Chapter 153: Taking over

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" ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"Well, it ended well all in all."

Kazuma: You have no right to say that after nearly wiping out the whole cemetery. Take some lesson from Serena, why don't you.

"I'd gladly do, but your fan seems rather crowded at the moment..."

Adventurers: Oh, my, you're really amazing; Would you like to join our party ? We do have an advanced class amonst us. Just the one, though...

Adventurers: No, no, join my party ! Our party has quite a few accomplishments, you know ?! Please join our party ! Our party is all female, so you can put your mind at ease !

Serena: No, um... I have my sights set on joining Kazuma-sama's party, so...

"... Besides, if you want to worry about someone, do so about the blue gloom that's started eating away at the whole mood there"

Aqua: Now, now, I'll throw this pinecone into that cup on the table. Then, from the cup...

Kazuma: You know, I don't think your tricks would really work right now. Everyone is too busy welcoming Serena to even care...

Aqua: ... From the cup... High-quality matsutake mushrooms will... Shoot up... One after another... They'll grow from the cup...

Aqua: ... ... "Hey, how did you do that ? Having freshly-grown Matsutake mushrooms growing in this season is really odd. And there's even a second and third shoot"... ... ...

Megumin: There, there...

Darkness: ... ... You're not swooning over her like the rest of them... ?

"You make it sound like that's what you want. I can't help but think something's off there... Can't put my finger on it..."

Adventurer: Still, is this really okay, Serena-san ? This extermination was pretty much handled entirely by you alone, so giving up all of the rewards to spread amongst ourselves...

Serena: I'm clergy. As long as I have enough to pay for food and shelter, that's more than enough.

Aqua: ... ...

Kazuma: ... Hey, you're losing, you know ? Is that really okay ?

Aqua: Leave me alone. I'm the Goddess of a minor cult; It's fine if I can't become a major Goddess, i'll just look over those who worship me fervently. That delinquent Dust said it earlier, didn't he ? That he'll be on my side ?

Dust: I thought you were different from the moment I laid eyes on you ! Unlike a certain disappointing Archpriest, you truly are a wonderful person ! Especially how you don't lust after money !

"... Well, guess money really does reveal who you are... He's saying that sort of things, you know ?"

Aqua: Say, Kazuma-san... Kazuma-san, you'll always be on my side, right ?

Adventurer: Serena-san, I got a couple of scrapes while out on a subjugation quest. Could you heal it ?

Serena: Sure, that's not a problem. Could you show me the wound ?

Adventurers: Serena-san, please do me next ! Serena-san is like a real Goddess !

Aqua: This is so vexing...

Luna: Aqua-san, it's quite troubling for you to keep coming over here...

Kazuma: ... Aqua, you're in the way over there, and i'm pretty sure everyone's already noticed you, so come on out already.

Aqua: How dare that woman steal my popularity. It should've been me who is getting fawned over by the adventurers as the goddess of healing...

"Have you ever done anything like that in the past to begin with ?"

Kazuma: By the way, where's Darkness ?

"She left this morning saying she had something she needed to look into, and she took Megumin with her. I wouldn't be surprised if it was related to Serena, honestly."

Aqua: ... ... ...

Kazuma: You know, you're not going to find a weakness to exploit no matter how long you keep stalking her, so let's just go home and sleep. I don't even get why you dragged us with you to begin with...

Aqua: No way. In the first place, she really grates on me; She's way too perfect. She's beautiful with a great body, charitable personality, and kind to everyone. And she's a pretty powerful priest on top of that. She's way too perfect. Yeah, it's like she's on the same level of perfect as me or Eris.

"Not going to dignify that..."

Aqua: ... hey, Kazuma, I have something to ask of you. There was that guy dressed in yellow and hanging upside-down from trees saying stuff like "Fear the Deer" lately...

"How does that concern us ?"

Aqua: It doesn't, but that was weird. Kazuma, could you prick my finger with your dagger ? i'm going to go get treated by her.

Kazuma: ... You can heal it yourself, can't you ? What, you going to pick a fight ? You really shouldn't. At the end of the day, she's very highly regarded amongst the adventurers right now. If you do anything untoward to her, you'll be making an enemy out of the entire guild... Hey, you were the one who came up with this, so stop moving your finger.

