Chapter 45: Chuuni-town

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Kazuma: Uhhh... Uuuh... Uuuuhhh...

Aqua: There, there. That was scary, wasn't it, Kazuma ? You're okay now, it's all right.

"... I- I- If anyone asks... They were five-headed dragons... And we fought valiantly to the end... Gh..."

Kazuma: ... Yunyun... I really, truly thank you... If anyone asks whom I respect most, I'll respond "Yunyun !" without a second thought...

Yunyun: Stop it, or I'll start to think you're making fun of me ! Um...What are you all doing here anyway ? For that matter, how'd you get here before me ?

"W- Well, y'know..."

Yunyun: So you were worried anout our village, Megumin !

Megumin: Er... Yeah, sure. M- My sister ! I got worried about my little sister !

Yunyun: Oh, oh yeah. For someone who can't use magic, she sure loves fighting, huh ?

Megumin: Anyway, once we get out of these woods, the village is just- STOP SMIRKING OVER THERE !

Yunyun: It is encouraging to have you here, Megumin.

Yunyun: Megumin, you were always top of our magic class and had the most magical ability. Everyone whispered about how you were a genius. So how did you become a failure of a wizard who can only use Explosion magic ?

Megumin: hey. Call me what you will. True, I possess without question the most raw magic power in our entire clan. And I've dedicated nearly my entire life to Explosions, so I won't let you speak ill of-

Yunyun: But what use is any of that ?! Explosions are just a parlor trick !!

Megumin: Y- Yunyun... What you've just said... Is unforgivable...

Yunyun: Wh- What, you want some ? If it's a duel you're after, I accept !

Megumin: ... let me tell you an embarrassing secret about Yunyun. It so happens that we Crimson Demons are born with a mark somewhere on our bodies. Believe it or not, Yunyun's is on her-

Yunyun: What do you think you're saying ?! And how do you even know where my mark is anyway ?!

Darkness: Hush ! Someone will hear us !

???: That way ! I heard human voices !!

"Shhhhh... Don't make a sound... or they'll hear.. they'll come back... Don't..."

Megumin: They're probably minions of the army that's attacking the village... It's all because of your short temper, Yunyun !

Darkness: Enough, you two !if you're too loud, they'll find us !


Goblin: Found them ! They're over here ! They're hiding in the bushes !

Demon: Heh- heh, jackpot. A couple of crimson demon kids and some adventurers. You've sure given us the run-around, you crimson fools. But you won't get away this time, i'm gonna slice you in half !

Demon: Heeeyyy, over there ! We found some !

Aqua: Hm ? You guys look like wannabe low-class demons ! Pathetic ! Exorcism doesn't even work on monsters as pitiful as you ! I'll let you off this one time, so scram ! Go !

Demon: The hell ?! You got a death wish ?!

Kazuma: Idiot ! Don't antagonize them !

Demon: We were just gonna keep the Crimson demon girls... But instead, I think we'll kill you all !

Yunyun: Light of Saber !!

Kazuma: Yunyun !

Yunyun: You monsters dare threaten the peace of our village ? I, Yunyun, daughter of our chief, order you ! Cease your attack immediately and withdraw !

Kazuma: Whoa ! That Yunyun is really something ! Now that's how a mage should act !

Demon: DAMMIT, she's just one girl ! Surround her !!

Megumin: Reinforcements were coming from farther afield. How's that for a cool assessment of the battlefield ? My ultimate attack, Explosion, destroyed an army of enemies in one fell swoop... Yunyun, can you still call me a failure ? Is Explosion still a parlor trick? Are you capable of such a feat ? And... ... What about you, Kazuma ? How many points was that Explosion worth ?

Kazuma: ... Megumin... NEGATIVE NINETY POINTS !! You just used all your mana at once ! What are we going to do if we need it later ?!

Darkness: Grr ! There's more of them. The sound of the Explosion's drawing them here !

