Chapter 79: Hey there buddy chum pal friend

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:


Kazuma: H- Huh... ?


Kazuma: H- Hey, there's something coming ! Wake up, everyone !

"Wh- what ? Morning ?"

Kazuma: No, dumbass ! Something's coming, and it sounds like an undead.


Megumin: Huh ?!

Darkness: Hah ?!

Aqua: Rzzzzzz...

Kazuma: Hurry up and wake that idiot up ! Also, for some reason I can't make out the silhouette of the enemy with my Night Vision, so just light up the surroundings !


Megumin: Aqua, Aqua ! Get up, an undead is here !

Aqua: Mgm... I'm sleepy.. Could you just tell them to let me go for today... ?

"Useless livestock, get out of bed already ! They're here for you, so get up and do something ! I'm turning the lights up, get ready for whatever this is !"


Kazuma: ... ... ... ...

Megumin: Ah ! W- W- W- W- What... ? What, what, what's this... ?

Yunyun: How could it... ? Why in a place like this... ?

Darkness: ... ... H- Hurry up and wake Aqua up... !!

"Th... That thing... hehehe... heh..."


Darkness: The walking corpse of a dragon ! there's no better adversary for a Crusader ! The four of you, back away !

Yunyun: Aqua ! Aqua-sama !! It's a dragon ! A zombie dragon appeared ! Hurry up ! I beg you, please do something about it !!

Aqua: Hmm... It's just a dragon... let Emperor Zel deal with it...

Kazuma: Stop dreaming and get up or you'll become zombie dragon food !

"Someone fetch my arm once i'm done ! OVERCHARGED BLASTER !!"


Aqua: Turn Undead !!

Dragon: GRAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaa...

Kazuma: Phew... if Aqua has any redeeming qualities, it's the she's reliable against the undead... No, wait a second, it's her fault that thing showed up in the first place !

Megumin: Darkness ! Please Darkness ! Your injuries aren't deep, so open your eyes !

Yunyun: Megumin, don't shake her ! I- I- In times like these, we have to stay calm !

Kazuma: ... Speaking of deep injuries...

"... Found my arm ! Reattachment, please !"

Aqua: hehe, how could a mere zombie dragon be my worthy opponent ? Kazuma, praise me however you wa- AHHH !!

Kazuma: Drain Touch !

Aqua: W- Wait, what are you doing ? Doing this while I can't resist, are you looking for a fight ?

Kazuma: It's because I don't want to give you time to resist ! Just look at Darkness ! It's your fault that this thing showed up ! Just get up when we tell you to get up ! Give me some of your energy to make up for mine when I stayed up all night to keep watch !

Aqua: What ? W- Why should I ? Didn't you just ambush me ? I won't let you drain energy from me ever again ! Here, i'll let you try, but not even a real lich can drain from me !

"Do you have any idea how much it costs to fight a zombie dragon ?!"

Aqua: W- What... ?

"An arm and a leg ! So fix mine !"

Aqua: Fine. Heal. And as expected of Darkness, she withstood that dragon's pounce. Even though a dragon's signature breath attack can't be used after they become undead, their physical limits are removed. So basically a zombie dragon's physical attacks are more powerful than living ones. i'm surprising she wasn't reduced to paste when she took on that attack head on.

"... Next time we meet a zombie dragon, i'm making a bone one so we can have a Kaiju fight. Also, if there are undead dragons in the area... Does that mean there are live ones too... ?"

Kazuma: Uhhh... The map did mention undead dragons... But i'm fairly confident that it never mentioned live dragons...

"Well ain't that a f*cking relief..."

Kazuma: But we have other problems. The monsters have noticed our presence because of the light and noises from the fight. My Enemy Detection is showing a huge return signal. We don't have a choice, let's move somewhere else.

"... Take the luggage, take Darkness, and move on, got it."

Aqua: What ? You're asking us to carry Darkness ? She's really heavy with her armor on. Also, are we going to walk around in the dark ?

Kazuma: Cast some strength enhancing magic on yourself. With your high stats besides luck and intelligence, you should be able to easily carry her if you cast it. Cast a buff on me too while you're at it. It's already hard enough o carry three people's worth of luggage with my abilities, so there's no way I can carry Darkness. Megumin and Yunyun will hold my hands and we'll proceed using my Night Vision. Be careful not to trip.

Aqua: ... By the way, even without armor, isn't darkness rather heavy ? Also, she was bitten by the dragon so she smells really bad...

"She's tough, but please don't say it to her once she's awake."

Aqua: Ah, this reminds me of the time when Kazuma and I went to that dungeon a while ago. If I remember correctly, Kazuma tried to touch my butt in the darkness.

"And he tried touching Darkness' butt in the water..."

Kazuma: hey, if you're going to make groundless accusations, I'll leave you alone here.

Megumin: ... Even though we just encountered an undead dragon and barely escaped a group of monsters, I can't help but feel reassured. While we can't be called a powerful party, I feel that as long as we stay together, we can overcome anything.

Yunyun: How great... When will I be able to encounter companions like Kazuma-san's group ?

Megumin:... ... That's impossible. After all, Yunyun needs to be able to make friends first.