Aqua: It's still scary. It might not be much, but it's still my own blood. Make sure you just prick it a little. Just a little. Oh, my finger just disappeared~ ! Which one are you supposed to stab, I wonder-


Aqua: *Silent screams*

Kazuma: There, now get going.

"Pop-corn ? I really want to see how far this goes before she fumbles and tumbles."

Aqua: Sorry. As you can see, I'm heavily injured... Could you let a weak and injured young girl go first ?

Adventurer: No, wait, you can heal your wounds by... Okay, I get it, I get it, so stop threatening me with those weird movements !

Serena: Please wait a moment. I don't know why you won't heal your wounds yourself, but... But aren't you a priest ? Healing the wounds of others is supposed to be your job, so what are you trying to do by pushing someone else aside so you could be healed first ? Don't you think that's not something a priest should do ?

Aqua: ... I do...

Serena: I'm not saying that I won't heal you just because you are a priest, but everyone else is suffering too. So, please properly follow the line, okay ?

Aqua: Yes. I'm sorry.

Kazuma: Seriously, how's a Goddess being lectured by a priestess ?

"i don't know, but I sure find it funny."

Aqua: Sensei, a passing shitty NEET dealt a serious wound on me. Can you heal it ? Or am I going to die from this wound ?

Serena: It's just a small scratch... I'll heal it right away... Heal ! There, now it's fine... Huh ?

Aqua: Sensei, am I really going to die ? Is it a wound that even you can't heal ? Or are you not healing me because you dislike me , just what is happening, sensei ?!

"... Is she resisting against the healing magic ? I didn't even know you could do that..."

Kazuma: I think she did the same thing to Wiz back when I was trying to get her to teach me drain Touch. If she can resist a Lich's skill, a simple priest would be easily...

Serena: Heal ! Heal ! What's going on ? It isn't taking effect...

Aqua: Sensei, why aren't you healing me ? Don't tell me, you're not healing me because you're afraid that I might usurp your popularity and reputation as the number one priest in this guild ?! Or can you not heal me because you suck ? Aaa... ! i'm going to die at this rate ! The wound will get infected and I'll die... ! Kazuma-san ! Kazuma-san ! This woman won't heal me !

"Haaaa... yeah, I guess we need to intervene now..."

Aqua: if I die, please build me a grave that surpasses even the pyramids in the center of town. Please put all of the treasures in my room that Kazuma has been treated like trash within it. Emperor Zell will be the guardian, and prepare delicious drinks and snacks three times a day in front of it; On the gravestone, write here lies-


"I'll write 'Here lies the biggest idiot this world has ever known, good riddance'. Please don't mind what this one says, and don't bother healing her."

Serena: ... Um... Kazuma-sama, there's something important I'd like to tell you, so may I have a moment of your time ?Aqua: hey, give it a rest already You're being very persistent to our kazuma-san ! Just stealing the position of the number one beautiful priest in the guild isn't enough for you, now you want to take away Kazuma-san with your erotic charms too ?! Our Kazuma-san is a weak-wiled man who'll easily fall if a girl younger than him were to call him Onii-chan, so would you please stop that ?

"Didn't know you were such a Tsundere for the man, but good to know I guess."

Aqua: What did you just say ?!

Adventurers: The number one beautiful priest in the guild... Pfft !

Aqua: Who was the one who laughed just now ? I can hear you from over here, so come on out ! Ah, weren't you the one I revived some time ago ?! If you're going to laugh, then pay up ! Resurrection is originally a super-high level spell that demands a large remuneration, so pay up !

Adventurer: Hey, it wasn't me ! I didn't laugh... Hey, don't put your finger into my beer, Aqua-san... Wait, this is just water ! Why did you use my beer for a trick ?!

Aqua: It's not a trick, it's a property of my body ! Fine, I understand you all now ! Even after all the support magic and healing and resurrections I provided when you guys were hunting those strong monsters and high-level targets ! Fine, as payment, i'll turn all the beer in this place into water !

"The guild is using Winding company services for that beer, I won't let you attack my business !! Hold her down !"

Serena: ... Should we go somewhere else, Kazuma-sama ? It's a little too noisy here. If possible, I would prefer a less crowded place...

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