Chapter 5: Underground team

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"The... the Great papyrus... ?"

Papyrus: Correct ! But please, just call me Papyrus ! Or Paps, that's how my friends call me !

"Oh, um... Alright then-"

Papyrus: Ah ! I didn't expected it to be so late already !! I'm sorry for I must go, but I look forward to meeting you again !

"Um, yeah... Sure... What just happened... ?"

Luna: All right, everything's in order. I've confirmed that your team has finished the quest of defeating 5 giant frogs in 3 days. Good work.

Kazuma: 'One of the frogs was disintegrated because of the explosion magic, but it doesn't seem to affect the completion of the quest...'

"Hey, where are Aqua and Megumin ?"

Kazuma: I shooed them to the bath, what do you expect ?! They were covered in slime. Speaking of, what took you so long ?

"You left me unconscious in the middle of a road. What happened next... Was extremely confusing..."

Kazuma: Oh ?

Luna: Excuse me for the wait, here are your reward. Turning in 2 giant frogs, in addition to receiving the bounty for completing the quest, comes to a total of 110,000 Eris (1027 $). Please take this.

"So 5000 Eris (46 $) for a frog, plus 100,000 (934 $) for the quest itself... Not counting that... Bargaining, Megumin did, defeating 5 frogs would bring us 25,000 eris (233 $) each.

Kazuma: finishing the quest in one day for a daily salary of 25,000 eris would seem like a good deal, but the risk involved just isn't worth it.

"Had another frog shown up at this very moment... I prefer not even think about it."

Kazuma: Anyway, we should probably try to find another quest already.

*Cut down the evil trees corrupting the forest, bounty's dependent on the amount turned in.*

*Help me look for my pet white wolf.*

*My son's swordsmanship lesson (requirement: Rune knight or sword master.*

*Recruiting subject for magic practice (Requirement: High HP or strong magic resistance).*

"Yep... It won't be easy to survive in this world..."

Kazuma: Rethinking everything, returning to Japan seems more appealing... And it's only our second day of adventuring.

???: Excuse me, may I ask... ?

Kazuma: What is it... ?

"Excuse him, he's been through a lot recently, how can we help you ?"

Darkness: Um... The team that put up this recruitment notice was yours, right ? Are you still looking for people ?

Kazuma: Oh- We're still hiring. Although I wouldn't recommend you joining...

Darkness: Please pick me ! Please let me join your party !

"... Eh ?"

Kazuma: No, no, no, hold up ! Our party have plenty of problems ! The other two members are burdens, my class' the weakest, and even he can barely hold his own against a single frog ! Because of that, our two companions were covered in slime- Ow ow ow !

Darkness: I was right, those two covered in goo were your comrades ! What happened ? How'd they end up like that ?! I- I also... Want to experience that !!

"Huh ?! W- What did you... just say... ?"

Darkness: No, I phrased it wrongly. For the two young girls to experience that at such a tender age... As a knight, I can't stand by and watch. My class' the top-tier Crusader, so it should fit your recruitment criteria.

Kazuma: 'My danger sensor is acting up right now...'

'I know what you mean... Let's not be fooled by appearances.'

"Sorry, but really, joining us would be a real mistake. One of our party member is utterly useless, the other can only cast one spell a day, Kazuma's class is the weakest, and well, I'd probably get one-shot kill by pretty much everything."

Darkness: That's perfect ! To be honest, I'm confident in my strength and durability, but I'm not too agile with my hands... So I can't hit the enemy... So you don't need to treat me as a top-tier class, I'll just charge ahead without a care, so abuse me like a shield !

"Okay, too close. You're too close right now."

Kazuma: How can we let a girl act like a shield ?! Our party's weak, so the attacks will really hit you ! The monsters might even gang up on you in every fight !

Darkness: That's the way I like it !!

"They were eaten alive by frogs and covered in slime ! Things like that might happen every day !"

Darkness: That's exactly what I want !

'Oh... Okay, alright... we got ourselves some massive masochist right here. Why do we seem to only attract the most crazy peoples out here... ?'

Kazuma: Hey, there's something I want to ask the both of you. How do you learn skills ?

