Chapter 21: Destroyer

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Dust: Kazuma ! You guys ! You made it here !

Kazuma: Sorry we're late.

Dust: So you really came, huh ! We knew you would come !

"Yeah, we were kinda delayed by someone kinda retarded."

Aqua: H- Hey !

Chara: Let me guess, it was you ? Moron.

Frisk: Please keep quiet, they're about to announce something...

Luna: Everyone, thank you so much for gathering. Starting now, we will carry out the "Mobile Fortress Destroyer Subjugation" emergency quest ! Levels and jobs are unrelated to this quest, so please everyone, take part in it ! However, should you face difficulty accomplishing the quest, all of you are to abandon the town and run away. Everyone, this is our final defense ! Thank you !

Kazuma: Wow, wow, talk about unreliable... Is this going to be okay... ?

"A town can be rebuilt... I don't think even Aqua could revive someone squished by that Destroyer..."

Luna: Now then... I believe that many of you are already informed, but I will start off by explaining about the Destroyer. The Mobile Fortress Destroyer, is an ultra-large-sized golem originally created as an anti-demon king army weapon in the country of highly developed magic technologies, Noise. The golem, to which Noise's tremendous national budget was dedicated to create, takes the shape of a spider with eight legs. Its body is as gigantic as the old castle, and an excess of magical metals used in its outer structure. Thus, it continues to advance with speed that doesn't relate to its giant body.

Luna: Because of that, it is difficult to stop the advance of the Destroyer. Even if there are large sized monsters in its way, they will end up as minced meat. And since there is a powerful magical barrier on it, magic attacks are mostly ineffective as well. Which means, we can only attack with arrows and throwing stones... But they will be intercepted, as it is also equipped with independent medium-sized golems, and small-sized ballistae.

Papyrus: I see, I see... What does that means ?

Chara: We're screwed.

Papyrus: Oh...

Luna: In the first place, as to why the Destroyer is on a rampage, the one who was in charge of its development research probably rode the Destroyer, and continues to manipulate it even now... Without differentiating between man and monster, it tramples them down and brings limitless destruction. In the unfortunate case it attacked a town, the only choice would be to abandon it and wait until it passes by. Truly, it can only be called a natural disaster... That is the Mobile Fortress Destroyer !

Dust: By the way, what happened to that "Noise" country which made that ? Don't they at least know its weak points ?

"It doesn't take a genius to guess they were the first to be trampled on..."

Lynn: Say, won't digging up a big trap hole in its way do the job ,

Luna: It was done before, but it would just jump over it.

Chara: Just great... Why were we even summoned here if the only solution is to run away ? Shouldn't we be organizing the evacuation of the town ?

Frisk: It's true... Our priority would be to ensure everyone's safety...

Undyne: i'm not running away without at least putting on a fight !

Taylor: ... Kazuma. You're quick-witted, aren't you ? Don't you have any good ideas on how to stop the Destroyer ?

Kazuma: Even if you tell me that... 'I could only think of getting Megumin to fire from a far place... But because of the Barrier, magic won't work, so... Barrier... Magic doesn't work because of the barrier... ?' ... Oi, Aqua.

Kazuma: If I recall, you said if it was a barrier set by two or three of the Demon King's generals, you could break it. What about the Destroyer's barrier ? Can you break it ?

Aqua: Aah... I did say something like that... I guess I wouldn't know. It's not something I have ever tried.

Luna: C- Can you break it ?! That Destroyer's barrier ! If you can do that, attacking it with magic would be possible ! But still, half-baked magic wouldn't work... We need someone who can fire magic with sufficient firepower...

Dust; If it's someone with firepower, then we do have one, no ? The psycho.

Adventurers: Right, she was there. The psycho girl. We have her, the psycho girl... I see. The psycho girl, huh...

Asgore: This is a terrible nickname.

"But not inaccurate."

Chara: Why are you still there ? Just go hide and die !

