Chapter 152: Un- Undead

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" ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Aqua: To think that you actually defeated Moguninnin while I wasn't there. But we are party mates, so you'll split the money even if I was sleeping back then, right ?

"You really have a different speech when you're the one taking down monsters, even when you're only doing some of the work."

Darkness: W- Well, I didn't expect that you really only did vigorous exercises last night. Sorry for doubting you, Megumin, Kazuma... Oh, I know ! Why don't we buy some high-quality ingredients and throw a party to celebrate their accomplishments ?!

Aqua: It's not a problem at all. I actually think it's a wonderful idea, especially coming from the usually hard-headed Darkness.

"... So, what do you think, Megumin ? Whose portion do you think we should draw the money from to buy the high class ingredients ?

Megumin: Yeah, seriously ! After knowing me for so long, you guys should know very well that I wouldn't cause trouble just to fulfill my desire to cast Explosions.

Everyone: As if.

Megumin: Kazuma, whose side are you on ?

"The side that didn't want Beldia to come after us. Remember that one ? Remember how you almost got us all killed because you never listen ?"

Megumin: I- I was just a kid back there !

"That's implying you're an adult now, which I very much doubt."

Kazuma: just leave them be. Yo, Onee-san, it's the large bounty hunter, Satou Kazuma.

Luna: Ah, Satou-san ! What brings you here today ?

Kazuma: I did it again, Onee-san. Seriously... If we keep going at this pace, we'll wipe out all the large bounty targets in no time at all. This will put all the other adventurers out of business, haha !

Luna: H- Hahaha... So you defeated the Bomber Majin Moguninnin, I see. Congratulations, I'll go prepare the bounty immediately.

???: Umm... Could you be Satou Kazuma-sama ? I have heard a lot about you... I've been awaiting your arrival. My name is Serena... I hope this is not too sudden, but is there any chance you're willing to let me join your party ?

"... I can only see all of this ending incredibly bad for someone..."

Aqua: Huh ? What are you saying ? This party already has an excellent Archpriest, so there's no need for another priest. Now go away. Shoo, shoo.

"... On the other hand, having a competent priest would be a breath of fresh air on this party."

Aqua: What ?!

Serena: Satou Kazuma-sama, would you please consider allowing me to become one of your retainers , I swear that I will not become a burden to you.

Kazuma: ... ... You must be some underling of the Demon King, right ? You want to join my party ? There is no one in their right mind who would want to join my party after learning of my infamy. Yup, your true identity is an assassin sent by the Demon King who judged me as a threat after taking out so many generals-

Aqua: Sacred Highness heal !

Kazuma: ... hey, why did you just cast a recovery spell on me ?

Aqua: You who has low stats, low levels and the weakest class seem to be under the delusion that the Demon King has placed a mark upon you, so I cast heal on your mind.

"Though he isn't exactly wrong with the 'No one in their right mind' when you look at our party..."

Serena: To think they would doubt you so... Kazuma-sama, I believe that evaluation to be far below your actual skills. As a great adventurer who has defeated so many tough enemies and acquired vast amounts of wealth at a young age, you might very well be the hero chosen by the Goddess to defeat the Demon King...

"... I'm going to tell her. I'm going to tell her the truth about that, and it'll hurt her feelings."

Aqua: Sacred Highness Heal !

Serena: ... Why did you cast Recovery magic on me ?

Aqua: You were calling our Kazuma a hero or whatever, so I thought to cast heal on your brain.

"... ... Well, thinking again, while being rather exaggerated, they are not false claims, once more... Too long to explain."

Kazuma: Ahem. Anyway, i'm really loathe to say this, but this one's technically our party's priest. Sorry, but we are not currently loking for additional party members right now. Could you please look elsewhere ?

Aqua: Ouch ! Ouch ! It hurts ! Kazuma-san, it really hurts !

"Prretty sure that's the intended effect."

Serena: ... I suppose it can't be helped. I'll excuse myself here; However, Kazuma-sama, if you allow me to join your party, i'm certain I'll be of great help to you.

"... You sure you don't want to chase after her ? Even after taking a good look at who we're working with ?"

Kazuma: ... ... yeah, I kinda do now that you mention it...

Serena: Now then, everyone who's going out for the extermination quests, please line up here. I'll be casting long duration support magic on you...

"That... Isn't a sight very common around here... I know priests are quite the rare class as well, but having one just cast spells for free and for anyone... Well, I guess our experience with priests would make us think that..."

Kazuma: What, has she ever offered to do that ?

"One of her money-making skills was to lure strong monsters close to town, then make people pay for support spells. That was also the day she mysteriously got launched through most of the first floor's windows after asking me help in providing the monsters."

Kazuma: Why am I not surprised...