"Well, you either look at your card and choose one from the 'learnable skills' column, but since your class is the adventurer one, you's first need someone to actually teach you the skill. Then you can spend your points to learn it."

Kazuma: I see... If that's the case... Does that means if Megumin teaches me, I could use explosion magic ?

Megumin: Yeah, exactly !! That's right, Kazuma ! The skill points needed would be absurdly high, but Adventurer is the only class other than Archwizard that can use Explosion ! I can teach you if you want to learn it ! Or rather, there are no other skills that are worth learning except Explosion, right ? Of course not ! Come, let's walk the path of Explosion together !

Kazuma: Wait, calm down you loli ! I only have 3 skill points, there's o way I can learn it, right ?

Megumin: L- Loli... ?

"I'll pass on that as well, not like I could learn it anyway. But, for an adventurer, 20 or so skill points would be far from enough. A decade or two of continuous training could be enough, though."

Kazuma: Who has that kind of patience ?!

"Those who dedicated their lives to magic, got high predispositions as mages, and a will of iron."

Megumin: Fu... To call me a loli...

Kazuma: What about yours ?

"Summoner skills can only be learned by summoners. And even though, I could only teach you how to summon something, but it definitely wouldn't be one of my Gaster Blasters."

Kazuma: What a bummer... Hey Aqua, you should have many convenient skills, right ? Do you have any easy-to-learn skills to teach me ? I prefer those that don't need a lot of points and are useful.

"You do realize who you're asking that, right ?"

Aqua: It can't be helped, but I have to warn you, my skills are amazing ! They're not meant to be passed on lightly ! First, you have to put this cup of water on top of your head, and don't let it fall. Here, try it.

Kazuma: I feel ridiculous... What next ?

Aqua: All right. Now use your finger to flick that seed into the cup, and you must do it in one try. Something amazing will happen ! The seed's absorbing the water and sprouting-

Kazuma: Who asked you to teach me party tricks, you worthless goddess ?!

Aqua: Eh ?

???: Ha ! That's hilarious ! Hey, you're the party Darkness wanted to join, right ? If you want to learn something useful, how about thief skills ?

"... Excuse me, but have we met before ? You seem kinda familiar to me..."

Chris: I get that a lot.

Kazuma: What do you mean by thief skills ? How are they like ?

Chris: Good question. Thief skills are very practical, such as disarm traps, enemy detection, lurk and steal. they're all skills that are worth learning. You're class' the basic Adventurer one, right ? Thief skills don't require many points, so it's a great offer ! How about it ? I'll teach them to you for the price of a glass of crimson beer !

Kazuma: So cheap ?! Okay, I'll leave it in your hands ! Excuse me, a glass of ice-cold crimson beer for this lady please !

"Yeah, you do that... I'll just go for a walk in the meantime."

Kazuma: Careful, remember what happened last time you did ?

"There's no cliffs in that town."

"Let's see... Nah, no cliffs whatsoever, so I suppose taking a walk would pose no severe threats to me... As long as I don't run into trou- No wait. If I say it, it will happen for sure. That was a close call..."

Papyrus: Fellow adventurer !!

"Me and my big mouuuuth~... Sup', Paps ?"

Papyrus: I knew it was you, when I spotted you from afar !

"Well, it was me. Howzit goin ?"

Papyrus: I'm sorry for leaving so suddenly last time, but my group was waiting for me to go, so I wanted you to at least meet them !

"Your... Party ?"

???: So, Paps, that's the little punk you told us about ? Well, not so little it seems !

'... Don't ask questions, just roll with it.'

Undyne: The name's Undyne, in case you want to ask. But man, did you really pass out in the middle of the street ?

"It's a little more complicated than that... It involves frogs, and frankly speaking, I don't really want to talk about it."

Undyne: oh, so you take frog-extermination quests as well ?

Papyrus: We do as well ! They are easy prey, so even novice like us can take them out !

"It depends on the group..."

Undyne: Depends ?

"Let's just say... Our group isn't the most effective out there... An adventurer, an Archpriest, an Archwizard and myself, a summoner..."

