Chapter 80: Hold the Fort

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"Hm-hm hmm~"

Megumin: You... Seem to be in a good mood. Did something happen yesterday ?

Kazuma: yes, it did. When he went in the hot springs, he encountered a beautiful Onee-san that we met before in Arcanletia.

"I guess you could put it like that."

Darkness: Huh ? Well, uh, I suppose that's pretty good. By the way, did you meet in the mixed bath ?

"Oh, right. She seemed like quite the gentle soul too... Honestly not what you would expect."

Darkness: Wh- What are you saying all of a sudden ?! If I leave my eyes off you for a moment, something like this happens...

"Why are you acting all jealous-like for ? It's not like we're an item, after all. If you really want me to keep my eyes on you alone, then make it clear, please."

Darkness: Ah- ! Eh ! Uh !

Yunyun: Thinking about it, isn't a young girl alone at a fortress check-point a bit... Odd ?

"She's probably a capable fighter. After all, there's a good chance she also encountered some bandits on the way here."

Yunyun: Um, that person was fine after encountering bandits ? It's probably the same group of bandits that we saw yesterday. If it's a beautiful onee-san, then she shouldn't have been able to get away...

Megumin: Eh, despite your honest appearance, you have such perverted fantasies..

Yunyun: Wait, isn't it normal to think that way if we're talking about bandits ?

"... Don't you dare."

Darkness: I haven't said anything !

"No, but you were thinking it really loud."

Yunyun: Also, I don't want to be called a pervert by Megumin of all people ! Haven't you already taken a bath and shared a bed with Kazuma-san ?

Megumin: Hey ! It's fine if I say it myself, but it's embarrassing for someone else to say it, so shut up !

Kazuma: That onee-san... Yeah, they were big.

"I'm surrounded by idiots..."


"And the blue one is being chased by a giant dandelion seed, what are the odds ?"

"So that's the fortress, huh..."

Kazuma: It's huge... It's probably about as big as the royal palace !

"It has that impregnable feeling... Kinda weird how a single general would be able to fell that thing by themselves..."

Darkness: That's what I thought, but a Demon King's general is said to be able to destroy an entire city on their own. In another sense, what's abnormal is how we were able to defeat them so easily.

"Huh... Well, ain't that a great miracle that we're all still alive..."

Kazuma: ... 'I thought we would be fine with such a sturdy fortress and Explosion magic, but now I just want to pack my bags and run away'...

Knights: Adventurers, this is the fortress of the frontlines tasked with repelling the Demon King's army, what brings you here ?

Kazuma: We heard that the capital of the nation was under threat, so we came to support the fortress. We have a lot of top-tier jobs, so we thought we'd be useful here.

Knights: Top-tier jobs... ? I see, then allow me to thank you for your help. However, first I'd like for you to provide proper identification. We need your cooperation with this since there's a Demon King's army General hiding around here. So first is... Megu... Megumin-san, right ?

Megumin: Yes, that's my name, you got a problem ?

Knight: No, no ! None at all ! Please excuse my behavior, you can come in... And you're... Yunyun-san ?

Yunyun: Y- Yes... That's my name... i'm Yunyun.

Megumin: Hey, from the beginning, you seem to have some misgivings about our names. let's hear them, shall we ?

Knight: No, there's no problem, please excuse my behavior ! Then next is... Y/n... Hold on, Windings ?!

"That would be me, yes. How do you know that name ?"

Knight: Sir, everyone in the capital has heard of the Winding delivery company ! Countless outpost have already been saved that way ! We are forever indebted to you !

"So that was the 3-days extension that happened..."

Knight: Please, go ahead. We're glad you came to help us in person, sir. Next is... Satou Kazuma. Satou, Kazuma ?

Kazuma: 'Ah, looks like I'm finally getting my share of recognition. After all, our group has had a lot of achievements-'

Knight: Satou Kazuma ! Are you that dirty rascal, Satou Kazuma ? You're that person who gave Lady Claire and Lady Rain a lot of trouble. You're the atrocity that was driven out of the castle !

Kazuma: Hey, wait a moment.

Knight: I'm extremely sorry. Um, this is an important checkpoint for defending the nation from the Demon King's army, so we can't allow some nameless stranger to enter..

Kazuma: Didn't you just describe me in detail ?!

Commander: ... So you're that dirty scum called Satou Kazuma, huh ? You're only a petty adventurer, so what kind of attitude do you think you're showing ? I have the authority to execute any suspicious people here, you know ? You're just a dirty low-life adventurer, so get the hell out of here !

"... Okay, you want be disrespectful ? I can be real disrespectful real quick."

Megumin: ... ... ...

Knights: What do you think you adventurers are doing ? You want to fight us, huh ?

"So nicely asked."

Kazuma: Know your place, do you not know who this esteemed lady is ? She's the daughter of the Dustiness family, Lady Dustiness Ford Lalatina !

