Chapter 75: Uselessness competition

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"Do you mind if I borrow that rope every now and then ?"

Kazuma: Yes. I intend to use it against monster, not... Whatever you were planning on doing. Now help me untying her. If Aqua or Megumin saw this, they would definitely stare with empty eyes.

"... It's funny when you think about it... These skills are affected by luck, right ? Just like you always seem to get panties with 'Steal'..."

Kazuma: It really feels like the skills I'm learning are steadily deviating toward the dark side. Hey, Darkness, are you alright ? I'm not sure how to put this, but I was actually holding back with that Bind...

Darkness: This... Is after you held back... ? Erm, Kazuma... I'll pay you next time. i'm willing to pay, so don't hold back.

"Something stupid. For a change."

Kazuma: ... ... Hm ? Hey, there's something... My "Enemy detection" skill is acting up.

"... It would be tough to explain this situation to the others. And the rope wont come off until the skill runs out of time. So on the meantime, i'll just take Darkness and-"

Kazuma: Get in there !!


Aqua: Few, that was exhausting. Let's take a break. Good work, Megumin !

Megumin: You say you're tired, but weren't you just playing with Emperor Zel the entire... Hmm ? Kazuma ? Uhh... Where is your shirt ?

Kazuma: I spilled tea on it, so I had to take it off.

'... ... Why did he shove us in that closet ? Did he think I couldn't make it to the stairs in time or something ?'

Darkness: Huff... Huff... Huff...

Megumin: You're alone ? Where did Darkness go ?

Kazuma: Oh, Y/n needed her help with something, so they stepped out.

Aqua: Stepped out... From what my clear eyes tell me, they must be in one of their rooms.

Kazuma: Then why are you going to check ?!

'Well... I can get why'd he panic. Two guys, one of them being shirtless, standing over a tied up girl writhing on the ground... Even knowing all context, that would be something. See ? This is what happens when you don't keep yourself in check and ask for weird things.'

Darkness: ... ... ... ... ...


'HNGH... ! You... ! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh... Why'd you go and bite my hand ?! What did I do ?!'

Darkness: 'I can't... Hold it... If I don't bite something...'

'... ... ... Now that I think about it... '


"I guess in his panic, Kazuma forgot I could do that."

Darkness: Haah... Haah... Haah... Please... I need to grit my teeth to endure it...

"Of course you do..."

Aqua: Darkness ? I thought I asked you to watch over Kazuma. What are you doing in here with... ... ... ... ... ...

Aqua: ... GUUUYS !! You'll never guess what is happening !!

"Why must it always end like this with these guys..."

Darkness: I... I need to use the bathroom...

Aqua: What's going on, Megumin ? How many amulets are you going to make ? Are you planning to stuff Kazuma's bag 'till it's full or something ?

Megumin: No, these are for everyone. This one's Aqua's, this one's mine, this is Y/n's... And this sturdiest one is for Darkness, who's always protecting us with her body. Where is she ?

"Still upstairs. She wasn't feeling well, so right now she's resting. I guess the strain from all these lordship days finally caught up to her. 'That, a gag and a blindfold for good measure until the skill times out.'"

Aqua: ... ... Hey, Megumin, you really look happy making those. i'm feeling happy too just watching you.

Kazuma: ...' i'm surprised she didn't snitch on you two.'

'Oh, she knows what awaits her if she utters one word too much.'

Megumin: Of course. These amulets all hold my wish, that everyone will stay together forever... i'm grateful to you too, Aqua. Let's always be together.

Aqua: M- Megumin ! This is... i'm so touched ! I understand, I can't go back to heaven anyway, so 'ill just ditch my job as a Goddess and spend my time here happily ! Kazuma will deal with the issue of money somehow, so let's play together as much as we can and enjoy our time with everyone !

Megumin: So you're still talking about Goddesses and heaven ? Well, fine, as long as we're all together...

"That's so sweet. Hey, how does grilled meat sound for dinner ? I'm sure Darkness will feel better by now.

Aqua: Sounds great to me ! Summer's barbecue season after all. And I want to drink some ice cold beer too !

Kazuma: ... About that, could you make sure to give me back my rope ? ... After washing it, if possible.

Megumin: Kazuma, are you there ?

Kazuma: Oh, of course ! P- P- Please come in !

Megumin: P- pardon my intrusion... By the way, this is the first time i've come to your room at this hour.