Serena: Oh, Kazuma-sama. How about it, would you like to have me cast support magic on you too ? Support spells cast by different cults will stack. I believe i'm of a different cult from your priest, so our spells should stack with each other.

"Now hold on, that is very useful info... So going around and gathering at least one priest from every cult there is to maximize the buffs... if that also works for healing spells, that could make for the world's most efficient hospital..."

Kazuma: There goes the philanthropist again...

Aqua: hey, you're going to cause problems for the other priests if you do that without consulting us. The goodwill towards us is already quite thin, so stop doing such things.

Kazuma: And there goes the delinquent and tentative priest...

Serena: It's better to refrain from that kind of behavior. Otherwise, Satou Kazuma-sama's reputation will be dragged through the mud. Is it because of you that Kazuma-sama has such a bad reputation ? Plus, is it wrong to offer a helping hand to parties without priests ?

Aqua: I... It is not wrong...

Serena: I won't ask you to cast support magic free of charge to everyone. Even though you're a far stronger priest than I am, I won't reproach you for not supporting the other adventurers in the past... However, my actions do not bring inconvenience upon anyone. This is the proper thing to do. I do not believe that you have the right to put a stop to that.

Aqua: ... yes... I admit defeat...

"H- Holy hell... What just happened ? Was someone able to shut Aqua down just like that ? What kind of miracle did we just witness ?!"

Dust: ... I don't like this. I don't like this... I've never seen such a priest-like priest before... the others might have fallen for your wiles with a simple support spell, but you can't fool me that easily. As far as abilities go, Aqua Onee-san who revived me before should have the upper hand; I stand on her side... I don't like this, I don't like this at all...

"Well, I guess an honest person with a genuine, pure heart is an impossible existence for that delinquent... No wonder you get along with him so well."

Kazuma: What was that supposed to mean ?!

Luna: All adventurers, I hope you'll work hard on the extermination quests today ! Now then, today's situation is somewhat different... The truth is, last night, a large outbreak of undead appeared near the public cemetery, so we would like you all to focus on exterminating them today; It's fairly close to the town, so there's no telling when the citizens will be threatened. In particular, we request all priests to please take part in this extermination.

"... Right, so let's go and clean after aqua's mess once more, why don't we."

Aqua: What ? Why is everyone looking at me like that ?! I properly purify the graveyard every week ! I didn't slack off this time !

"Implying you're used to slack off on this ?"

Aqua: hey, don't look at me like that ! I properly did my work this time ! it's not a lie ! Fine, just you wait ! I'll show you what an Archpriest can really do ! Just me alone is enough to deal with zombies and skeletons !

Adventurer: What the hell is this ?!

"... They say that even if it's cloudy, you need not to fear undeads in the day... But they overlook one key point with that..."

Kazuma: S- Say, can I go home... ?

Aqua: Y- You can't, Kazuma. I too really want to go home in the face of this stench, but I need to show off my cool side here. Afterwards, everyone will once again think that "Yeah, the beautiful priest of Axel is Aqua-sama after all".

"Well, go get them then. If you charge in, they'll just gather around you and get wide open for a large-scale spell."

Aqua: Eh ?! I really don't want to be surrounded by an undead horde this large...

Megumin: Then, leave this to me...


Kazuma: Right, you guys continue to hold Megumin down. We can't have her blow away the entire cemetery with them. Now, Aqua, let's go !

Megumin: Hey, please let go of me ! It would really feel amazing to fire an Explosion right into that horde ! At this rate, Aqua would just purify them all ! My Explosion will properly take care of them !

"What happened to the 'I wouldn't cause trouble just to fulfill my desire to cast Explosions' you went on yesterday ?! The cemetery is public property, don't you dare make more damage for us to pay for, or I swear I'll make you clean it all up by hand ! Guys, hurry ! She's trying to bite !"

Aqua: ... Huh ? They aren't coming towards me at all...

"What, could it be your faint glimmer of divinity finally died out ? About damn time."

Aqua: Do you want me to deliver divine punishment upon you, you shitty psycho ?! You'll definitely fall to hell after you die !

"Satan is my homie, and I'll have a party with Vanir among others."

Aqua: Why do you have such a disgustingly large network ?! How vexing ! TURN UNDEAD !!

"... ... ... ... ... What in the ?"

Kazuma: ... Haaaah ?! Aqua, isn't dealing with undead your only strong point ?! D- Do something about this !

"They're coming to you now ! Get out of here and regroup !"

Aqua: This is strange ! This is really strange ! Huh ? These guys might not be undead after all ! I've never seen red-eyes zombies before ! And, wait, Kazuma, why are you distancing yourself from me ?! Aren't we party members ?! Aren't we friends ?!

Serena: Turn Undead !!


"... Was that really a turn undead ? It looked more like a shockwave to me... hey, then maybe I can too !"

Kazuma: What ? Hey, don't you-



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