Chapter 3: Shadilay~

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Boss: All right, good work everyone ! That's it for today ! Here is today's salary. I'm counting on you tomorrow too !

"We worked the whole day today too..."

Kazuma: I'm even starting to doubt that I was a shut-in to begin with.

"But... This wasn't exactly what I was expecting from an adventurer's life... At least I get to grasp my abilities with little risk."

Kazuma: Tell me about it, you're an entire working team by yourself. Telekinesis really is something useful.

"Speaking of, I think..."

*Telekinesis: Lvl 1→Lvl 2*


Kazuma: Mind reminding me how that works ? When you said the summoner class was special, I wasn't expecting that.

"Same here. So in short, I've got a few presets skills to level-up. Here."

*Gaster blaster: Lvl 1

Teleportation: Lvl 1

Telekinesis: Lvl 2

Bone manipulation: Lvl 1*

Kazuma: Is this specific of the "Summoner" class ?

"Perhaps. Or maybe it's a combo with my own abilities. Nonetheless, each of these skills have integrated stats of their own. I'll take my telekinesis here as an example, since it just leveled up."

"It got the following stats: Speed, range, power, control. Just like my own stats, they naturally increase when the skill level up, plus I get some points to allocate myself. On the downside, I don't think I'm allowed to learn other types of skills."

Kazuma: It really is a peculiar class...

Aqua: I'm hungry. What would you like to eat today ? I want some smoked-lizard hamburger steak and the heart-freezing crimson neroid !

Kazuma: I kinda want to eat meat too

"Alright, so let's get 3 smoked-lizard set meals then."

Aqua: YES !!

"Well then, good night."

Kazuma: Good night... No, wait a minute !!

Aqua: What is it ? Did you forget to go to the toilet ? It's already dark, so just find a tree or something.

Kazuma: No ! it's not that ! I just realized that we've been living the life of manual laborers so far...

"It really took you a full week to realize that ?"

Aqua: How come the two of you got used to that without complaining ?!

Aqua: You don't work, you don't eat. Shut-in NEETs are fussy. If you don't like it, you can always work as a store clerk.

Kazuma: No ! It's not that, how should I put it ? What i'm after is exciting battles against monsters ! A life like that ! Moreover, isn't this world in a crisis with the invasion of the demon king ? isn't it amazingly peaceful here ? There are no signs of demons at all !

Adventurers: Hey, can it ! Be quiet !

Kazuma: S- Sorry !

"Haven't you heard ? This town is the farthest away from the devil king's castle, and since it's full of novice adventurers, so he got no reason to even worry. But I see your point, the thing is, we're poor. Novices like us can't even rent a room at the inn."

Kazuma: All of that because our income isn't stable...

"Yet we're sleeping in the stables."

Kazuma: ... You don't have to RP your character like that.

"I'm still taking notes for later. My point is, the monsters here are the weakest ones, so the forest and surrounding areas have been cleared out long ago. It's so safe outdoors that even the children can roam free."

Kazuma: Minimum wage ? Labor laws ? What are these, can we eat them ?

Aqua: It's useless to weep about these things. You wants to live more like an adventurer, but you don't even have the proper equipment !

"Can't even back-sass to that point."

Kazuma: I'm getting bored of construction too. We didn't come to this world to be laborer, but to adventure. And didn't you send us here to challenge the demon king ?

Aqua: Oh... ? Oh ! There was such a thing ! I forgot, immersed in the happiness of working. I can't go back if you don't defeat the demon king.

"Are... Are you being sarcastic ?"

Kazuma: 'Remember her intelligence is supposed to be below average.'

Aqua: All right, let's go challenge the demon king ! Don't worry, it'll be a breeze with me here ! Look forward to my performance !

"Oh, I'm looking forward to it alright..."

Kazuma: You're a goddess after all, so we're counting on you ! Okay, we'll buy some basic weapons and equipment with the money we saved and go grinding tomorrow !

Aqua: leave it to me !