Megumin: Hold on ! If you are referring to me, stop using that name ! Otherwise, I'll prove to you whether or not I am truly a psycho !

"Please don't do that. All we're asking is if you can do it."

Megumin: A... U... E- Even with my Explosion magic, I guess one hit probably... Wouldn't completely finish it off after all...

Luna: If only we have at least one more powerful magic user...

Wiz: Sorry, I'm late ! I'm the shopkeeper of Wiz's magic items shop ! I am more or less qualified as an adventurer, so I'll also help...

All: ... ... ... ... ... ...

Wiz: Huh... um...

Adventurers: Ah, it's the shopkeeper !! the skillful, poor shopkeeper has come ! We can win ! Now we can win ! We can do this !!

"... Are we missing something there ? Why's everyone relying on Wiz like that ?"

Taylor: Well, she was formerly a renowned Archwizard, so I heard she's a worthy powerful person. After she had retired, she started a magic items shop in the town, but...

Kazuma: 'As expected from a lich. Even Explosion magic is something she can use, huh...'

Luna: W- Well then ! With the shopkeeper of the magic tools shop coming, let us once again disclose the plan ! Archpriest Aqua will remove the Destroyer's barrier. Afterwards, Megumin and Wiz will attack the Destroyer's legs with magic and stop its movement. Everyone else, please prepare with the possibilities of attacking parts that weren't destroyed or breaking into the interior in mind.

Wiz: W- Wait, there's still a problem... After Aqua-sama breaks the barrier, it'll probably come at us even faster... And considering the time it takes to cast Explosion... We may not have the time to do so...

Taylor: ... So we need a way to keep it in place for a while... But if even a pitfall wouldn't work...

Kazuma: Maintaining... Freezing it in place...

"... ... Why's everyone staring at me now ?"

Undyne: Kid, wouldn't eight legs be even easier to manipulate ?

"Uhh... I can always try at least... But you know I don't have nearly enough firepower to make a dent, do you ?"

Kazuma: that's not what we're asking. Just make it so it cannot move.

"Um, Darkness ? This time, i'm saying it for your own good. You shouldn't be so much in front."

Darkness: No. I am a crusader. No matter how powerful they are, I can't turn my back to the enemy. And even if it weren't for that, I have my own reason to protect this town. Or are you thinking that I am standing here for the sake of my own desires ?

"Kinda. i'm starting to know you, so expecting you to be here just to be 'Trampled'..."

Darkness: ... Well, whatever. I'll tell you about my reason eventually.

"You know, sometimes you can be really stubborn, and even a bit selfish."

Darkness: ... Do you dislike a selfish, stubborn comrade ?

"Not particularly. And unlike our self-proclaimed-something, this kind of selfishness isn't so bad-"




Taylor: Here it comes !! Don't let it trample you !!


Megumin: I- I-I'm fine !!

Aqua: Let's do this !! Don't you mess up !!

Wiz: Leave it to us, Aqua-sama !!

Kazuma: ... ... AQUA, NOW !! DO IT !!


Kazuma: Alright !! Did we get it ?!




"You stupid golem... YOU WON'T PUT A FOOT IN THIS TOWN !!"


Kazuma: It... It really stopped ! Megumin, Wiz ! Start the casting !!

"Gh... Dammit, the bastard's heavy... Please, just hurry !"


Chara: It started moving again !! What are you doing, you moron ?!

"Just try and do it in my place if you're not happy !"

Kazuma: Focus, please !! Megumin !!

Megumin: Not yet !

"Damn it !! Stay still, for fuck's sake !!"


Adventurers: It's coming !! Run !!

"... ... I said... STAY ! STILL !!"



"Haa... Haaa... ... NOW !! Megumin ! Wiz !! It's all yours !!"

Wiz: Y- yes ! Let's go !

Megumin: I am the most powerful user of Explosion magic ! There's no way I would fall behind a Lich !!

Kazuma: ... Did... DID WE GET IT ?!

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