Chapter 154: Exposed

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" ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Kazuma: I would rather have a talk in some cafe somewhere rather than this secluded alley, but...

Serena: What I'm about to tell you isn't something we should be talking about within a store... People don't often pass through here, and we can easily change topics even if someone stumbles upon us. So, shall we have a little chat ?

Serena: -And eventually, that person was consumed by evil forces... I don't know when it started, but eventually, the people of the world ended up referring to her by a single name... The Demon King. The Demon King isn't hurting the inhabitants of this world by her own will...

Kazuma: How could this be... To think that sort of manga-like development would actually happen...

Serena: ... Manga ? ... Anyway, because of that, that young girl ended up becoming the Demon King. Her form has been twisted to a truly hideous form by that cure, but it will soon be broken... Please, Kazuma-sama, as the chosen hero by the Goddess, I'm sure you're itching to rid the world of the Demon King who has brought so much suffering to mankind. But the Demon King used to be a helpless young girl too ! Could you please delay your plans of defeating the Demon King ? If you really can't... If you are truly dead set on defeating the Demon King, then please, allow me to join your party and bring me to her...

Kazuma: ... ... 'Yes, this is it ! This is the sort of things I wanted when I came to this world ! Goddesses getting eaten by frogs, Demon King's Generals who subsists on bread crumbs and sugar water, chasing down runaway cabbages and working part-time as a construction worker, cat-eared orcs and elves with detachable ears, etc... yes, this were the outliers ! Even in this world, there exists a proper tragic story, an actual fantasy-like development ! Yes, it's just everyone else I've met is odd !'

Kazuma: Still, Serena-san, why do you think I'm the one chosen by the Goddess ? To be frank, taking down all those Generals and high-bounty targets is more of a fluke than anything else.

Serena: ... I knew there was something different about you the moment I heard your name, Kazuma-sama. I do not know if you are aware of this, but every so often, beings with special powers will appear in this world; Those powers take the form of skills, of physical attributes, of strange magics and weapons. There's a large variety of them, but one thing they all have in common is that they all strike fear to those of the Demon King.

Kazuma: Err, well, I do kind of know of them... Anyway, you think I'm one of those guys because of my strange name, right ? Well, sorry to say this, but I don't really have any special-

Serena: No, it's not because you have a strange name ! It's true, those who possess such special powers tend to have strange names, but that's not what convinced me that you are special. There was once a legendary swordsman who brought much destruction to the Demon King's forces ! The moment I heard your name, I was certain of it ! You are his descendant !

Kazuma: ... Why do you think so ?

Serena: That person's name was Satou; Could it really be mere coincidence for someone else to have such a rare name ? I do not believe so !

Kazuma: 'That's the most common surname back in my country.' Serena-san, i'm sorry to say that, but it's the unmistakable truth that I'm an adventurer with the weakest job. The story you just told me was really exciting and all, but, well, it's impossible for me to defeat the Demon King. I don't intend to face him in the first place, and even if I did, I don't have the ability to. Plus, from what you've told me, the curse is going to wear off soon, and the Demon king is just a young girl, right ? No, no, that's totally impossible. I don't have the resolve needed to kill a person. Just dealing with humanoid monsters is tough enough as is.

Serena: You shouldn't be that humble... Still... I see. Fufu, Kazuma-sama is a really kind person, aren't you ? Now then, I shall-

Wiz: Celestina-san ! Is that Celestina-san ! Ah, Kazuma-san too ! What are you two doing in such a place ? You really have some kind of fate with the Demon King's Generals. First me and Vanir and Beldia, and now Celestina-san too ! Did you already make friends with her ?

"Serena": ... Have you mistaken me for someone else ? I'm a priest named Serena, I'm sure you've got the wrong person-

Wiz: Celestina-san, you really should visit my store now that you're here. Kazuma-san, you're welcome too. I'll put on some tea.

"Serena": Kazuma-sama, do you know her ? Could you explain to her that she's got the wrong person ?

Wiz: Why won't you look at me, Celestina-san ? And what's with that posh way of speaking , You didn't forget about me, did you ? It's me, Wiz !I lived with you in Demon King-san's castle way back when ! Celestina-san !

"Serena": Would you j- C- Could you please stop that ? I am Serena. That Celes-whatever is a different person, so could you give it a rest ?

Wiz: What are you saying ? However you look at it, you're Celestina-san ! You're the Dark Priest Celestina-san ! The only human in the Demon King's army who's great at scheming and infiltrating-

"Serena": You seem to have split ends; Let me take care of it. Heal ! Heal !

