Chapter 138: Puzzling

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" ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"Wh- What did he just say... ?"

Megumin: Hey, what happened, Kazuma ? What are they talking about ?

Darkness: You two suddenly turned really pale. Did that man say something ?

Kazuma: This has to be some kind of mistake...

Aqua: Well, aren't you a sensible man ?! Yes, undead and devils are meant to be eradicated on sight ! Especially devils ! Just catching a whiff of their scent makes my stomach churn !

Duke: Well said ! Devils irritate me on a base level. Just why must such creatures exist in this world... That Goddess Eris must be slacking in her job.

Aqua: It can't be helped. That Eris can't do anything without the backing of her capable senior. Go ahead and relay this should the topic come up. Oh, and I'll tell you some very useful information. Eris pads her chest. This is a very important piece of information that is written in the scripture of the Axis Cult. Go ahead and spread it.

Duke: Eris pads her chest... Hahaha, I've learned a very interesting piece of information ! If I ever get the chance to see Goddess Eris again, i'll be sure to tease her with this.

"... Something doesn't add up here..."

Megumin: Hey, Kazuma, explain things ! They wound like they are really chatting up a storm !

Darkness: Aqua looks like she's enjoying herself more than she ever had before. Are the two of them alright ?

Aqua: It's been quite some time since I had so much fun talking about undead and devils ! I would love to treat you, but sadly, I've run out of pocket money.

Duke: What are you saying ? Of course I'll be handling the tab ! Now, drink up !

Darkness: That man is ordering a whole bunch of drinks for Aqua ! Doesn't that mean i'm completely defeated ?!

Megumin: Darkness, as Aqua said, we're children; this is reality !

Kazuma: ... ... Why are you floating upside-down ?

"My whole world is a lie... So is gravity, everything flipped upside-down..."

Aqua: Then let's drink 'till we drop !

Aqua: that Duke guy is really fun to be around; I had a really great time last night.

Megumin: A- A- Aqua has become an adult...

Darkness: that's not it, Megumin, Aqua has been an adult from the very beginning.

"Everything's a lie... Everything's wrong... Up is down, left is right... I don't know what to think anymore..."

Kazuma: ... So, what happened last night ? It turned into a drinking party before we knew it, so we gave up and went home; Coming back in the morning... You didn't get into an adult relationship with him, did you ?

Aqua: What are you saying now ? I'm a respectable adult, you know ? Of course we played some adult games together.

Kazuma: ... ... ...

Aqua: We played the game where we rolled dice in a bowl and determined the victor based on what came up. I lost every game, though. We also played a card game that I didn't really get. I lost every game, though. Oh, I didn't have any money on me, so I paid off my debts with my body.

Kazuma: Are you serious ?!

Aqua: Well, it's more like I used my head to pay it off. I told him interesting things in lieu of payment.

Kazuma: Y- You...

Aqua: I told him various things like which types of shellfish are good to eat or what kind of flowers have sweet nectar, but that wasn't enough. So, Kazuma-san, it was a necessary expense, so could you give me the money to pay it off ?

Kazuma: Stop saying things that can be easily mistaken. You really gave me a shock just now. That's the money to pay off your debts. Don't say you're going to win all your money back and gamble it all away.

Aqua: Kazuma, there's a thing known as cycles when it comes to gambling. I've already lost a lot of games, that means that there's no chances I'll lose again. So leave it in my care.

"... Give it back. We'll give it to Duke directly..."

Darkness: ... So, what do you think about that Duke fellow ? He feels quite different from the earnest image I had of him a few days ago.

Aqua: Hmm, well, I feel like he's a mature man who understands the value of a good woman. he's easy to handle for someone as experienced as me, but it might be a little too much for a child like Wiz. But he hates devils and the undead, so he can't be a bad person.

Kazuma: No, hold on, the fact that he hates undead is a major problem in itself; is this really okay ?

Aqua: It'll be fine. Wiz might be an undead, but she especially hygienic and doesn't reek of rot, so it wouldn't matter to him.

Darkness: I don't know why, but... After hearing aqua give her glowing recommendation, I just end up feeling more suspicious about that man.

"What a coincidence, I feel the same way..."

Kazuma: Still, all we did is investigate what kind of man he is. What comes next is up to Wiz. Plus, all he did was share a couple of drinks and get rowdy with Aqua. I often do the same thing with the female adventurers I know, so it doesn't mean he's an unfaithful or sloppy man.

Megumin: That's pretty unfaithful and sloppy from where I stand...

Aqua: Duke gave me a message to pass on to Wiz when I told him i'm an acquaintance of her. Don't worry, anyone who hates devils can't be a bad person ! Now, let's head to the Magic item shop !

"... I have a walking proof of the opposite in front of me... 'but something still doesn't add up... Did he already meet Eris... ?'..."

Aqua: Sacred High Exorcism- !


"Stop trying to purify Zereschrute every time you come here ! Do you have any idea how bothersome it is to revive him over and over ?!"

