of you hasn't changed in the slightest !

Vanir: You shouldn't expect any tact from devils in the first place, you foolish storekeeper ! You've become a love-struck fool after fooling around outside ! If you want to get married, then just get to it !

Wiz: Are you really fine with that ?! I'm going to get married, you know ?! I won't be able to come back to this store after that ! The owner is going to change ! Aren't contracts supposed to be absolute to a devil ?! What happened to the contract we had to make this shop prosper together ?!

Vanir: Left-on-the-shelf shopkeeper, after you leave the store and the new storekeeper takes over, Moi will just make the store prosper with him and gain the funds to construct my dungeon that way ! So just relax and go get married, you love-struck shopkeeper !

Wiz: Why you !

"... ... Okay, I'm lost, what the Vanir's home is happening here ?"

Zereschrute: Vanir-sama and shopkeeper-dono have been like this for quite some time. I thought shopkeeper-dono finally cameback, but she seems to have her head in the clouds and ended up getting angry at Vanir-sama. I can't find a way to stop them, so I thought to seek your help.

"While I'm flattered, what exactly do you expect me to do in this situation ?"

Aqua: Hey, Wiz, where have you been ?! You really worried everyone you know ! Hurry up and apologize !


"Oh, you wanted me to keep the blue thing in check, got it."

Megumin: Aqua, they are a little preoccupied right now. Getting in there will just complicate things, so just stay with me in this corner for now.

Darkness: ... In the first place, what are the two of you fighting about ? Come on, even Count Zereschrute is troubled.

Wiz: Listen to this, Darkness ! I've been wandering around the deepest levels of what is said to be the world's largest dungeon for the past few days. I've been killing monsters while thinking about things. That man... That Duke-san who suddenly appeared and said that he'd be willing to accept all of me... Why is he so passionate about me...

Vanir: I-

Wiz: I mean, i'm a lich, you know ? But even then, he said that he doesn't care. He even said, "Even after turning into an undead, you're beautiful. I like you just the way you are"...

Kazuma: I was watching from afar using Lip-Reading, but did he actually say that ?


'She doesn't need to know we were spying on them...'

Wiz: and he proposed to me on our very first meeting... he even told me that "Such a beautiful flower isn't suited for such dangerous work. I'll protect you from now on, so"...

Kazuma: He didn't say that.

Wiz: Kazuma-san, i'm talking about very important matters right now, so please be quiet... Even though he proposed to me, I still have the contract with Vanir and my store to look after... Aah, what should I do...

Vanir: She's been that way ever since she came back. Moi told her that if she wants to continue being a storekeeper, she should stop running away from the store and work properly, and if you want to get married, then do as you will, but for some reason she got mad after that.

Wiz: Can't you treat me with more care ?! Is that all our relationship is worth ? Aren't Vanir-san and I partners who teamed up to make both our dreams come true ?

Vanir: A contract is absolute to a devil, but... Even Moi has been on the verge of breaking down in the face of your haplessness... Moi has been thinking if I should take a little break in our contract-

Wiz: I won't let you give up on our contract ! I know very well that this store would've long since closed if Vanir-san wasn't here. B- But, the only person who can make the world's largest dungeon would be me. Are you really fine with giving up on your dream of facing down adventurers at the bottom of the world's toughest dungeon, Vanir-san ?!

Aqua: So are you willing to get together with him ? Or is he not your type ?

"Learn to read the mood in the room, you unloved bint !"

Wiz: ... ... ... That man doesn't look too bad, and he seems pretty devoted to me... But, you know, I have a duty to see Vanir's dream realized..

Vanir: As far as Moi is concerned, Moi doesn't really care who the storekeeper is. All Moi needs from you is for you to build the dungeon after Moi acquired the required funds.

Wiz: Is Vanir-san a Tsundere ?! There's way too much Tsun and not enough Dere ! Please at least care a little more about me ! haven't we known each other for a long time ? Are you really fine with me leaving with that man ?!

Vanir: It's quite troubling to call the genderless Moi a Tsundere... Okay, okay, fine, Moi will put a little more effort into my all-seeing gaze this time. Moi will go chase him way if Moi sees anything too horrible about him, are you happy now ?

"... You know, if funds are the issue, you can just let me do it, or take a bigger cut for yourself."

Vanir: No can do, dear associate. Contracts are everything to a devil, and Moi clearly stated that Moi must be the one to provide the funds, as well as the percentage of profits Moi would take. The thought is appreciated, but... Ho... He is in sight. The man who is so obsessed with you is currently busy collecting information about you in town.

Wiz: ... ... !

Vanir: ... Hmm ? Oh, my, this is... How wonderful ! This truly is wonderful ! Moi wondered why he was so difficult to see, so this is why !

Wiz: W- What is it, Vanir-san ? What's so wonderful about him ? It's really rare to see you praise someone so wholeheartedly...

Vanir: the devil who sees through all so declares ! When you respond to that man's feelings, a man will experience delight and merriment to a degree never before seen in this world.

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