Yunyun: H- Heh ?!

"Could you please pick a more appropriate time to diss people ?!"

"Well... I know there was supposed to be checkpoints along the road... But I didn't expect some huge-ass mansion with walls around it..."

Megumin: So the living accommodations here is a hot-spring inn... When I think of hot springs, I can't help but remember the time where we went to Arcanletia.

"Do not remind me of that... We met quite the interesting fellows in that bath... Like... Uh..."

Darkness: Back there, we expected Kazuma to eavesdrop on us when we entered the bath.

Yunyun: D- Did you really do that... ?

'He tried... Well, we tried...'

Aqua: ... Hey Kazuma, the bath here's probably a mixed bath, so could you wait 'till we're done to go in ? I feel like my chastity is at risk.

Kazuma: That's merely wishful thinking, even I have the right to choose, you know ?

"... leave the two kids bickering with each other."

Megumin: let's go. There aren't many people who'd come to a hot springs inn out here, so we probably have the place all to ourselves.

Aqua: I'll go first ! Actually, why don't we all wash, together ?

Kazuma: I don't mind.

*Completely ignored*

"Aqua, last time you tried a hot spring, you purified half a city. You're going in last once everyone else's finished."

Aqua: Hmm, all right. Taking a bath last is pretty enjoyable, you know. After all, being able to take my time is one of the merits of a vacation.

"... we're on our way to a war..."

Yunyun: T- T- Taking a bath... With everyone...

Kazuma: Would it kill you guys to listen to what I've to say ? ... What ?

Megumin: Well then, would you rather take a bath with me ?

Kazuma: ... ... Huh ?

Darkness: We'll finish quickly. After that you can take your time in the bath. After all, you guys seem to take a long time to bathe.

"... People do tend to take long baths where we're from..."

Darkness: W- Well, otherwise, if you'd like to... I guess I can wash your back...

"... Were you expecting me to get all flustered by that ? If you want to do it, I won't stop you."

Kazuma: You guys, what are you saying ? Did you eat something wrong ? Even though there's a saying that states where people become really open when they're traveling, you guys should think it through first. I fyou say such suggestive things, then what are you going to do when we say "Well sure" ?! ... Although he already did...

Megumin: i'm fine with that. When do you want to go to the bath ?

"Well, you deal with that. we'll be on our way."

Darkness: S- Sure, if you really have the guts to do it, I'll scrub your back whenever.

Megumin: Well then, let's go, Kazuma.

Kazuma: '... That's the expression of someone who believed that I was just shooting my mouth, and wouldn't actually do anything in the end.'

'Should've expected Darkness to get cold feet when she realized I wasn't joking at all this time... Whatever, I'm here to get a good soaking, not soak my bon-'

???: Hmm hmm hm~... Huh ?

"... ... ... ... ... Huuuuh..."

???: Eh ? Why, and here I was thinking who it was. Do you still remember this onee-san ? We met in the hot springs at Arcanletia...

"Hold on for just a sec... Connecting puzzle pieces right now..."





"Oh... Ohhhhhhhhhhh... So, do you want to throw hands right here and now, or should we get out first, Wolbach ?"

Wolbach: E- Eh ?!

"Oh, don't worry, I can wait. I kinda been looking forward to that bath. Never expected I'd run into the Demon King Army's general and Evil God here of all places."

Wolbach: H- Huh ? What ?!

"Haaa, this hot spring sure is nice... hey, why do you look so frightened ? Is it about me wanting to ran the fade with you once we're out ?"

Wolbach: B- By the way, why are you in a place like thus ? You said you were an adventurer, but aren't there a lot of powerful monsters here ? Will you be fine ?

"Don't you worry, my arm finished being reattached already. And for that first question... Kinda looking for you, the Demon King general who is also an evil god. Well, self-proclaimed. You ?"

Wolbach: M- me... ? Well... After working hard every day without rest, to reward myself, I came to my favorite hot spring. Also, i'm looking for an important companion that can't be found that easily... Kind of a part of myself that was sealed away somewhere... Well, at this point, I feel like giving up.

"... Don't. Something tells me you're really close to finding what you look for. Really, really close... One of our companions here is a Crimson Demon, you know. Maybe you should have a word with her."

Wolbach: Ah... I'm not that type of weird person, so don't worry... Somewhere in the Crimson Demon Village, something like my other half or companion or evil god... basically, my partner who's a black cat was sealed in a gravestone.

"You don't say, that's mad interesting..."

Wolbach: When it was released with me, it accumulated intense grudge and was too hard to keep under control, so I allowed it to slumber a little longer... But when I went back to check on the situation, the seal had already been broken and my partner had been taken by someone.

"... ... So blast Chomusuke apart if bad comes to worse, got it."

Wolbach: What ?

"Nothing to worry about. You should get going too before I start thinking just being nice is not the good thing and sending you to Kingdom come would be more appropriate. Kinda like what happened to Hans..."

Wolbach: H- Hans ? He...

"Just leave before I decide i'm done chillaxing like a baller."

Kazuma: ... Hey, I just saw an onee-san leave in a hurry, did something happen ?

"Nothing really worth noting."

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