Chapter 2: Registration

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"A whole new world, all for me to discover... if only I could know where the others are... Nevermind, I just have to follow aqua's wailing, should be easy."

Aqua: Waaaaaa !! Waaaaa ! Waaaaa !

Kazuma: Animal ears ! there's someone with animal ears ! Elf ears ! Is that an elf ? With such striking facial features, she definitely has to be one ! Goodbye shut-in life, hello different world ! If it's this world, then i'm willing to go out and work obediently !

"Calm your hormones for a second, would ya ? I can't say which one of you is the noisier out here."

Kazuma: Um... is that you, Y/n ?

"Why, yes. It's been, like, not even 5 minutes since we saw each other, why are you so surprised ?"

Kazuma: Just... Your face...

"What, my face ? You're starting to worry me here, where can I find a mirror ?"

(A/n: Just the hair, OK ?)

"Oh... Ohhhhhhh..."

Kazuma: You okay ?

"I... I look so cool now... I genuinely love it..."

Kazuma: Well, if you say so...


"Shut the fuck up ! You're getting on my nerves, dammit !"

Kazuma: What would you do if people think we're friends with a crazy woman like you ? You should be giving something tome at a time like this. Look at what I'm wearing, a tracksuit ?! I've finally arrived in a fantasy world and I'm wearing a tracksuit ! According to the norm in games, you should be giving me the minimum equipment-


Kazuma: Whoa ! Hey, get off me ! What are you doing, don't act this way !

"Want me to look for an hotel already ? Even for an Isekai protagonist, things are moving quite fast for you, Kazuma."

Kazuma: You are NOT helping ! I get it, I get it ! I'll do something about the basic equipment ! If you hate that so much, you can go back, we'll work out the rest on our own.

Aqua: What are you saying ? I'm troubled because I can't go back ! What now ? What should I do ? What am I going to do from now on ?!

Kazuma: hey, calm down, goddess. Right now, the first place we should visit is the tavern."

"That or a guild hall, if there's one. If we take account the amount of people a guild hall should attract, there should be a tavern right next to it."

Kazuma: This isn't even a game mechanic, this is basic economic logic...

"Told you I took a walk because I was bored..."

Kazuma: Yeah...

Aqua: Huh ? Aren't you just supposed to be two shut-in NEETs ? Why are you being so reliable ? But, even if I don't mind you hesitate addressing me as "Goddess", please call me by my name whenever possible or else citizens will surround us and we won't be able to go on adventures and take down the Demon king. This might be a different world, but i'm still a revered goddess in it.

"So we basically need to look for a big-ass building with lots of tough-looking people in and around it."

Kazuma: That's about it. And even if we can't find it right away, there should be someone who knows.

Aqua: Are you ignoring me again ?!

Kazuma: Fine, we'll include you in the conversation. Do you know where the adventurer's guild is and what direction we need to take ?

Aqua: I... I wouldn't know even if you ask me. I know the common knowledge of this world, but not the specifics of this town. This is just one of the many existing planets, and just a small town at that ! How should I know ?

"Somehow, this is a valid point..."

Kazuma: So there's no other choice... excuse me, may I ask you something ? We're looking for a place, like an adventurer's guild...

Lady: Guild ? Oh my, to not know where the guild is, might you be from out of town ?

"You could say that. We made quite the long trip to finally reach this town."

Lady: My... Since you came to this town, you must be aiming to become adventurers. Welcome to the town of novice adventurers, Axel. Follow the main road and turn right, you'll the see the signboard for the guild.

Kazuma: Take a right down the road. Got it, thank you very much !

"Well, what are we waiting for then ?"

Kazuma: A town for novice adventurers, huh ? As to be expected.

Aqua: Hey, you came up with an excuse right on the spot. Why are you able to handle this so perfectly ? You seem to be a capable guy, so why were you a shut-in NEET without any friends or girlfriend ? Why would you want to stay at home all day and be shut-in NEETs ?

"And you're getting more and more annoying by the second. Not having friends or a girlfriend isn't necessarily a bad thing, you can't measure a person's value just with that."

Kazuma: Moreover, don't call me a shut-in NEET, you dam bitch ! I'm just sixteen, I'm too young to be a NEET by society's standards... !

Aqua: Don't call me a bitch !

"I'm 20, personally, does that makes me a NEET ?"

(A/n: 'Tis just mine, you can change it if you want.)

"Big-ass building, check..."

Kazuma: Lots of tough-looking people, check...

Aqua: We just followed that lady's directions...

"It does smell of food, too... Now I'm getting hungry."

Waitress: Ah, welcome. Please approach the counter if you're looking for quests. If you're here to eat, then just take any empty seat.

'... Hey, I don't like how everyone's focused on us right now...'

Aqua: If they're looking this way so blatantly, it must be because of the holy aura coming from me. They must've discovered that I'm a goddess.

"Of course, let's go with that... More importantly, let's go check this counter."