Kazuma: Y- Yeah, that's right ! Even though we've lived under the same roof for over a year now !

Megumin: ... ... I... I came at a time like this in order to tell you about that thing I mentioned before... What I want to tell you is...

Kazuma: What you want to tell me is ?!

Megumin: Y- You're too close, Kazuma ! Hold on, there's no ned to rush !

Kazuma: I'm not anxious about this. And the distance doesn't matter, just keep going !

Megumin: W... What I want to tell you is... That's right, it's about that little guy !

Chomusuke: *Mrowr*

Kazuma: ... ... ... No you didn't !! You already came this far, you wimp ! You keep talking about how incompetent I am and how I always get cold feet fast, but you're a total wimp yourself !!


"Would you two keep it down ?!"

Kazuma: ... Gives me stable memories...

Megumin: I- I never said you were incompetent ! And I really did want to know about this guy !

Kazuma: Liar ! Megumin, you're such a liar ! You should be talking about something sweeter. Why's you leave me stewing in anticipation for so long ?!

Megumin: I never told you this before, but actually, this guy isn't a normal cat.

Kazuma: I know that already ! I saw this thing breath fire and fly !

Megumin: ... What are you talking about ? It might not be a cat, but that doesn't mean it can breath fire or fly.

Kazuma: I've been saying it all the time, I saw it ! D- Don't look at me with pity like that ! Ah, whatever, it's fine either way ! Think carefully, isn't there something else you want to tell me ?! Hurry up and muster some courage !

Megumin: Ugh...

Kazuma: just say it ! You've already said most of it, haven't you ?! You've already told me several times that you like me or you love me or something !

Megumin: I didn't mention love at all, don't exaggerate ! Please just sleep with this guy for now !

Chomusuke: Meow ?!

Kazuma: ... ... ... ... YOU LEFT ME HANGING AGAIN !! AHHHH !!

*Knock Knock knock*

Kazuma: Who's there ?


Kazuma: ... ... Dont who ?

"Don't you know what happens when someone denies me my beauty sleep ?"

Aqua: ... ... ... ... ...

Kazuma: ... Why are you staring at me ? Ah, you want this ? You want to drink too ? This champagne-like thing tastes weird.

Aqua: ... Kazuma has become an amazing bum ever since the festival ended.

Kazuma: Hey Aqua, what are you talking about ? i'm a successful man, okay ? What's wrong with living a life that befits my station ? I've got so much money in the bank that I can live off of just the interest alone, you know ? Doing work is stupid. I'll go adventuring when I'm in the mood and just play the rest of the time.

Aqua: Oh, I see. What you said seems to be true. i'll have some high class neroid too.

Kazuma: Isn't that Champagne ?

Aqua: It's Neroid. there's no carbonic acid in this world. Basically, all fizzy beverages have neroid mixed in.

"Well, you do... Whatever you're doing. we're off."

Kazuma: Weren't you going to set off stuff with Vanir ?

"The test has been conclusive. Now i'm waiting for the results on the long term."

Kazuma: Well, you go.

Megumin: ... Guys, what should we do about this man who's drinking wine idly so early in the morning ?

Darkness: Let's find a place and throw him out.

Kazuma: You people are really... I'll make this clear: I don't need to work anymore; Why do people work ? To make money, right ? But I've secured enough wealth to splurge my entire life. Then what's wrong with indulging myself for the rest of my life ? i'm not bothering anyone.

"Meh. You don't see me lazing around, even though i'm waiting that 50 million paycheck in a month."

Kazuma: ... How much ?

"50 millions. At least from Vanir's estimation. You wouldn't believe how many people in the Capital heard about the products from this town."

Kazuma: And yet you're still going on quests. I really can't read you.

Darkness: How pitiful... Not working because you have money ? If everyone thought that way, the world wouldn't function properly. Even if you have enough money to live for your entire life, it's your obligation as a person to contribute to the world.

Kazuma: ... You nobles spend your days in the same way too.

Darkness: H- How insolent ! Don't look down on Nobles ! You might think we're not doing anything, but the nobles are giving it their all so the people can live peacefully. You have the power to do something for the citizens too, right ? Don't just think about the money, how about doing it for the people you love ? Even just defeating monsters that are a threat to humanity will be better than idling here...

Kazuma: ... ... ... ... Hmph.

Darkness: Ah !

Kazuma: 'My name is Satou Kazuma. A man who won't bend before authority.'

