Chapter 19: *I'm coming*

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator-Voice-off

Your POV:

"Ahhh... The beauty of winter... The white cloak gently enveloping the hills... That clear ice replacing the running water... That pure, empty sound when the chirping and hustling could be heard... Beautiful... At least when I see it from inside, that is. *Sip*."

Kazuma: Same. I remember you had a very different speech when we were still sleeping in the stables.

"Would it very be a speech when it was just two words ? 'F*ck winter'. Even though, I must say, there is one little thing bothering me with this scenery..."

Kazuma: And what would that be ?

"Someone made a snowman right in front of the mansion, made it to look like me and just planted a bunch of knives in it while writing 'Kill' all around it in the snow."

Kazuma: Any ideas ?

"I have a few, but the hints are really subtle."

Kazuma: Well, on the meantime, help me getting Aqua from hogging the couch for herself !! It's the spot in front of the fireplace, and I need it !!

Aqua: Never !! I'll never surrender my territory to the likes of you NEET's !!

Kazuma: I'm doing some freelance work for the guild in order to clear your debts ! So if you're cold, just go back to your room and hide under your blanket or something !!

Aqua: I don't wanna. Things like blankets become cold when you leave it. If you want me to go back into it, then heat it up in a microwave or something.

Kazuma: Are you stupid ?! There's no such things as a microwave here ! And stop being stubborn, move out of the way ! Who do you think landed us into debt in the first place ?! If you continue to get in my way, don't blame me if I get rough with you !

Aqua: What, you want to fight ? If we're both unarmed, I'll have the advantage with my higher stats ! The place before the fireplace is my holy sanctuary, anyone who invades it will receive divine punishment !

Kazuma: FREEZE !!


"Kazuma and Aqua, acting like quirky siblings again... *Sip*"

Darkness: Where did you get that ?

"Oh, that ?"

"A gift from Paps. But just focus on your game, I think Megumin's doing something shady with your pieces."

Megumin: It's not shady ! I'm teleporting my orc soldier to the field !

Darkness: Mmh... the way you use your mage is disgusting... I'll move my crusader here, and check !

Megumin: A- Ah ?! Wait, wait ! I'll take back my play ! Please !

Aqua: ... Gh... Kazuma, you... ! Look carefully at that ! See my level on my adventurer card ?! It's 21 ! Right now, I have the highest level out of all of us ! With such a level, I could be considered a veteran, so you rookies who are under level 20 know your place ! If you understand, then offer the place before the fireplace to the great me !

Kazuma: ... ... hey, Aqua. Your level did increase, but your stats are the same as the first time I saw them. Why is that ?

Aqua: How ignorant, Kazuma. Who do you think I am ? Things like stats were already at the maximum from the very start. My skill points were bountiful at the beginning, enough to learn all the banquet party tricks and all the skills of an Archpriest. Comparing me to a normal adventurer is a big mistake !

Kazuma: ... 'I see... So this means... No matter how much this girl level up, her already lower than average intelligence would never increase...'

Aqua: Oh... You gave up the place so obediently... Wait, Kazuma, why are you crying ? Did my level exceeding yours give you such a big shock ? Why... Why are you patting my shoulders and treating me so gently ? W- Why are you looking at me with eyes of sympathy ?!

"... *Sip* I don't know if I even want to know... Where are you going, Kazuma ?"

Kazuma: I've lost the will to work today, so I'll just take a stroll around town.

"Watch out for cliffs. Talking from experience here."

Kazuma: Uuh... It's cold today as well. There aren't many people walking outside either. During a season like this, those who would go for a quest are pretty much a bunch of cheaters who came from Japan, huh...

Papyrus: Heigh-Ho, heigh-ho, It's work from home I go~...

Kazuma: ... Save from some exceptions... Staying at home really is the best during winter... I had better go back to the mansion quickly.

Kazuma: Yo, Keith, Dust. What are you doing in a place like this ?

Keith: UWAH ?! What ?! It's you, Kazuma !! Don't surprise me like that ! That's why I hate people with the stealth skill !

Kazuma: Even if you tell me that...

Keith: Are you... On your own today ?

Kazuma: yeah, that's right.

Keith: I... I see... That's too bad for Y/n, but if you don't have the girls with you, then it's ok.

Kazuma: What's that ? So it would be bad if I had girls with me ?

Keith: Ah... N- No... Well... How do I say it ? It doesn't have anything to do with either of you two, who are always surrounded by a harem of beautiful girls...

Dust: No, hold on. Sorry to interrupt, but Kazuma isn't like that... He is not like that, I tell you...

Kazuma: 'What happened back then has turned into quite the trauma...' Actually, do you guys have something to do ahead of here ?

Dust: Uh... No... Um... Kazuma, do you think you can keep a secret ?

Kazuma: Eh ? I guess...

Dust: Don't ever leak what I'm going to say now to the girls, ok ? See this shop ? ... Succubi are running it.

Kazuma: Eh ? Succubi ? You mean...

Keith: Yeah... Female shaped monsters who feed on men's essence. It looks like the succubi here have somehow established a coexistence relationship with the men of the town.

Kazuma: Coexistence ?

Dust: Come on... When sleeping in stables or the like, even if you're excited, you start to grow aware of other people's eyes, so you can't do anything, right ?

Kazuma: Yeah... I guess. Or they snore and that kills the mood.

