Chapter 23: Trials and Tribulations

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

Kazuma: 'Greetings. It must be cold in your world as well. Dad, mom, I wonder how you two are faring over there ? I am doing very well in this world, so... Though I may have been an unfilial son...'

Judge: Defendant Satou Kazuma. In the light of the problematic inhuman acts you have accumulated over and over, as well as the antisocial behavior that significantly swayed the town's peace... We judge the public prosecutor's lawsuit to be valid, and the defendant to be guilty. Accordingly... You are sentenced to death...

Kazuma: 'Please forgive me for becoming a criminal.'

Your POV:

*Contrarily to its messed up name, it was feared by everyone in the world, and had a bounty on it. The Mobile Fortress Destroyer. Thanks to Kazuma's wonderful tactics and command, it was safely repelled, and it was told that a reward would be given for this accomplishment, but...*

???: Adventurer Satou Kazuma ! You are suspected of trying to subvert the state ! You are to come with me !

"... ... ... ... Excuse me, what ?"

Kazuma: Erm... Who might you be ? Actually, what do you mean by subverting the state... ?

Sena: I'm the Kingdom's royal prosecutor, Sena. State Subversion is a crime of which those who cause incidents that shake the state are accused. You are aware, are you not ? You are suspected of being a terrorist, or possibly one who belongs to the demon King's army !

Kazuma: EEEEHHHH ?!

Aqua: Hey Kazuma ! Did you do something again ?! What kind of hideous act did you commit while I wasn't watching ?! Here, apologize ! I'll apologize with you as well !!

Kazuma: H- Hold on !! I haven't done anything !!

"... Are you sure you got the right guy here ? How the hell did he manage to 'Subvert the state' without even leaving this city ?"

Megumin: That's right ! Isn't there some kind of mistake ?! Kazuma does commit small crimes such as sexual harassment every now and then, but he does not have the courage to attempt subverting the state !


"I mean, is it wrong though ?"

Kazuma: Ghhhh...

Darkness: Mhm. Indeed, I don't think he can commit such an outrageous crime. This man is a loser who, despite constantly looking at me when I wear light clothing, would never sneak onto me at night.


Darkness: Why you ! What are you saying now, after all that you made me do in the bath !

Kazuma: Back then, I was being controlled, okay ? And what about you ? Were you possibly having expectations ?!

Darkness: You ! I'll murder you...

"... ... ... Could we get back to the topic at hands please ? Before one uses their hands for an unfortunate purpose."

Sena: Right. The Mobile Fortress Destroyer's cor, the Coronatite, which was teleported under this man's instruction, has been teleported to the mansion of the landlord who governs this territory !

Kazuma: What ?! It did ?! O... Oh my god... Somebody died in an explosion because of me... ?!

Sena: He's not dead ! Don't just go ahead and kill him off ! Fortunately, there was nobody in there, so there were no injuries. But the mansions has been blown to smithereens !

Kazuma: Seriously ?!

"So there was no casualties in the end... That's good to hear..."

Sena: What is good about that ?! Do you understand the situation this is ?! You have sent an explosive object to the landlord's mansion and blew it up ! Currently, you are facing suspects of being a terrorist, or someone who belongs to the demon king's army !!

Megumin: Hmph. And there I was expecting something. How foolish... It is true that the one who ordered for the stone to be teleported was Kazuma... But that was something that had to be done to protect everyone. Back then, without Kazuma's cleverness, there would have been casualties ! Calling him a terrorist is absurd ! Please stop your false accusations !

Adventurers: Yeah ! That's right ! Kazuma is the hero who saved this town !!

Kazuma: Y- You guys...

Sena: By the way. There are cases where a state subversion crime is applied to people other than the principal offender. It would be wise to watch out for your behavior. Of course, that wouldn't really matter if you don't mind getting jailed.

Megumin: ... ... In the first place, I never went inside the Destroyer... If I were there, I would have stopped Kazuma... No doubt about it. However, I was not there, so it can't be helped. Yes, indeed, it can't be helped.

Kazuma: Hey ! You- !!

Aqua: If I recall, back there, Kazuma said this... "It's fine ! The world is actually vast ! The chances it'll go to an inhabited place are far greater than a habited one. I'll take all responsibility ! I may look like this, but my luck is actually good !"

Kazuma: 'You little... ! She's usually an idiot, so why does she do this only at a time like this !!' Wait, you guys aren't actually... Trying to push all the responsibility onto me, are you...

"I mean, when you think about it... Had it been a bad or good decision, you can't deny the fact it was your decision, Kazuma..."

Kazuma: Are you against me ?!

"An empty manor vs hundreds of lives ? Don't you worry, I'll be sure to be your lawyer for this."

Kazuma: i'm not sure if that worries me less or more...

Darkness: Hold on ! I'm the one behind it all ! If you are taking someone with you, then take me ! Also, please give me a prison-play...

Sena: We heard that you were completely useless though.

Darkness: Uuuuuuuuuuu... *Sniff*

Crowd: I always thought kazuma would commit some huge crime one day... I- I saw him stripping a robber girl from her panties in a back-alley... From what I heard, he put his priest comrade in a cage and used her as bait for crocodiles. I did hear something about him taking his opponent's demonic sword when he was challenged to a dual, and then selling it...