Darkness: Kazuma, enough talk, let's go. Your skills will dull if you laze around every day. let's go together and... T- This guy ! Hey, let go of the couch ! Stop resisting !

Megumin: It's fine Darkness, leave it to me... Kazuma, do show us your energetic side sometimes. Can you let me see your cool and reliable face during a crucial moment ?

Kazuma: ... ... ... ... Hmph.

Megumin: Huh ?!

Kazuma: 'My name's Satou Kazuma. A man who won't lose sight of the true nature of things because of a moment of impulse.'

"So unless your little safety cocoon is threatened again, you won't move your ass from here, huh ?"

Kazuma: ... Monsters are a threat to humans, so we subjugate them when they're discovered, but those that are beneficial to us are left alone. I hate such an arrogant way of thinking. Humans are intelligent beings, so we can treat them inn a gentler manner. I hope you can remember the kindness you had when you were a child too.

Darkness: ... Y-You were also maniacally looking for high bounty monsters back when you were in debt ! Don't just spout pretty word during such moments !

Megumin: That's right ! You were so keen on buying the high class food Onion ducks because they can raise your level without any effort recently, and you dare say this now ? Darkness, you pull that side ! let's pry him away !

"I'll just lift the couch and shake him off, in that case."

Kazuma: 'My name's Satou Kazuma. A man who won't give in, even under pressure and menace.' hey Megumin, stick your chest closer to my back. If you do that, my hands that are holding on to the couch might loosen a little.

Megumin: You're the worst ! This guy's really the worst ! Darkness, let's tie him up and drag him to the guild !

Darkness: H- How about we really find a place and dump this guy there... ?

"I say we tie him to a fishing pole and use him as frog bait !"

Aqua: ... ... Is that a new game ? Tell me the rules.

Darkness: That's not it ! We're talking about taking on a subjugation quest together, but Kazuma's throwing a fit and says he isn't going... Aqua, don't get poisoned by this man too...

Aqua: Is that so ? I don't mind going, but I think it'll be really difficult to drag Kazuma out of the mansion, now that he is in his scum hikikomori made after the festival ended. How about leaving the Kazuma who's the weakest and has the worst job at home and going by ourselves ?

Kazuma: hey ! You've got guts to say that, Aqua who has a top-tier job ! Think about it logically. i'm the strongest one in the team, and you're still saying I have the weakest job ? Even though it's meaningless to compare who's strong and who's weak as we perform different functions in the team, it still irks me when the weakest top tier job holder says that about me.

Aqua: ... Oh, my. So Kazuma, you think you're the strongest on here ? Your skills might be convenient and can take down people like Darkness easily with Drain Touch... But have you forgotten ? A lich skill like Drain touch will only work if I'm not paying attention. Do you really think you can do anything to me ?

Darkness: hey wait, I'm not that weak. In order to defend against Drain Touch and magic attacks, I've strengthened my resistance against abnormal status and increased my magical defense...

Kazuma: ... You expect me to fall for that taunt ? Do you think I'ma man with just one weapon, Drain Touch ? She might be tough, but a mob character like Darkness who can't land her attacks isn't a match for me anyway. i'm the great Kazuma who can use all kinds of skills, you know ? I have all sorts of spells and skills, including long distance sniping and close quarter sword attacks. Do you think you stand a chance ?

Darkness: Hey ! Even if I can't hit anything, I'm confident of my stamina and endurance ! If I drag out the battle, I won't lose to you...

"As far as i'm concerned, I've got the biggest stamina on this side of the continent."

Aqua: My my. Looks like you're misunderstanding something, Kazuma-san. My job might be an Archpriest, but with my high stats, I can take on any job I wish except for mages, okay ? You can use swords and bows a little ? If I cast support magic on myself, and fight hand to hand with you, Kazuma won't even last a minute. Ah, also...

Aqua: I remember you learned something like Bind, correct ? Regrettably, only people on Darkness' standard will be caught by that skill. I have a spell called Break Spell that can negate all magic and skills. I've spent a long time with you, Kazuma. Do you think your little tricks will work on me ?

Darkness: Hey... It's true that I can't move if I get hit with Bind. However... By the way, Aqua, if you can do that, shouldn't you've used that spell when I was bound that time... ?

Kazuma: ... All right. let's have a match.

Darkness: Huuuuuuuh...

"There, there."

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