Chapter 151: Bombing

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" ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

CD: Chief ! Chief ! Chief ! Chief !

Yunyun: W- Wait ! I'm only the next in lie. You'll make my father sad !

Aigis: How do you do ! I'm the one who became one with your next chief in line, Aigis !

Yunyun: Aigis-san ! Please don't put it like that ! I just went inside of you !

Aigis: That's right, you just went inside of me and exerted yourself, right !

Hiropon: Wh- What is the meaning of this , I don't remember raising a daughter who would let inanimate objects do as they please with her body !

Yunyun: Father, what are you saying ?! Aigis-san too, please don't put it in such a weird way... !

Aigis: Your daughter smelled really good, it was the best ! Also, her body temperature was high, so it was really warm.

Hiropon: Lightning Strike !!

Aigis: I'm resistant to magic you know. But I understand your grief, father ! Don't hold back and hit me as much as you'd like !

Hiropon: D- D- D- Don't call fatherrrrrrrrr ! *CRUNK* Gurk, my hand... !

Aigis: Are you alright father ? I'm sorry, but I'm made of orichalcum. Also, your daughter was very soft.

Hiropon: Raaaaaaargh !!

Yunyun: Aigis-san, please stop teasing my father !

"Hmm... Think we should try something ?"

Kazuma: And get in the same kind of trouble ? No thanks.

Funifura: Hey, Dodonko, Yunyun and that armored man are getting along really well !

Dodonko: You're kidding me ! Not only Megumin, but her too ?! Hey, what's the meaning of this ! You look so innocent, but you're actually doing stuff like this behind our backs ?!

Funifura: You keep talking about making friends this and making friends that, but you seem to have no problems making boyfriends ! Hey, Yunyun, we're friends, right ?! Please, introduce me to a cool Onii-san !

Aigis: Now, now, ladies, don't quarrel over little old me.

Yunyun: I have no idea what the two of you are saying ! Please calm down ! Also Aigis-san, stop butting in !

Megumin: ... hey now Aqua, Darkness, you'll catch a cold if you sleep here... You too mother, please wake up. If you're going to sleep, please do it at home. Komekko, are you sleepy because you stuffed yourself ? I'm sorry, but please help me carry your mother home.

Komekko: That's a pain, just leave her here and go home. I'll ask father to come here later...

Megumin: Komekko, no matter how much of a pain they are, you shouldn't just leave your parents alone !

Kazuma: ... Are you sure you don't want to join Yunyun ?

Megumin: If I go there now, I'm sure I will be compared to Yunyun. I'm already being known as the joke mage, so I'm not going to go out there just to be made fun of. Besides, that loner of a girl being surrounded by everyone like that is a pretty unusual event for her. It seems all the hard work she put in really paid off... So she finally surpassed me...

"Does that mean your little rivalry is finally settled with this ?"

Megumin: Of course not, our gap as rivals just got larger, is all. Someday, I'll achieve something that'll make all the crimson Demons envious. Say... Taking down the Demon King with my party, for example ?

Kazuma: I definitely won't go with you on that one, ok ? No matter how much you cry or scream or tantrum, i'm definitely not doing that

"Kazuma, everyone, the man who wonders why he has to threaten and pay to get the smallest licks of fame, then cowers in fear the moment it backfires on him."

Kazuma: i'm not cowering in fear !

"Then let's go back to Axel tomorrow at dawn. We need to defend the city against a potential attack."

Kazuma: I- Uh, i'm sure there's still stuff for us to see here...

Megumin: ... Then how about this, if we defeat the Demon King, i'll do anything you want.

"... ... ..."

Kazuma: ... ... ... Did you just say anything...

Megumin: I said it, didn't I ? Anything means anything.

"... i'm gonna check on Darkness..."

Kazuma: But Megumin is unexpectedly a pretty easily tricked girl, so I get the feeling that you'll still let me do a lot of things even if we don't defeat the Demon king.

Megumin: please don't call me easily tricked, i'm pretty conscious about that. I used to be a much sharper girl in the past, so how did things turn out like this...

Kazuma: Say, Megumin, you still haven't done your daily routine today, right ?

Megumin: yeah, I was going to fire it off in the sky during the climax of the celebration, to give all those drunks a surprise...

Kazuma: It's a rare celebration for Yunyun, so why don't you just let it slide tonight ?

Megumin: It's precisely because it's my rival's celebration... ... Oh, fine...

Kazuma: ... Say, how about we sneak out of here together ?

Megumin: Do you want to do perverted things that badly ? Really, this guy...

Kazuma: Th- That's not it !

Megumin: Then what do you plan on doing after we sneak out ? If we go missing under such circumstances, we'll definitely be teased about it tomorrow...

Kazuma: ... Let's go do your daily routine right now !

"Seriously you two, would It kill you to not cause some kind of trouble ? Disappearing right in the middle of the celebration just to set off an Explosion..."

Aqua: You really should learn a little more from me and my perfect conduct !

"You stay out of this, you were dead drunk the entire night."

Darkness: It's just as Aqua said, Kazuma. it's already too late for Megumin, but why did you join her too ?