Adventurer: Didn't I tell you to can it ? Do you want me to beat you up ?!

"Sorry !"

The next day:

"Haaaa... What a beautiful day outside. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming... On days like these, novice adventurers like us..."


"... Would most likely be running away from giant frogs trying to eat them up."

Aqua: Puhehe ! This is hilarious ! Kazuma, your face is all red and you have tears in your eyes ! You look really desperate !

Kazuma: I'll bury you on the way back !!

"*It's the giant frogs' mating season, so they're multiplying, and eating the livestock; please get rid of them.* So we need to kill 5 of them within 3 days."

Aqua: I heard their meat was a bit tough, but it was pleasant and refreshing.

Kazuma: Stop reading that damn poster and help me !!!

"What do you think I've been doing for the past 5 minutes ?!"

"Can't believe how tricky the aim is with those, if only it would stay still for a moment..."

Aqua: I'll help you, but only if you start adding the proper denomination to my name, like "Aqua-san".


Aqua: Can't be helped ! All right, I'll save you, you NEET ! However, you'll need to worship this goddess from tomorrow onward ! You'll have to join the Axis cult in town and pray to me three times a day ! You can't object if I take any side dish from you during meals ! In addition... Where are you going Y/n ?

"Away from the frog."

Aqua: The wh- ACK ?!

Kazuma: Aqua ! You... How could you get eaten ?!

"Hey, but now it IS standing still !"

Aqua: Uhh... Uhh... WAAAAAAAHHHH !!!

"Haa... haa... Haa... man, these things really are more sturdy than you'd imagine... can't believe it took me more than five blasters just to kill one of them..."

Kazuma: OOM ?

"What... ?"

Kazuma: Out Of Mana ?

"No, I'm good. They use stamina points instead, so I'm pretty safe about it. Gaster Blasters ARE supposed to be spammed after all.

Aqua: Uhhh... For a goddess like me to be humiliated by a frog, I'm defiled... If a believer sees me in this sorry state, their faith will most certainly plummet ! If people knew that I was eaten by a frog, it'd be a disgrace to the name of the beautiful goddess Aqua !

"You carry twice as much weight as anyone else like it's nothing, you get drunk every single evening after work and ends up throwing up your dinner, and you snore while you sleep. If anything, that frog isn't that much delusion."

Aqua: That... That cannot be forgiven !

Kazuma: Hey, hold up Aqua !

Aqua: Feel the wrath of a goddess ! Anything it touches shall perish !! God blow !!!

"Aren't those frogs resilient to physical attacks ?"

Kazuma: I remember something like that...


Aqua: ... ... Looking closely, I think frogs are actually quite cute...

Frog: ... ... ... *CHOMP*

Kazuma: AQUA !!!

"We can't do it on our own. We need more teammates..."

Kazuma: We got 5000 Eris for each frog killed, about the same as construction work, but we have to risk our lives...

Aqua: The fried frog meat is unexpectedly tasty, it really is surprising.

"You're not bringing anything to the conversation."

Kazuma: But... Even if we want to recruit comrades, do you think anyone would want to team up with novices like us who don't even have proper equipment ?

"This town is filled with novices, there should be some of them in our situation, looking for a group..."

Aqua: Wiff mi hare, I juice node...

Kazuma: Swallow before you speak !

Aqua: *Gulp* With me here, I just need to holler and people will line up to join us. I'm an Archpriest after all, a top-tier class ! I can use all sorts of healing spells and support magic, relieve poison and paralysis statuses. I can even perform resurrection, a talent any team would want ! I might've fallen into the mortal world, causing my powers to be far from my peak, but I'm still a goddess... Ahem ! I'm Lady aqua after all ! I just need to put up a notice and a bunch of people begging me to "Bring me along on quests" will show up ! If you understand, then give me another piece of fried frog meat !

Kazuma: Hey ! That's my plate !

'Please someone normal, please someone normal... Or at the very least someone less crazy, please...'

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