Yunyun: Huh ? Wha- ? I'm not sure I can handle any more...

Aqua: Leave it to me ! I can act like a goddess sometimes...

Kazuma: Idiot ! You can't take on an entire army !

Yunyun: What do we do ?!

Kazuma: ... I have an idea... The Explosion is gone, but I think we have another bomb here. Darkness ! Throw him at them !

Darkness: H- Heh ?

Kazuma: Don't question it, do it !!

"H- Huh... Hey, wha- GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH !!"

Aqua: What do you think you're doing ?!

Kazuma: Just you wait... THE ORCS ARE BAAAAACKK !! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES !!

Darkness: Th- They are ?!

"... ... ... ... ... ... *BA-DUMP*."

Kazuma: Now, everyone ! Run away, or you'll get caught in the crossfire !!

Yunyun: H- Huh ?




Kazuma: ... ...

Kazuma: Neutral... So the blue one's pacifist, huh.

"Yeah, and i'm scared of what would happen if I could put life points in as well. Given the lack of control Neutral provides, it wouldn't be too far-fetched to qualify... I don't know, I'll probably call it 'Genocide Mode' when the time comes, it will probably be some sort of Berserker mode..."

Kazuma: ... Genocide Mode...

Megumin: ... The army...

Darkness: The forest...

Aqua: All gone...

Demon: Gh... You... I don't know who you are... But you're gonna pay for that ! DIE, YOU SCUM- GARGH !

???: ... ... ... May your flesh vanish without a trace... In the Dark Inferno of my mnd's abyss !

???: N- No ! I can't control it ! You shall be sacrifices that calm the tumult of Destruction within me... !

???: Now, rest for eternity... Feel the embrace of my ice... !

???: Go into the next life, I shall not forget you. I shall carve you into my soul's memory forevermore... !

???: We heard the distant echo of an Explosion, so we came... And found Megumin and Yunyun ! It's been a while. Although, even without our help, that wouldn't seem to have been a close call.

Megumin: Bukkororii ! Is that you ? It has been a while.

Kazuma: You know this guy ?

Bukkororii: I'm just glad you're not hurt. But why are you even here ?

Megumin: Er... We heard the village was in trouble and hurried home...

Bukkororii: Trouble ? Uh... Nevr mind, anyway. Who are these people ?

Megumin: Oh, they're my adventuring companions, and-


Kazuma: ... 'When in Rome'... Well met ! My name is Satou Kazuma... Learner of many skills in the town of Axel and he who has crossed blades with the demon King's generals. A pleasure-


"And that's for thinking using my trauma as a weapon was a good idea !"

Bukkororii: Oh, of course, I must commend you on that display of firepower. Something like that would definitely not be amiss amongst us Crimson demons.

"... if you say so. So you better heed my name and remember it ! I am Y/n L/n, the only, and therefore strongest summoner on this side of the continent ! Etch this into your mind, as I am the one who single-handedly battled The Demon King's General, Hans, and emerged victorious !"

Bukkororii: Well said, very well said ! Most people react rather strangely to our introductions, but you, this is great !

Kazuma: B... By the way, you all used the same spell earlier. Where was the dark inferno and embrace of your ice and all that ?

Bukkororii: Ah, Megumin, you've made some fine companions ! May we see you home ?

Megumin: Yes, I would appreciate that.

Bukkororii: We'll teleport back, then. Gather round, everyone.

Bukkororii: Welcome to the Crimson Magic Village ! Megumin and Yunyun, welcome home !

Kazuma: Huh ! So this is where you come from, Megumin.

Megumin: It all looks just like I remember it...

Yunyun: M- Megumin ! I- I think we should focus... On the Demon King right now...

"yeah, speaking of... is this place really at war with the Demon King's army ? It looks downright peaceful..."

Yunyun: N- Now that you mention it...

Bukkororii: Oh, Yunyun, about that. I don't think you quite understand... Well, you'll see the chief soon. I'm sure he'll tell you everything. Right ! we're going back on patrol ! Enjoy your stay, o travelers !