Aqua: Nevermind such matters right now ! Hey, good-for-nothing devil ! I have a message for Wiz, so call her out !

Vanir: ... if you're looking for Wiz, she's out back talking to a flower; To be honest, it's disgusting to even look at her. Moi really wishes she can hurry up and settle this matter so Moi wouldn't have to deal with this anymore.

"... Vanir, you saw through that Duke guy, right ? Why did you give him such high praise back then ? Apparently, he hates undead and devils, so what's up with that ?"

Vanir: It'll spoil the fun if Moi were to tell you right now, wouldn't it ? Fuhahaha ! Moi does not tell lies. It's just as Moi said, when that lovestruck shop-keeper responds to the man's wishes, a man will experience delight and merriment to a degree never before seen in this world. There's no mistake in that. Devils do not tell lies, so just look forward to it !

"... All of that is giving me mixed signals..."

Megumin: By the way, why is that penguin manning the store ? Did you hire him ?

Vanir: No, that storekeeper was useless in the first place, but she became even more useless after getting love-struck. So, Moi thought to use Zereschrute with his cute-looking exterior to man the store, but... You can see how troublesome that ended up being.

Megumin: ... Come to think of it, I haven't given you my name yet, right ? ... My name is Megumin ! The number one mage in Axel and wielder of Explosion magic ! Please be careful not to get purified by Aqua and lose your insides again.

Zereschrute: Oh, greetings, young lady of the Crimson Demons. My name is Zereschrute. You seem to be a frequent customer of this store, so please take care of me.

Megumin: ... ... It's Megumin. Don't call me Young lady, use my name. Or do you have something to say about this cool name of mine ?

Zereschrute: N- No, not at all, but... Names are very important to us devils, so we only address others by name if we highly respect them...

Megumin: But didn't you properly refer to darkness as Lady Dustiness ?

Zereschrute: Th- That's because I recognize Lady Dustiness as a respectable noble, that's why...

Aqua: ... i'm back... ... ...

Wiz: Ara ? Welcome, all of you. I've been seriously thinking about it. Should I answer Duke-san's feelings, or continue working hard at this store to make Vanir-san's dreams a reality...

Vanir: Moi has said it many times, if you get married, the store's business will only pick up.

Wiz: ... Aah, all I did was spend everyday peacefully managing this store, so how did it end up like this ? Aqua-sama, what should I do ? Vanir-san needs me, but...

Vanir: What Moi needs is your magic, not your management expertise.

Wiz: But Duke-san doesn't just need me, he can't live without me. He even said that he can't imagine life without me...

"Pretty sure he didn't go that far... Seriously, you really do have an habit to selective hearing... Huh..."

Wiz: He even said that ! What should I do, Aqua-sama, Which path should I choose...

Aqua: Erm, that person seems like a pretty good guy, so it's probably fine to go with him.

Wiz: Is that so ?! Aqua-sama thinks he's a good man too ?! Why would such a man be... Teehee...

"... What the home have you been feeding her to make that ?"

Vanir: Don't say such heartless things. Moi has been concerned about her current state, so Moi has been giving her some proper food recently... But for some reason, this crazy shopkeeper got this strange idea that Moi has been treating her better in order to keep her in the shop.

"... I see. So you left her alone, and she ended up like this..."

Vanir: There you have it. Right now, she spends all day with her head in the clouds. Though, she doesn't buy any strange goods in this state, so she doesn't get in the way of business... To us devils, psychological attacks are more effective than any kind of magic... Shopkeeper in heat, that letter is asking you out to meet with him, right ? Hurry up and go settle this, then return to the usual you and fulfill the contract you have with me !

Wiz: ... Does that mean, even though I am good for nothing but creating red digits, you still want me to continue being the shopkeeper ?

Vanir: You won't listen even if I tell you to transfer the position over to me.

Wiz: ... ... You really are a Tsundere, Vanir-san.

Vanir: How could a genderless devil be a tsundere ? Stop saying disgusting things and go. Moi is the devil that sees through all, but after knowing you for so long, Moi doesn't need to use my power to know what choice you'll take; You might face a tough struggle, but don't worry, you'll definitely win. Moi is going out to receive some goods...

"... ... Duke's obsession... The acknowledgment... How he wants to replace Wiz... Dammit, what piece of the puzzle am I missing there... He can use holy magic and exorcism, despite wielding advanced magic too... Hrnnngh... H- Huh ?!"

Vanir: Ah ? It seems you managed to come to a conclusion that isn't too far from the truth, dear associate. Once i'm done with that, I'll be sure to rush to the scene. Moi has grown quite fond of you, useless shopkeeper, so go have fun today, then wipe out all the red numbers that you created. You fought with me on equal grounds back when you were still a human, there's no way you can lose to a man of his caliber... Now, hurry up and go !

Wiz: Roger !

Kazuma: ... hey, what's that about reaching a conclusion ?

"Well, I wouldn't want to spoil it, but... I guess we've all been looking at it from the wrong side all this time."

Kazuma: ... That shit-eating grin again...

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