Knights: WHAT ?!

"Kazumaaaaaa, I wanted the appetizers before the main demon army dish."

Kazuma: ... ... And why are you two kneeling as well ?

Megumin: Ah, my bad. It happened so suddenly that I was caught up in their pace...

Yunyun: I- I didn't know that Darkness-san was a noble...

Commander: A- A- Are you really Lady Dustiness... ? Um, please forgive me for my insolence and my failure to recognize your greatness... ! .. Ah, then please allow us to confirm your identity... It's not that I suspect you, just that this is part of the job...

Commander: P- P- Please excuse my insolence ! Not only did I fail to recognize Lady Dustiness, but I even showed such disgraceful etiquette toward these esteemed men and ladies !

Kazuma: Humph, that's barely enough of an apology ! Ah, when I think about how I was about to be viciously slashed, I can't help but feel shaken and hurt to my core. That was an incident that'll forever be a mental scar. Augh ! When I think about what just happened, my heart feels as if it'll explode... !

Megumin: That won't do ! Ah, what kind of attitude was that ? To think you would show such disgraceful behavior toward the followers of the Young Lady Lalatina !

Aqua: Hurry up and apologize ! Toward us who you were planing to attack a second ago, please say "I'm very sorry" !!

Commander: S- Sorry, i'm very sorry ! For such insolence toward Lady Dustiness and her subordinates, the punishment should be suicide by sword.. But, um...

"... No one will ask for such a thing from a soldier that was merely doing his duty. Everyone here is quite tired, so let's call it a day for now."

Commander: Of course ! We'll provide Lady Dustiness and her followers the best rooms available here !

Darkness: ... ... ...

Aqua: hey Kazuma. There are mysterious buttons and control sticks everywhere in this "Control room", it's like they want me to press them.

Kazuma: They definitely want you to press them. Or rather, it would be strange for you not to press them when they are right beside your hand.

Soldier: Did you people barge in here to mess around ?! These are the controls for the drawbridge, main gate and traps, you absolutely cannot press them ! You hear that ? Absolutely not !

Aqua: ... Since you said this much, it would be a shame if I don't press them. First will be the button inside that glass cover...

Soldier: That is the self-destruct button for when we need to abandon the fort, please don't press it ! Don't press... Didn't I tell you no ?! Get out !!


Kazuma: We got chased out again. The people here are all very high strung.

Aqua: It's a fort at the frontlines, everyone is really tense.

Kazuma: It can't be helped. I think there is a free cookhouse, let's freeload over there.

Aqua: That sounds great, should I bring the wine in my luggage over ?

"So that's why your luggage was bulging so much, you brought your fair share of booze..."

Kazuma: Where have you been this whole time ?

"Oh, you know, strategic meetings, general inspection... Also trying to run away from-"

Mitsurugi: Aqua-sama ! Aren't you Aqua-sama ?!

Kazuma: Oh, isn't that Katsuragi ? It's been a while.

Mitsurugi: It's Mitsurugi ! Did you say it wrong on purpose ?! Remember my name properly ! Aqua-sama, long time no see ! You look well and energetic...

Aqua: yes, i'm always full of life. Magic sword guy, are you doing well ? By the way, where are the two harem girls that follow you around ?

Mitsurugi: Harem girls ?! No, well, since the battle is going badly, it would be dangerous for them to stay here, so I had them retreat back to the capital... That's right !

Mitsurugi: Why did you guys bring Aqua-sama to such a dangerous place ? Do you know where this place is ?!

"The foremost frontline in the war against the Demon King's army, regularly attacked by the Demon King general, yes. What about it ?"

Mitsurugi: uhh... I...

Aqua: We are here to help you hardworking people. The opponent proclaimed to be an evil god, right ? Then it is time for me, a Goddess, to do my part.

Mitsurugi: Aqua-sama wants to fight that woman ?! T- this is... It's true that Aqua-sama might be able to contend with her, but that woman is dangerous. She almost took down the fort by herself.

Kazuma: ... The demon king general is a woman, huh... Even though the opponent proclaimed to be an Evil God, there are several Japanese with cheat abilities here, right ? And you, the magic sword user who lost to me but is more powerful than most people is here. Although you did lose to me, the enemy is but one person, so why are you all having a hard time ?

Mitsurugi: Stop nagging about me losing, you're the one who refused my rematch... Forget it, there's a reason why we're being pushed to the brink. Didn't you see that ?

Kazuma: ... That ?

"Kazuma... Why do you think that General is leading the charge on this massive fortress... Without an army ?"

Mitsurugi: I take it you didn't see it then. You're free, right ? Let me show you something nice.

Kazuma: This is the fort's outer wall, right ? It's in shambles and on the verge of collapsing... Hold on... these traces... these impacts... i'm very familiar with them...

Mitsurugi: Yes. The Demon King's general, Wolbach... Can use Explosion magic.

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