Kazuma: Don't get ahead of yourselves ! Stop showing me such smug smiles just because you didn't happen to cause any troubles this time ! Megumin and I were out doing vigorous night exerciseswhile you were sleeping last nigh, you know ?!

"... Pause ?"

Megumin: Please pay a little more attention to your phrasing ! It's not what you're thinking, all we did was run away from the monsters that chased after us in the forest !


Kazuma: Listen up, I really showed my stuff last night. I handled that one-strike bear easily, and I schooled that Fenrir so hard that I took pity on it and let it go. isn't that right, Megumin ?

Megumin: Well, you're not lying, but...

Darkness: The one-strike bear aside, isn't a Fenrir a monster on the same level as a Calamity ? You're saying that a monster that fearsome is living in the woods this close to the village ?

Aqua: I see, that's definitely the work of the Demon King's army. A Demon King general that can command monsters is planning to throw the world into chaos; that's definitely it ! It's my Goddess' intuition !

"The last time that 'Intuition' of us came up, you bought a chicken egg thinking it was a Dragon."

Darkness: Now that I think about it, don't you have to say your goodbyes to the other villagers before we go, Megumin ? Yunyun's going to be staying here after sending us back, so it'd be difficult to come back here afterwards.

Megumin: Hmph. There's no need to say any goodbyes to those people who called me, the number one genius of the Crimson Demons, stuff like Joke Mage, Worst Mage and Explosion Mage. I'll triumphantly return after defeating the Demon King and have them prostrate themselves before me.

Kazuma: Explosion Mage fits you just fine though. 'And I'm not going off to defeat the Demon King.

"... Hey, has anyone seen Mary ? The pot wasn't by my window this morning..."

Aqua: I already planted it, of course.

"... ... You what ? Wait, Kazuma was in the forest last night, but did you really go by yourself to plant her there ?"

Aqua: What are you saying ? Of course not, I just planted it in Megumin's backyard.

Megumin: What did you do ?

Aqua: Now, now, listen to me. Komekko told me she'll look after her until she grows up. She's a sharp kid, so I don't think she's going to raise it in a bad way. There aren't any other kids around here that are the same age as her, so they'll make good friends !

"Did you really leave her alone with Mary ?! That's dangerous !"

Megumin: That girl probably intends to eat it after it grows up.

"Did you really leave her alone with Komekko ?! That's dangerous !"

Kazuma: Megumin's just joking around with you. Yunyun is going to come back soon, so just sit still.

"You guys ruined my experiment !"

Yunyun: Megumin !

Megumin: What's the matter, Yunyun ? I get that you're in high spirits because you finally made some friends in the village, but if you're too eager, they'll get fed up with you.

Yunyun: That's not it ! Also, tell me those kind of things earlier ! Yesterday, and today too... I think I've already been too eager ! So, I'll go back to Axel with you !

Yunyun: I'm going to try and defeat the Demon King too ! I don't want a victory handed to me like this... I'll defeat the Demon King, and once i've achieved that, I'll officially become the chief ! I've already talked this over with my father and everyone in the village !

Megumin: ... is that so. You're finally popular now, but I guess you'll go back to being a loner after all... Oh, and, the one who will defeat the Demon king is me.

"... ... You just can't be honest, can you ? Your eyes are bright red, you know ?"

Megumin: Can't you just take a hint ?! Fine, let me go pull up that Tranquility Girl Aqua so selfishly planted in my yard !

"Oh, by all mean be my guest. I'll even help you with that."

Megumin: ... Come on, Yunyun, if you're going back to Axel, then hurry up and get ready. Also, I don't think you've noticed this, but the adventurers in that town are surprisingly reliant on you. If you asked them to let you into their party, they'll probably end up fighting over you.

Yunyun: really ?! Hey, why didn't you tell me something this important before ?!

Megumin: If you ended up making a lot of friends in that town, you would get attached to that town and give up o becoming the chief, wouldn't you ?

Yunyun: Of course I would !

Megumin: At least think it over for a while, seriously. Anyway, let's hurry up and head back to our town.

Yunyun: I- I get it so don't rush me ! But, is what you said earlier true ? That the adventurers in Axel are, umm, reliant on me...

Megumin: Surprisingly, I said surprisingly. If you get too carried away, you'll return to being a loner.

"You mean, like when you begged us to take you with us, even if we made you simply carry our luggage around ? And look where you are now."

Yunyun: Haa... I was able to win against Megumin a,d the villagers also accepted me. This all feels like a dream...

Megumin: What do you mean win against me ? Now that you're going back to Axel, there's no way I would just give you that victory !

Yunyun: Hey, what are you saying now ? I cleared the three trials of the Crimson Demons, so doesn't that make it my victory this time ? You're just being a sore loser ! If you're going to take it that far, then let's have a match, Megumin ! I'll definitely make you admit defeat this time !

Megumin: ... Oh look, my card was in a place like this. Weren't you asking me to show you the exterminated monsters part earlier ? Look, the name of the Bomber Majin is right here-

Yunyun: How could you change your stance so quickly ?!

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