Kazuma: ... Huh ? No, wait... Hold on...

Wiz: E- Excuse me... I was the one who used Teleport, so if you're taking someone, please take me...

Aqua: Stop it, Wiz. I understand that it's painful, but we have to endure ! Let's wait until he safely finishes his penalty. No matter how long it takes !

Kazuma: YOU SHITTY BITCH !! DON'T TALK AS IF IT'S BEEN DECIDED THAT I'M GOING TO RECEIVE A PENALTY !! Hey ! Stop messing around ! Put more efforts into it ! Show some more resistance ! Dammit, you all turned on me just like that !! Y'ALL BETTER REMEMBER THIIIIIIIIS !!

Sena: Here, get in. This cell will be your room until the trial.

Kazuma: Hey... I'm the one who saved the town in a sense, am I wrong ?!

Sena: I'll hear everything in detail from you tomorrow. You may take it easy.

Kazuma: OI !! Listen to me... Hey !!

Kazuma: ... Seriously... Talk about absurd... So much for treating the hero who saved this town... To think this world was so tough... Aah, I wanna go back to Japan. No, wait. More importantly, this is a parallel world where there are things like nobility or royalties... Since I went and did something to such a person, I would likely end up getting executed without any room for argument...

Kazuma: Shit ! Because of such a false accusation, a young man with a bright future will end up- !

Guard: Here, hurry up and get in !!

Dust: I got it already, no need to be in such a hurry !

Guard: Honestly... How many times do you plan to keep coming here ?! Today, a visitor came before you, so you better not fight !

Dust: Yeah, yeah, I got it, I tell you.

Kazuma: Dust... You...

Dust: Huh ? What ? If it isn't Kazuma ?

Dust: UHYAHYAHYA !! Good job right there! That shitty landlord is a sick person, so you've done a good thing !

Kazuma: This is no joke ! I wasn't even aiming for him, but I might end up getting executed, you know ? Actually, why are you in jail ?

Dust: Ah, me ? Well, you see, I ate and drank so much while stacking bills, since I was relying on the bounty for defeating the Destroyer, but it ended up being insufficient. I had neither money, nor a place to sleep, so I ran from a restaurant without paying in order so that they would let me stay here.

Kazuma: Oh... hey, you're a regular here... ?

Dust: Well... the debt collectors wouldn't come here, and they give you food. Also, it's more or less comfortable here, so let's take thing easy ! I don't think we'll die anyway.

Kazuma: 'Talk about a slacker who lives up to his name...'

Guard: Two more ?! Again ?! Get in !

Chara: Gah ! Just you wait ! Once I get out of here, you'll see !!

Guard: Yeah, yeah. You too.

Paps: I thank you for your hard work. The Great Papyrus will make sure these little rascals start walking straight again !

Kazuma: ... What in the hell is going on here ?!

Dust: Woohoo ! This is starting to look like a party ! Why did you guys get in here ?


Dust: GAH !!

"So this is the right cell... Finally."

Kazuma: So you too, huh... ? It's starting to get a bit cramped in here.

"It's up to you to make more space. And to answer that question... These two took upon themselves to sneak in and rescue you."

Kazuma: In broad daylight ?!

Chara: hey, at least we tried something !!

"So yeah, paps here got off with simple trespassing... basically they asked him to stop and he obliged."

Papyrus: One should follow orders coming from these that were trusted to protect the citizens.

"On the other hand, she went at them knife in hand, so I doubt they'll let her out for at least a few days, please get that thing off my throat."

Chara: I wonder which one of your carotids will spew the most blood... Wanna test that out ?

"... ... ..."


"So yeah, long story short, they wanted to help you."

Kazuma: I appreciate the gesture, but escaping would make me guilty of something, while i'm just suspected.

"You sure ? You don't want me to teleport you out of here ?"

Kazuma: Certain.

Guard: Hey dude, there was only supposed to be 4 people in that cell, right ?

Guard: What of it ?

Guard: I'm pretty sure I saw a fifth one...

Guard: Why would ti matter, if he's in there, there must be a good reason. You think he just appeared out of thin air while we weren't looking ?

Guard: ... ...

Kazuma: What... ?

???: ...Zuma. Kazuma. Come on, Kazuma ! Wake up, Kazuma !

Kazuma: Aqua ?! Do you never learn your lesson ?! Why did you come ?!

Aqua: What are you talking about ! I came to save you obviously !

Kazuma: I already told Y/n I didn't ant you to rescue me ! You're gonna make me a fugitive !

Aqua: Well, for your info, it's not like I came here because I was scared of what you would do when you are released, okay ?

Kazuma: You bitch...

Aqua: Megumin fired her explosion magic outside the town and then escaped. Now's our chance to run ! The landlord who suffered losses is apparently someone wicked and spiteful, you know ? He would definitely twist the facts and you'll get killed. So use this !

Kazuma: Heh ? What ?

Aqua: Listen, first, you're going to use this pin to easily pick the lock of the jail room ! Just like in a manga ! Then, you will use your stealth skill to escape the guards. After that, we'll prepare to make a midnight flight when you come back to that mansion ! Well then, I'll be waiting for you in front of the guard post, okay !

Kazuma: ... ... ...

Kazuma: ... ... ... Good night.

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