Kazuma: They're pretty cool ! They seem like real combat veterans...

Megumin: Do they ? Hearing that, I'm sure they're very happy, right over there.

Kazuma: Huh ? Didn't they just teleport... ?

Yunyun: They used light-bending magic to make themselves invisible. Since they used up most of their mana teleporting earlier. They just like to make grand entrances... And exits...

"Honestly, I get that. If you have the means and occasions, you gotta, you know... Dedicate."

Kazuma: A- Anyway, they called themselves the Demon King destroyers, they must be the town's elite...

Megumin: hardly. They're just a team of lazy Neets who just sit around all day. They have no jobs, but they won't go anywhere else to find work either. They formed that stupid squad so it would look like they had something to do.

Kazuma: ... Say no more. I don't want to hear that my heroes have a dark side.

"Makes you scared you could relate to them ?"

Aqua: They're quick. Even I couldn't catch them.

Megumin: They must have used magic to strengthen themselves. I can't imagine that Neet brigade runs that fast...

Chief: HAHAHAHAHA !! What are you talking about, daughter ? That letter was just to catch you up on the latest news !

*Crimson village chief: Hiropon*

Yunyun: ... ... Uh... Could you go over that again, dad ? What about "By the time this letter reaches you, I will be dead" ?

Hiropon: That's the time-honored salutation of our clan, obviously !

Yunyun: So everything about the demon king's army having an indestructible new base nearby... ?

Hiropon: ... It's true. We're divided as to whether we should destroy it or leave it where it is as a tourist attraction. Sorry ! I guess I got carried away writing that. My crimson demon blood won't let me settle for a normal letter !

Kazuma: ... Yunyun, can I sock your dad one ?

Yunyun: Be my guest.

"That explains about the base, but what about the general... ?"

Hiropon: Yes, one strong against magic, just as I wrote.

Speaker: Alert ! The demon King's forces are approaching ! All who are able, please gather at the griffin statue. The enemy appears to number about a thousand.

Hiropon: Huh ! Speak of the devil, eh ?

Darkness: A- A thousand ?! Can you handle an army that size ?

Aqua: You'll never manage ! It looks like it's time for this goddess to-

Megumin: It's going to be fine. This is the Crimson Magic village. All of our clansmen learn advanced magic when they grow up. Essentially, we have an entire army of Archwizards... !

Hiropon: Indeed ! To attack our village is as foolish as stirring up a nest of wasps... Want to watch them learn that lesson ? Watch the world's most powerful mages play a requiem that will turn them all to ash... !


Kazuma: ... Holy crap... Hey, where did he go again ?


Kazuma: ... Leave him be, he's having fun.

"Haaaaaaaah... That was a blast. I had a blast."

Kazuma: So those were real Crimson demon wizards at work, huh ?

Megumin: By real, do you mean to imply there are fake crimson wizards ? I shall have you tell me just who these fake wizards might be...

"Well, I'm glad the village isn't actually in crisis. With people like that, you could probably resist the demon king itself."

Yunyun: Um... I'm sorry you had to come all this way. I... I'm going to go settle the score with Arue.

Kazuma: Aww, don't worry about it, it's fine.

"... Now what ? Now that I'm here, I'd really like to stay here for a little while."

Megumin: We can stay at my house. There are a lot of tourist traps around here.

"Really ? But if I muster the same energy introducing myself..."

Megumin: That won't do.

Kazuma: ... Megumin, this is your house ?

Megumin: It is. If you have some complaint, I shall hear it.

Kazuma: Nah...

Megumin: I didn't tell them I was coming. I wonder if anyone's here...

*Knock knock knock*

???: Coming !

'... Aww, a tiny Megumin appeared.'

Megumin: Komekko, I'm home. Have you been a good girl ?

Komekko: ... ... ...

Kazuma: Hello-



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