Wiz: Ow ! Ow ! What are you doing, Celestina-san ! What is up with you ?! Fine, I don't know you anymore ! I thought I'd show you that interesting magic item I just got my hands on... Kazuma-san, do drop by my store soon.

"Serena": ... What a strange person; Smokes comes out of her when she gets healed.

Kazuma: Well, she is a lich after all. Though I'm sure you already know that, Celestina-san.

Celestina: ... ... That's not it !

Kazuma: Oh ?

Celestina: It's true, I'm one of the Demon King's Generals, Celestina. But please hear me out, the story I told you earlier is the truth ! I'm actually the Demon King's older sister. In order to save my sister, I had no choice but to join the Demon King's army ! Ah, when I think about her...

Vanir: What's this about a sister ? Boy who's worried if he's actually under a curse that causes something to interfere whenever things start going well. That disappointing shopkeeper who merrily bought some trash told me you were nearby. Moi might be willing to help you with that for a fair price. How about paying the shop a visit ?

Celestina: ... G- Good afternoon. Nice to meet you. Zre you a friedn of Kazuma-sama ? Um, Kazuma-sama, you seem to be quite busy, qo I shall take my...

Vanir: Nice to meet you for the first time, pure and upright priest who's not the slightest bit suspicious. Now, now, there's no need to rush home. As proof of our meeting, and on behalf of the charred and melting shopkeeper, Moi shall offer one of the items that shopkeeper so gleefully bought a short while ago for a low price.

Vanir: this is today's recommended item ! The best friend of traveling adventurers, the Bug Killerin ! Don't be fooled by its cute name, this is very powerful indeed. It's a magic item that bestows a powerful death curse upon any creature smaller than a mouse that approaches it. In other words, if you put this under your pillow, you will be able to sleep without worrying about being stung by any annoying insects.

Kazuma/Celestina: Oh ?

Kazuma: ... There's got to be some kind of downside, isn't there ? Like putting that death curse upon humans with a low chance of success or the like ?

Vanir: Not at all. It will not have any effect on any creature larger than a mouse. The only things that will die are creatures smaller than rats.

Celestina: What a wonderful item. In other words, if I put that under my pillow, even the swift and glossy black fearsome Emperor will die if it gets close. Please give me one...

Vanir: Thank you for your business !

Kazuma: ... Say, Vanir, any living being smaller than a rat that gets close will die, right ?

Vanir: Of course.

Kazuma: ... Then, the bacteria living in human's guts and symbiotes and whatever else will die too ?

Vanir: Of course. My dear associate also made the same remark when I showed it to him. Do you think rebranding it as "Biological warfare" like he said sounds good ?

Celestina: ... ... ... ...

Vanir: Hold on, newly introduced person. Moi treats the personal information of my customers with the utmost respect, but should you return that item, you shall cease to be a customer of mine. Hmm, yes, I see something... the future of someone who will get mauled by the adventurers after a certain masked gentleman reveals all sorts of secrets...

Celestina: I'll buy it ! I'll buy it ! How much is it ?!

Vanir: Fuhahahaha ! Moi is in a very good mood today ! After all, the pieces of trash that the defective shopkeeper bought actually was turned into money ! Originally, this item goes for 400,000 Eris, but considering it's our first meting, and Moi's good mood, Moi shall let you have it for 1,200,800 Eris !

Celestina: The price went up you piece of shit ! Why do you know exactly how much money I have ! Don't use your all-seeing sight on everything !

Vanir: Fuhahaha ! 'Till we meet again, brat ! Oh, and person whom I just met, your dark emotions are delicious indeed ! Most delicious indeed ! Fuhahaha !

Celestina: ... My money...

Kazuma: My condolences.

Vanir: Oh, and just another thing.

Celestina: GAAAAARGH !!

Vanir: Fuhahaha, fear isn't my meal of choice, but it can be enjoyable. I was just going to say that since i'm in a really good mood, Moi's all-seeing eye can also foretold quite the bloodshed from the dear associate that has been standing here most of the time.

Celestina: What ?

"... ... ... ... Demon King General, huh ? How interesting indeed~. Vanir, we'll discuss that Bug Killerin later, I believe I have more business that require my full, undivided attention."

Celestina: ... K- Kazuma-sama... ?

Kazuma: Hey, don't ask me to stop him, I like my head where it is. But I guess you're getting acquainted with the one who actually fought off the Generals, and is really looking forward to beating up the Demon King...

"The last General excluding Wiz gracing us with their presence and sparing us the trouble of looking for them... I shall savor that opportunity."

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