Chapter 66: Divinely annoying relic

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Darkness: ... Ugh. My favorite underwear has been...

"Kazuma, what did you do in her room exactly ?"

Kazuma: Ask her for details. Aqua, I got the festival permit for you, so can you settle the rest ?

Aqua: Of course. There won't be any problems once I get the permit, so leave the rest to me. I have my own plans.

"Hold that thought..."

Kazuma: ... ... ...What are you scribbling ?

"Okay, just remember. See this envelope ? I have written something and put it in it. I'll just leave it on the table and open it back after the festival."

Darkness: Hey, how did you het the festival permit, exactly... ?

Kazuma: Fig- oh, the merchant district said that letting the Eris church and the Axis cult co-host the festival will make it grander than before.

Darkness: The permit was really granted, huh ? How did... ? No. It was you after all. You must've used some underhanded methods, so I won't inquire further. Ah, why'd this happen when I'm acting as lord... ?

Chris: Really, why did you choose that time ? Don't you think it would've been better a bit earlier ?

"This is better, they're all deep asleep at this point. I've been sneaking outside for snacks enough to know this. Perfect time for the siver-haired thieving gang to act."

Chris: For once the nickname's accurate... Also, your disguise...

"What ?"

"Is there a problem with how I'm dressed ?"

Chris: ... No, nothing. let's hurry.

"Pretty sure this is far easier than the Royal palace, isn't it ? A small noble like that, not even night guards..."

Chris: Keep on looking, we can't let ourselves be seen.

"Right. I've been wondering, aren't you supposed to be a Goddess too ? Don't you have night vision like Aqua ?

Chris: This body's merely a disguise for use in the mortal world. Because I didn't descend directly into the mortal world, oi can't sense devils, undead, and evil. But on the same token, I won't emit divine aura that attracts undead.

"Oh, so the vessel doesn't hold the same power as the original, huh ? Then that would explain why someone living a Fairy Tale wouldn't be completely overpowered, despite having powers belonging to a Dragon God, riiiiiight ?"

Chris: ... ... ... What was that one about-

"Nothing. let's just go through the door, find the armor we're looking for, and take off with it. Got some bubble wrap from Kazuma just in case too."

Chris: I see... This is available in Japan, right ? The one you pinch for fun... ? Say, can I-

"No, you can't pinch it. It was very troublesome to make, and we'll probably need it."

Chris: I'll put my trust in my second assistant, then. In the worst case scenario, you can juts break us out like in the palace.

Chris: ... ... ... ...

"For pity's sake, could you stop trying to get your hands on everything of value we pass by ? This is slowing us down !"

Chris: Ugh. Yes, I understand. But how should I put this ? Whenever I see treasure, my thief's blood begins to boil... When I consider that an item like this can help a lot of poor children, my hand just...

"Look, if you really want that, I'll snatch everything on the way out, and maybe even leave a rose for added effect."

Chris: Heh. Second assistant, you're getting quite familiar with the art of theft... You should be at the point where you can change jobs, right ? Change jobs to be a thief ! That way you could learn the skills needed.

"Not possible. The summoner class is just way too specific for me to get out of it. Now focus and watch out for traps."

Chris: It's an alarm trap. Say, second assistant...

"I know what Kazuma did last time. Who do you think I am compared to him ?"

Chris: An objectively better human being ?

"I didn't want to assume. Just... Hold on... I think there's someone on the other side of the door..."

Chris: What ? I didn't get anything...

"I'm pretty sure, there's some kind of presence... Careful now... Hands up ! You're surrounded ! ... Huh... ?"

Chris: ... Well, there's no one to surround... But we're surrounded by all of this...

"W- Wow... That's... Did that noble really get his hands on that mountain of things... ?"

Chris: Look, look ! This is a very expensive item !

"I told you to keep that tame. Divine relic first, big loot second. But... I don't see anything here that resemble a suit of armor..."

