Chapter 68.5: Cockblocked

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Kazuma: And so, this is today's sales record.

Merchants: WHOA ?! I- It's almost twice as much as the previous year ! This year's festival is a big success !

"All thanks to our advisor's suggestion to let the Axis Cult and Eris church to compete with each other. Even though the sales in Axis cult's area aren't that good, and their methods... Questionable, it did motivate Eris cultists to be more enthusiastic."

Chairman: Yes, I hope the Axis cult can do better, but this isn't bad. The Axis Cult's stall selling Yakisoba is very popular. I heard it was opened late just when the festival was closing. Tomorrow, it should open earlier, so it's worth the anticipation.

Kazuma: 'To think committee members will get a share of the profits made...'


Kazuma: Well... Actually, it was because the Axis cult was too useless, so we had to open a noodle stall selling our country's food.

Merchants: Oh ! That's our Satou ! I heard you were involved in the incident that made a lot of money for Wiz's magic tool shop. It seems that isn't just a rumor ! No wonder you got so rich in such a short time ! It looks like we can look forward to the next two days !

Kazuma: leave it to me ! Satou Kazuma will work hard tomorrow !

'Well, looks like we managed to salvage things this time...'

Darkness: ... Uh, tell me... Do you still intend to help the Axis cult ?

Kazuma: Yes, we do... What's up with you ? You look pale...

Darkness: Of course. I didn't think that lordship duties would be so tiring... The complains for these two days were a lot more than those during the festival preparatory period. An idiot dumped the young of giant frogs into the Kowloon hydra's lake, what was she thinking...

"... Hold that thoughts, I've got to do my job."

Kazuma: A free one-way trip to Arcanletia is not among the things you can give as head of security, calm down.

Darkness: And the scam of the amazing hut. And customers being groped in the haunted house by Axis cultists disguised as zombies... And Axis cultists infiltrating into the Eris church's stalls and loudly demanding protection money. Male shopkeepers wearing swimming trunks. And the incident involving painting colors on lizards to sell to children... !

"Tea ? This one isn't hot water."

Darkness: Thanks... I feel like I've aged a lot in these few days...

"Then imagine what it was having to deal with all of Kazuma's extravagant ideas during the preparation meetings... pretty sure I had to save him for being beaten to death a few times. Did you know he wanted to have a procession of skimpy outfits on phallic objects ?"

Darkness: Thank you... You're the only one who can understand me... Now that I think about it, I've caused you a lot of trouble, really a lot... Uh, wait, what was that ? What did he ask for ? Kazuma ?!

"Oh, he already left. Unsurprisingly.

Shop: Welcome ! This way for a certain country's festive food, Yakisoba !

Shop: Roasted octopus caught from the forest ! These octopi pieces are chewy and tasty !

Cecily: Have some shaved ice ! Tasty shaved ice ! There's strawberry, lemon, pineapple, red bean, and Tokoroten slime flavors !

Aqua: Ah, Kazuma, why are you so late ? Look, this is prosperous ! The shaved ice you made in the afternoon ran out ! I'll create water, so hurry and turn it to ice !

Kazuma: ... The condition's not bad today. Yes, if you work hard honestly like this, your worshipers will definitely increase. isn't it nice that everyone can be happy ?

Aqua: yes. This is all thanks to you. Look, Kazuma. The children of the Axis cult are smiling so happily; Kazuma, Kazuma, I feel like hosting this festival is great. Thank you for helping the Axis Cult !

Kazuma: 'Hey, hold on, what's going on ? Did the festive mood fry her brain ? Plus what she during the expedition against the insects, she's been acting very strange lately... Is it because of Emperor Zel ? Did she mature because she had a kid ?'

Kazuma: B- By the way, since these stalls are popular, you must have earned a lot ? It's a rare opportunity. Use the earnings to rebuild that dilapidated Axis cult church.

Aqua: We didn't earn much. Yesterday you said "if you're serious about doing business, you can make a profit, no need for tricks, just doing it honestly is the best !", so I obeyed and implemented a low profit, high sales approach. This festival is co-hosted, so the committee is making the Axis cult pay for the cost of operation. If you include this cost, we're still losing money.

Kazuma: 'What happened to that girl ?! Why'd she suddenly become so obedient ?!'

Kazuma: ... Is it ? But as the sales increase, you should stop losing money soon. After all, this is unprecedented ! i'm surprised that the impoverished Axis Cult could afford the cost of operation.

Aqua: I paid for it myself. I received the reward for the previous Kowloon Hydra hunt. That reward money plus my usual savings managed to pay for it. I wanted to build a beautiful dragon nest for Emperor Zel, but I guess we'll just have to make do.

Kazuma: ... I- is that so... ?

Aqua: What happened ? If you're unwell, I can heal you. After all, you've worked really hard lately. Okay, don't move. I'll give you an extra powerful one.

"Ho- Hold on... Taking all of this at once is... You're saying... Aqua..."

Kazuma: yes. She enlightened me. She purely wanted to enjoy the festival. And to think on the meantime, all I was doing was being driven by my passions, wanting to watch girls in swimsuits, organizing cosplay events, make the two cults compete and make a profit of it all... So I decided.