Undyne: But... These are top-tier classes ! Well, apart from the adventurer, but even summoner isn't considered a "weak" class ! How can you have so much trouble dealing with frogs ?!

"We are the literal expression of the quote 'Don't judge a book by its cover.' Our Archwizard, although capable of annihilating anything with a single spell... Can in fact only use a single spell a day. And our Archpriest is an utterly useless mess, most of the time completely drunk, and spending the entirety of her points to learn party tricks... Ironically, the only reliable force in our group is the one with the weakest class."

Undyne: Pfffrrrrrr...

"You can laugh, I don't mind. Honestly, I'd too if my life wasn't depending on their relative competences."

Undyne: Y- Yeah... You... You really had it rough...

"You could say that."

Papyrus: Well, do not fret... ... Uh... What was your name again ?

"Y/n. Y/n L/n, but, you can call me 'Sans' if you want."

Undyne: "Sans" ? What does it stand for ?


Undyne: ... heh.

Papyrus: Well, do not fret, Y/n, my friend ! If you are in any need of assistance, you can count on us !!

"Speaking of, I think our group is still recruiting new party members."

Undyne: I'm gonna stop you right there. We already are a group of our own.

"The two of you ?"

Undyne: Three. Speaking of, where did that big fluffybuns go again ?

Papyrus: I think he saw a cat on the way here.

Undyne: Unbelievable.

???: S- Sorry, I got distracted, and- Ow ow OWWWWWW !!

Undyne: You're finally here !! You know we were just about to get going, but nooooo, you just had to stop and look after some stray cat !!

'I'm not even surprised at this point... i'm still gonna have a talk with Eris next time I see her, though .'

Undyne: Well, get your sorry ass over here, we need to get going !!

"... Mind if I tag along for a bit ? Got nothing to do anyways, and I'm kinda bored out of my skull right now."

Papyrus: Of course ! You or your friends are most welcome to come with us !!

"... He really is a lively one, isn't he ?"

Undyne: Always have been...

Papyrus: Greetings, fellow adventurers ! I, the great Papyrus, am here today, to defeat evil monsters !

"Does he always..."

Undyne: Yep. He's always been... How do I say...

"Flamboyant ?"

Undyne: Kind of. He always makes entrances like that.

Kazuma: Oh, Y/n, you're back. Who are these people ?

"Papyrus, Undyne, Asgore, adventurers like us. The first one watched over me when you left me passed out on the road."

Kazuma: 'Wait a second, are they...'

'I know, don't ask questions and just roll with it.'

Undyne: Yo kid. Are you two in the same party ? Which one is he ?

"The reliable one. The only one who's actually capable of pulling his own weight into battle. Speaking of, did you learn any useful skill ?"

Kazuma: Well, about that...

Darkness: He stole Chris' panties with the skill she just taught him, and then she lost all her money to him. So, she's feeling down at the moment.

Kazuma: Hey, what's this nonsense ?! Hold up, you're not wrong, but hold on a minute !!

Darkness: He also said that if Chris didn't offer enough money, he'd make her panties a family heirloom. In the end, she had to offer both his wallet, which she stole as a demonstration, and her own.

"... ... ..."

Kazuma: H- Hey, don't look at me like that !!

Undyne: So... he's the reliable one... ?

"Yep. Gives you a good idea about the others."

Undyne: You had it rough, kid.

Chris: Well, even if I was stripped of my panties in public, I can't keep on crying ! All right, Darkness, I'm sorry, but I've decided to join a profitable dungeon exploration party ! I'm penniless after my panties were taken hostage.

Kazuma: hey, wait a second ! The people here are starting to give me cold looks, so please don't talk anymore.

Chris: this is acceptable as payback, right ? Well then, I'll be back after earning some cash, so have fun in the meantime, Darkness ! I'll find what quests are available !

Undyne: Speaking of, that's what we came here for too, so we'll see you later, kid. Where's Paps this time ?

Asgore: Gawking at that lady's water tricks over there.

Undyne: really ? Who would learn party tricks skills... Kid ?

"As I told you, it gives you a good general idea."