Chris: Eh ? Uh, that's true. But there's a sense of a divine relic. Why isn't it here ?

"... No idea... if I were some collector noble... Where would I put my most prized piece..."



"Gah !"

Chris: A secret door. Not bad, second assistant.

"I wasn't expecting that... But it's true, you'd put the best piece somewhere you can admire it, and it only."


Chris: This is it... Sacred armor Aigis... The toughest divine relic in this world that will bring its wearer victory.

"You say toughest... I say it's covered in scratches and bruises... You'd think the armor 'Aigis' would somewhat indestructible..."

Chris: After all, this is the armor that protected its master against the Demon King's army. No matter what challenge the armor's master faced, he never lost to anyone. Right up til the end... You were dedicated until your master died of sickness...

???: Hey boy, don't touch me so casually.

"Wut... ?"

Chris: Uh, b- boy ,? Is that me ? No, what's happening ? The voice earlier was you ? Sacred armor Aegis ?

"Hold on.. That armor... Can talk ?!"

Aegis: Oh, what ? Not a boy ? Then you may touch some more. Let me introduce myself. Pleased to meet you, my name's sacred armor Aegis. i'm a multi-talented divine relic that can speak and sing. You may call me Aegis-san.

"... ... On one hand, that was the presence I was feeling... On another hand, the hell is with that talkative relic ?!"

Chris: Uh... I'm a bit shocked too since I've never heard that the divine relic could speak. Therefore, Aegis-

Aegis: I told you to call me Aegis-san, brat.

Chris: I'm not a brat ! And why's a divine relic being so arrogant ?

"We're arguing with a suit of armor in the middle of the night... Look, let's complete what we came for, and then let that thing play Aqua's role."

Chris: R- Right. Aegis-san. We came here to borrow your power once more. I'll help you find a new master. That person will come from another world like your previous master. It'll be someone from a place called japan, a person destined to save the world !

Aegis: Ah ? What are you saying ? Why must I do such things even now ? Impossible. I'm not willing. Borrowing my power means I have to be an armor to protect the master, right ? Are you stupid ? Even an armor can feel pain when hit. My cool, shiny body will be damaged ! By the way, what's that so-called master like ? Is it someone I can accept ?

Chris: Uh... Although I can't promise it, the person should be full of righteousness and courage, and very gentle...

Aegis: No, no. the personality doesn't matter ! The important thing is appearance, appearance ! Big tits ? Or thin models ? If it's like that previous brat, then forget it. Ah, I also prefer cuties to beauties. The previous master was a swordsman, so a swordswoman would be better this time. I hope that person will wear less beneath the armor.

"... ... ... Do we really have to bring it back with us ? can't we like, dump it in the ocean or something ?"

Chris: Second assistant, I understand your feelings, but this is a divine relic. Please bear with it.

"Whatever. Give me the lockpick, while I meddle with these chains."

Aegis: Hmm ? hey, what's that guy doing ? ... By the way, who are you people ? Did you mention "The middle of the night" Earlier ?

"Yup. Honestly, i'm the same as your previous master, got here from japan. Kind of here on a mission for a goddess to take you back."

Chris: ... There aren't many girls sent here from Japan, so it may be hard to meet your requirements. But if a girl comes along, I'll make you a priority for her...

Aegis: ... ... ... MANSNATCHERS !!


'God fucking damn it... In the end I had to teleport us out asap... Couldn't even snag anything in the end... But finally, my best friend and only comfort in these hard times... My beautiful, beautiful bed-'

Aqua: Good morning ! Good morning, wake up !

"... Sometimes I just want this world to go up in flames... Let me get the sleep I need, damn it !!"

Aqua: What ? You didn't sleep ? Oh, I know why you couldn't close your eyes.

'Did... Did this idiot manage to put two and two together ? I'm sure I wasn't followed...'

Aqua: You must be too excited to sleep because of the preparatory work for the festival, right ? Don't worry, this is nothing shameful. It's a festival after all !