Kazuma: Listen carefully, Aqua... They'll give us a tutorial if we register, enabling us to earn a living. That's the kind of places adventurer guilds are. We should be able to take out a loan to prepare ourselves, complete simple jobs to get by and introduce ourselves to a good tavern. Most games start out this way. Normally, preparing the minimum essentials to live in this world should be your job, but never mind that. For today, let's register with the guild, get some equipment and money, and find a place to sleep.

"You're the expert here. To be fair, my gaming experience isn't the greatest and richest, by far, so I'll rely on you for these kinds of things."

Kazuma: You literally chose a video game character.

"I meant classic RPG games. From what I saw, this world's closer to a Final fantasy or a Dragon Quest, and I haven't played either of these. So right now, you're the brain, and I'll be the sword."

Aqua: I don't care about that. My job's sending the dead to this world, but I get it. I'm not familiar with games, but what you said was common sense for this world. So I just need to register to be an adventurer too, right ?

Kazuma: that's right.

"Let's go then."

"Kazuma... Why did you choose this counter ?"

Kazuma: What are you talking about, this is just chance.

"No, i'm asking why the counter with people already waiting, when the other three were all free."

Aqua: All of that because this counter worker's the prettiest, huh ? I can't believe I said I was impressed and said you were reliable just now.

Kazuma: Building a good relationship with the guild's counter staff are the basics, and the pretty counter lady definitely has plenty of flags to raise. This means that there will be more shocking hidden side-quests waiting for us. For example, the counter lady might be a powerful adventurer or something.

"Say whatever you want, i'm pretty sure you just want to focus on her cleavage."

Luna: Good morning, how may I help you ?

Kazuma: Hum, we want to become adventurers. We came from the countryside and don't know anything...

Luna: I see. There will be a registration fee, will that be okay ?

"Oh god, the first challenge already..."

Kazuma: ... Hey Aqua, got any cash on you ?

Aqua: I was transported here so suddenly, so how would it be possible for me to have any money ?

"In a pinch right from the beginning... I think if we were in a game, we'd at least be given some money to start off..."

Aqua: You both suddenly became unreliable. However, there's no helping it, since you're some Shut-ins after all. All right, it's time for me to shine. Just sit back and watch, I'll show you the capability of a goddess.

"What do you think she's gonna try... ?"

Kazuma: Whatever it might be, I ain't feeling it...

Aqua: Man of the cloth, please state thy religion ! I'm aqua, that's right, the goddess Aqua worshiped by the religious order of Axis ! If thou art a believer, may you give me some aid by lending me some money ?

"Wait for it..."

Pilgrim: I'm from the Eris cult.

Kazuma: Here you go...

Aqua: Ah... I see, sorry...

Pilgrim: Miss, you must be a follower of Axis. There were stories about Goddess aqua and Goddess Eris being close, so this must be fate. I've been observing you, might you be having trouble paying the registration fee ? It's just a small fee, so please take it as a blessing from Goddess Eris. But no matter how devout you are, you shouldn't use the title of Goddess in vain.

Aqua: Ah... Okay, sorry... Thank you very much...

"That actually went better than I would've expected."

Aqua: He... He didn't believe that I'm a Goddess... By the way, Eris' my junior... I was pitied by the believer of my junior Goddess and received some money...

"I was about to say something that would've hurt you, but it looks like you had enough already."

Aqua: Uuuuuuuuuuu...

Kazuma: What matters is that you completed the task. Think about it, if he really believed that you were a goddess, there's be a different kind of trouble !

"We're back with the registration fees."

Luna: I... I see... The registration is 1000 eris per person...

'1000 ? You think it has the same value as 1000 yens ? that'd be convenient.'

Kazuma: 'Considering that guy gave about 4000 to Aqua, it's definitely not dollars...'

Luna: All right. Since you said you want to become adventurers, you should have some level of understanding, but I'll explain from the start... First, adventurers are responsible for the extermination of monsters wandering outside the town, dangerous creatures that might harm the citizens. They're also jacks-of-all-trades, taking on odd jobs that requires their talents. Collectively known as adventurers are people who earn a living this way. And among adventurers, there are different jobs.

Luna: Please look over here, these are "Adventurer cards". Do you see the word "Level" ? As you know, all things in the world have souls, no matter what form it takes. If you eat of kill a being, you can absorb a part of the memory of the soul, known as "experience points". They are normally intangible, but with this card, the experience points the adventurer absorbs will be shown right here. At the same time, the level corresponding to your experience points will be displayed here. This shows how strong an adventurer is. How many enemies you defeat will also be recorded here. With the accumulation of experience points, all creatures will grow stronger rapidly at some point, known as leveling up. Simply put, leveling up will grant you all sorts of benefits, such as skill points to learn new skills. So please work hard to increase your level.

'So it really is like a game, huh.'

Luna: First, please fill in your height, weight, age and other details in the blanks.