Undyne: Should I laugh or pity you... ? Screw it I'll do both. Hahahahaha !!!

"*sigh* If things continue to get like this, the amount of shits I can give will soon severely decline."

Kazuma: Not like you had a lot to give to begin with. Um, Darkness ? You're not going with Chris ?

Darkness: No. Thieves are essential for dungeon exploration, so there are many teams that'd want to recruit Chris. On the other hand, vanguards like me can be found anywhere.

"It's already evening, are they going to explore the dungeons now ?"

Megumin: The best time to go dungeon diving is early in the morning, so most people would set off one day earlier like them and make camp before the dungeon. There are even merchants operating with these adventurers as their target market.

Kazuma: I'm surprised you'd know so much.

Megumin: And I'm surprised you could put any teaching at use !

"Are... Are you still upset that he called you a loli ?"

Megumin: I'm not !!

Kazuma: Well, why don't you see for yourself then ?! Steal !!

"... What just happened ? Why would a thief skill make so much light ?"

Kazuma: Hehehehe... Once again, Jackpot !

Megumin: ... After you level and stats increased, did you change jobs from an Adventurer to a pervert ? Um... it's a little drafty, so please give me my panties back...

"You didn't..."

Kazuma: It shouldn't be like this... It should be a skill that steals something at random !

Darkness: I... I was right ! To strip the panties of a young girl with so many people watching, you really are the worst... ! Please... ! Please let me join this party !

"I think we said no already, didn't we ?"

Darkness: Aaaaaaaahnnnn~...

Aqua: Hey, who's this person ? Was she the one who came for the interview while Megumin and I were in the bath ? If she's a Crusader, there's no reason to reject her, right ?

Kazuma: ... All, right, I'm done to this method.

"What method ?"

Kazuma: Painful truth. Darkness, we might look this way now, but we're serious about taking down the Demon king. That's right, you listen too, Megumin. The three of us wants to take down the demon king no mater what, that's our goal as adventurers. And so our adventures will only become more dangerous, especially for you Darkness. As a female knight, you might experience "that" if you get captured by the demon king.

"Very poor choice of words right here Kazuma..."

Kazuma: What-

Darkness: That's right ! Since ancient times, getting sexually harassed by the demon king was the job of the female knights ! That alone would be worth the trip !

Kazuma: Eh... ?! What ?!

Darkness: Huh ? Did I say something weird ?

"You could say that, yes..."

Asgore: Is... is that true ? I'm sorry, but I was listening to your conversation. Is it true you're trying to take down the demon king ?

"It would seem so... We're definitely going to clash with its army at some point."

Asgore: I see... then, if that's possible, when the time come... I'd like to accompany you.

"You do realize what you're getting yourself into, right ?"

Asgore: I am most aware of that. The demon king's army... They ravaged my region, and killed my entire family...

"So you want to avenge them ?"

Asgore: I just don't want anyone else to suffer the same thing as I did.

"A noble purpose... Speaking of, you really have that sort of 'regal' aura around you, could you possibly be-"

Speaker: EMERGENCY QUEST ! EMERGENCY QUEST ! All adventurers in town, please gather at the adventurer's guild ! I repeat, emergency quest ! Emergency quest ! All adventurers in town, please gather at the Adventurer's guild !

"What is happening ?! Are there monsters raiding the town ?!"

Darkness: It must be cabbage harvesting. it's the season for them.

"Um... cabbage ? Is that a monster, or..."

Undyne: Did you just say Cabbage ?!

"Weren't you going to-"

Undyne: Screw that ! If it's cabbage harvesting, no way we aren't taking part in it !

Asgore: ... You know i'm supposed to be our party's leader...

Undyne: Get your ass over, I'll grab Paps then we're off !

"I am getting more and more confused about those cabbages."

Megumin: A cabbage is something round, green and edible.

Darkness: It's crunchy and refreshing, a delicious vegetable.

Kazuma: We know that ! But does it have anything to do with an emergency quest ?!

Aqua: Ah, you probably don't know. Let me tell you, the cabbage of this world...

"I don't like that apologetic tone..."

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