Kazuma: I'll tell Aqua everything I've done so far, apologize to everyone and resign from my post as advisor. From tomorrow onward, I'll enjoy the festival too.

"All hail the newfound honored one. Well, you enjoy the fireworks display then."

Kazuma: 'I'll watch the fireworks with Megumin, listen to Darkness' complaints, drink wine with Aqua, and then go to sleep.'

Merchants: Oh, advisor, head of security, we've been waiting for you. Please, take a seat !

"... ... What the-"

Kazuma: -Heavens ?!

Succubus: Good evening, regular patron ! We heard a lot about your miracles from the committee members~ I even heard we owe it to you for the succubus cosplay being permitted in this festival.

"Regular... Kazuma, did you keep going to that shop after that incident ? Will I need to arrange a succubus' escape again ? Will I have to prevent your early death due to a misunderstanding again ?"

Chairman: It seem you know them too. They operate a small restaurant in this city. This time, they wore swimsuits to serve as the poster girls of various shops. They say they want to reward the advisor who acquired the permit for their costumes...

"Uh, Kazuma... ?"

Succubus: Since we're having a festival, let's drink and keep you company. Hehe, we won't let you go back tonight. We must let our regular customer enjoy himself !

Chairman: Then, cheers to our consultant's activeness and sales ! Come, advisor, please give us a cheer !

Kazuma: Let's achieve happiness by making a lot of money ! Cheers !

"Only you, Kazuma... Only you..."

Megumin: Never mind about coming back at dawn, what are you doing at this time ? Hey, we've got a date to watch the fireworks today. Quickly, change your clothes !

Kazuma: ... ... ... Ugh... Squeezing in the crowd in this condition... There will be all kinds of things coming out...

Megumin: This man is really weak ! Normally, if a guy has a date with a girl to watch the fireworks, he should control how much he drinks. What were you doing last night ? You were in high spirits when you came back.

Kazuma: '... Can't say I was out drinking with the succubus sisters.' Just ask Darkness... Tell her to use her authority to postpone the fireworks event to tomorrow...

Megumin: It's great that you don't want to break your promise, but if you say such willful things, Darkness will go crazy. Aqua and her people really ran her ragged today, after all.

Kazuma: Aqua and... I thought their performance improved a lot... What happened now ?

Megumin: I don't know, but she grabbed Y/n and took off already.

Kazuma: ... ... Oh... Hey, whoa ? Hey, wait. What are you doing ?! Why are you suddenly undressing me ?! One of these days you'll do something unexpected and give me a shock !

Megumin: I won't be fazed by Kazuma's nakedness. I've already seen you with your clothes dissolved in that fight with the Kowloon hydra. Come, if you won't undress, I'll do it for you.

Megumin: ... I- I honestly didn't think you'd change your clothes right in front of me.

Kazuma: Didn't you say that you wouldn't be fazed by my nakedness ? Anyway, you mentioned that Aqua and her people ran Darkness rugged. What did they do this time ?

Megumin: The evaluation for the Axis cult's stalls were fairly good last night; their sales weren't bad when compared to the Eris Church. As a result, the Axis cultists got cocky and willfully demanded more space for setting up stalls.

Kazuma: ... ... What about-

Megumin: They went headstrong against each others. It took him three hours of complete confinement to calm down the Axis cultists.

Kazuma: Why did I knew it'd be like that...

Megumin: Why are you stopping suddenly ? Come, let's go.

Kazuma: ... This is my first time going to a festival with someone and watching the fireworks display... Hey, megumin, is there anything wrong with me now ? I really, thoroughly prepared for it !

Megumin: other than your excitement, there's nothing wrong. Please don't panic just because it's a festival. Just a festival.

Kazuma: ... Why do you have this look as if you're banned from using Explosion magic ?

Megumin: No, it's nothing...

"Please do not panic ! Adventurers, join your assigned locations ! Long-range fighters, get ready to strike !"

Megumin: It started ! Kazuma, let's go ! If we don't hurry up and join the fight, it'll be too late !

Kazuma: Join the fight... ? Uh, wait, don't drag me ! Can't we see the fireworks clearly from here ?

Megumin: What are you saying ? We're adventurers ! If we don't join the defensive line, who'll protect the festival.

Kazuma: ... Why is, what... Hey, explain this situation ! What is it ? Isn't it the fireworks display ? Where's everyone rushing to ?

Yunyun: The insects.

Kazuma: Yunyun ? No, wait, insects ?! What about insects ? Aren't there a lot of bonfires during the festival ? Aren't the insects attracted by the fire everywhere in any case ?

Megumin: Every year, in that season, the guild will request for insects extermination. Attracted by the festival's bonfire at night, the active insects will fly toward the city from the nearby forest and plains. They will circle in the sky above the city, waiting for a chance to attack. Thus, the fireworks display was organized to cast Detonation magic and Blast magic into their midst.

Kazuma: ... ... ... ... Huh ?

Yunyun: I don't know what fireworks are used for in your country... In this country, fireworks in the summer are declarations of war against the swarming insects.

"Yeah, I was pretty surprised too when Darkness told me. I thought she was asking me on a date to watch the fireworks, but turns out she just needed someone to organize the whole strike against these bugs."

Kazuma: Sorry about that.

"Oh, I'm not complaining."

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