(A/n: Those are mine, so do whatever the f- you want with that part, I don't care.)

'Height, 188 cm/6 ft 2 in... Weight, 75 kg/165 lbs... 20 years old, white hair...'

Luna: That'll be fine. Now please touch this card, it will display the strength of each of your abilities for reference when choosing your job. After accumulation skill points, you can learn skills that are available for your job. This is one of the key points in choosing a class.

Kazuma: Alright, I'm first. Here goes something... !

Luna: ... ... ... All right, thank you. Satou Kazuma, right ? let's see... Strength, stamina, magic, agility... All of them average. Intelligence is slightly better than average... Huh ? Your luck stats' very high, but it's not very relevant for adventurers... This is troubling. From the numbers, you can only choose the most basic Adventurer class, but since your Luck's so high, I suggest you try being a merchant instead... What would you like to do ?

Aqua: Fu... Fu fu...

Kazuma: Um... I'd like to become an adventurer...

Luna: I- It's fine. After leveling up and raising your stats, you can change your job ! In addition, the Adventurer class is what it sounds like, it's a combination of all jobs. It might be a basic level class, but it doesn't mean it's worse than the others ! Adventurers can learn and use the skills of all jobs after all !

"Well, isn't that exactly what you said earlier ? That adventurers were supposed to be 'Jack-of-all-trades' ?"

Luna: yes, but there's a downfall... Adventurers need more skill points to learn skills, and without the bonuses attributes of the more specific jobs, your skills will be weaker when compared to them.

"So jack of all trades, master of none then..."

Aqua: Alright, my turn !

Kazuma: I got the weakest job right from the beginning...

"A balanced class like that would be the better choice at the beginning, in my opinion. That way, you should be able to find a way out of every situation, when a specific class would find itself in quite a bit of a predicament."

Kazuma: Thanks... well, it'll be fine as long as-

Luna: Eh ? HUH ? What's with these numbers ?! Leaving the lower than average intelligence and rock bottom luck aside, the rest of your stats drastically exceed the average ! Especially your magic, it's abnormally high ! Who in the world are you... ?

Kazuma: ... You know what, forget what I was about to say.

Aqua: Ah, is that right ? Therefore, it means i'm amazing. Oh my, it's normal by my standard.

Luna: This... This is way beyond amazing ! Magic-types classes that require higher intelligence aren't available... However, you may choose any other job ! The holy knight with the strongest defense, Crusader; the swordsman with the strongest attack, the Swordsmaster; or even the top-tier cleric, Archpriest. You may choose from most of the top-tier classes right now !

Aqua: Well, it's pity that "Goddess" isn't available as a class. It'll be Archpriest for me then.

"You want to hit her in the face too or is it just me... ?"

Kazuma: No, I want to do it too.

Luna: Archpriest ! Archpriests can use all kinds of recovery and support magic. They can even take the role of vanguards, a strong all-rounder class ! I'll register you now... Done. Welcome to the adventurer's guild, Lady Aqua ! All of our staff look forward to your grand exploits !

Kazuma: Kinda starting to regret bringing her along now...

"Called it. But I regret going right after her, now whatever the hell I got, it'll just look lame in comparison."

Luna: S- Sorry, that wasn't very professional of me. Please, put your hand here.

"Let's just get done with that, i'm really starting to get hungry."

Luna: Alright, and... ... Thank you. Let's see... ... ...

"A problem ? Are they really that bad ?"

Luna: N- No, that's not it, they're actually quite good, but... Well, taking apart your average luck, all of your stats are really weirdly balanced...

"How come ?"

Luna: Well, both your physical offense and defense are pretty low, so going as a vanguard would be a really bad idea... On the other hand, your magic-related stats are quite high, although not enough for going straight from the beginning for the "Archwizard" class...

"That doesn't seem too weird to me... Where's the problem ?"

Luna: I'm getting to it... If that was just that, there would nothing too strange... But your stamina and agility stats... They're just stupidly high ! I don't think I've ever seen such high stamina and agility before... Are you actually some sort of ninja ?

"Have you seen my face ? I don't think I could be stealthy with hair like that. And just wait before I start flashing blue..."

Luna: It's definitely weird... I'd advise you to choose a magic-related class... But other than that...

"If possible, is there a class that specializes in summoning and manipulation ?"

Luna: I... I think there is one... A "Summoner" class. But almost no one is using it...

"Is it this bad ?"

Luna: No... It's just the lack of things to summon that makes it extremely hard to master. And even looking past that, it's considerably harder to level up than most classes.

"A very rare class, requiring loads of work, holding high potential, and can be completely broken if mastered ?"

Luna: That... That sums up the thing quite right.

"Alright. Where do I sign up ?"

Luna: You're going down a hard way.

"I can change class when I level-up, right ? So what's wrong ?"

Luna: I commend your bravery. Very well, Y/n L/n, may your adventures and exploits be known far beyond this country, for future generations.

"You bet."

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