Keith: And if you try to make a move on other female adventurers, they gang up on you and beat you to a pulp. This is the turn of the succubi comes. Apparently, they make you see amazingly good dreams when you sleep. And in exchange for that, they suck our energy. We feel refreshed, and they get to live. Nobody loses anything !

Dust: Well, they will suck just a little, so that we don't completely dry up, so it's not dangerous either...

Kazuma: WONDERFUL !! Succubi won't attack people indiscreetly either ! And males can constantly be in sage time !!

Keith: S- Sage time... ?

Kazuma: As a result, sexual crime will be gone, and the town will be full of peace ! What problem is there ?! Actually, why didn't you tell me about this shop sooner ?!

Keith: N- No... We just learned about it today... Then... Wanna come with u-

Kazuma: I'm coming.

Succubus: Welcome~.

Kazuma: ... F- For three, please...

Succubus: dear customers, is this your first time visiting our shop ? Then, are you aware of what shop this is, and who we are ? Well then, please fill in the required items in this questionnaire and hand it in.

Kazuma: ... Excuse me... What is this... ?

Succubus: Ah. First, the customer will determine the setting of the dream they will see. For example, their gender, outer appearance, social status, occupation, be it a king or a hero. You are also free to become a woman, too. It's a dream after all.

Succubus: based on that, we will guide you to a dream that meets your desire. there's also the age, too. There was a person who wanted to be a bad boy and get pushed down by firm female warriors.

Kazuma: 'Where could somebody like that even be ?' Excuse me, for the setting of the target, how detailed wan we be ?

Succubus: It can be as detailed as you wish. Personality, favorite phrases, appearance, how much she likes you, any feature and any figure. It's fine even if you asked for a fictional character. Now please choose as you please.

Kazuma: O- Okay... ...

Succubus: ... Well then, all three honored customers chose the three-hour session. The fee is 5,000 Eris each.

Kazuma: Th- That's cheap !

Succubus: Fufu~. To us, we just need enough money to live in this town as humans. Apart from this, we just need to absorb a little energy from our customers.

Succubus: Well then, please leave the address you'll be spending tonight at, and what time you plan to sleep. Around that time, the succubus from our shop will go to the side of the sleeping customers and let them see their desired dreams. Also, please don't drink alcohol if possible. If you get dead drunk or sleep too deeply, even we won't be able to let the customer dream.

Kazuma: I'm home...

"Ah, Kazuma."

Kazuma: Yes, I'm Kazuma. What's up ?

Aqua: You're finally here ! Look, look ! Tonight's dinner is amazing ! We've got crab here ! Darkness' family sent it as congratulation for moving in !

Darkness: I'm sure it was cold out there, so eat without holding back.

"Kmmfdf mmm Whmm Dfff ! (Kinda like what I do !)"

Kazuma: Crab ? isn't that quite luxurious- Gh !

Aqua: And moreover, its super extravagant snow crimson crab of the highest quality ! And a magnificent top-class wine to go with it !

Megumin: Wahhh... In an impoverished career as an adventurer, I never thought there would be a day I could see a snow crimson crab... I'm so glad I joined this party...

Kazuma: Is the crab that great in quality... ?

Megumin: Of course ! I'll give you a simple example, if someone told me "if you want to eat this crab, then you are prohibited from using explosion.", I would endure it, and wait until I eat my fill before using Explosion ! That's how valuable it is !

"In any other circumstances, I'd ask who Darkness' family is to send us that, but right now I'll just shut up and stuff myself ! With wine too !"

Aqua: Speaking of ! Watch this, I'll show you the most delicious way of drinking this top-class wine.

"... The crab's shell... You're not gonna..."

Aqua: Hehehe... First you pour the wine in the shell, where there's a little paste left... then you roast in for bit... And finally... Aaaaaaaaaaahh~ !

"*Drooooooooooool*... Gimme that ! I need to try it !"

Kazuma: 'M- Me too... ! Wait, no ! She said... If I get drunk, I couldn't dream ! It had to be the day they bring wine of the best quality, damn it !!'

Darkness: This is great, splendid !

Kazuma: 'Don't be tempted ! I probably won't be able to stop after I start drinking it !!'

"Fwaaaaaaaaaahh !! Now this... This is worth every ounce of trouble I ever went through~... How many bottle of that do we have ?"

Aqua: Enough.

Megumin: I want some too ! It's fine, just for today ! I want to drink some wine !

Darkness: No, they say that those who start to drink when young will grow up and become useless adults.

Aqua: ... ... Why are you all looking at me ?

"Nevermind. Hey Kazuma, are you okay ? You haven't drank anything yet... Do you not like it ?"

Kazuma: N- No, the crab's delicious and all, just... I ran into Dust and the guys earlier, and we had a few rounds, so I think I'll pass on the wine... I'll drink tomorrow !

"You shouldn't count on that too much. With how it's going, there won't be any wine left by tomorrow."

Aqua: Right ! I'll drink it all ! How could I leave any behind ? I will drink your share too !

Kazuma: ... All right, it might be a bit early, but I think I'm gonna go to bed. Darkness, thank you for the treat. Good night, everyone !

"... Something's weird about Kazuma, don't you think... ?"

Aqua: Never mind that, let's get smashed !

Megumin: I want to get smashed, too !

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