'... No, i'm the idiot for thinking she used her brain...'

"very good. So you keep on preparing your festival and let me get my beauty sleep."

Aqua: What are you talking about ? We're adventurers, so we're going to hunt monsters ! Even Kazuma's already up and ready !

"... What does this has to do with the festival... ?"

Aqua: Everything ! Get ready or we'll be late !

Kazuma: What's going on ? I've never seen so many people this early in the morning.

"You tell me... Get this over with quickly, please..."

Kazuma, no, it's different... After hunting that hydra, they should be rich enough to live in leisure, but... they all seem so eager...

Guild: Anyone who wants to hunt the lesser wyverns that nest in the mountains, please come here ! We need thieves that can use the Bind skill and archers that can attack flying enemies ! The enemies are strong, so naturally the reward is good ! Six more slots !

Guild: There are a lot of bug monsters in the forest ! Because of the large quantity, we need a lot of people. It's a large quantity, we need a lot of people. It's a large scale expedition involving dozens of people ! No limit on job and level !

Guild: A lot of herbivorous monsters appeared in the plains ! If they're left alone, large predators will come to feast on them, so we must exterminate them early. The guild's currently providing free support supplies ! The hunt rewards are also higher than usual ! Please join us and make a profit !

"Mgmnrmngh... ... the hell's up here... Why is everyone so pumped up..."

Papyrus: My friend ! This is all for the good of the festival ! If we don't clear out the monsters nearby, the festival can't go on peacefully. So everyone's putting in the effort.

"Oh... yeah that makes sense... Where are you guys going ?"

Undyne: We're all close-range fighters, so we're on the fields to clear out the herbivorous monsters. Plus, we get to keep a share of whatever we hunt down.

"Carnivorous much, heh ? So what you're saying is, the fastest we deal with these things, the fastest we'll be back. Nice."

Kazuma: Hey, you guys are here too ? Forget penniless Dust, why are the rest so enthusiastic ? You people should still have some money, right ?

Keith: I thought Kazuma would want to join the large scale expeditions.

Kazuma: ... Why ?

Dust: yeah. You're a regular patron of that shop, so it's a little strange. In this season, male adventurers will leave other matters behind to join large scale expeditions.

Kazuma: What ? You guys are this enthusiastic about the festival ?

Dust: Festival ? Well, the female adventurers are indeed hunting monsters to let the festival happen smoothly. After all, many of the female adventurers are Eris cultists. But we've got other reasons. The men here want to join the forest monster hunt.

Kazuma: Forest ? isn't it better to hunt monsters near the city... ?

Guild: Everyone, the forest monster hunt is a huge responsibility, so please do your best ! It's up to you whether we can live peacefully during the festival this year ! Please eliminate the over-populated monsters... !

Kazuma: Huh, what has living peacefully in the summer got to do with hunting monsters ?

Aqua: Why are you asking me ?


Kazuma: Our scholar on the matter is not available.

Aqua: Well obviously, it's because there are too many monsters, so the citizens can't work in the nearby forest.

Kazuma: No, I know that, but this problem isn't only limited to the forest, right ?

Megumin: It's the cicadas...

Kazuma: Wait, cicadas ?

Darkness: Yes. If there are too many monsters in the forest, the cicada catchers can't do their work. If the catchers stop, the cicadas will fly into the city. We'll be hosting the festival just as they arrive in this city !

Aqua: Kazuma... There are a few main differences between the japanese cicadas and the cicadas here. First off, being so full of magic, they are much, much bigger than normal cicadas, and can live up to a month. Then, according to their size... They are very loud; probably a few times louder than the japanese cicadas.

Kazuma: That annoying song amplified a few times... yeah, that's somewhat annoying.

Aqua: And... The cicadas sing without stopping, even at night.


"H- Huh ? What... Morning already ?"

Kazuma: Come on, we have a crusade to win !!

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