Chapter 81: Strategically withdrawing

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Kazuma: Alright. Let's start deciding our future plans.

"Let me guess, you want to get the Hfil out of here as soon as possible ?"

Darkness: What future plans ? I just met the commander of this fort and told him we have experience in defeating a number of Demon King Generals, so he relinquished his command authority to us.


Kazuma: Listen, my original plan was to protect ourselves with the fort, and when the enemy showed up to do something, we'd launch a preemptive attack with Explosion. But actually, that General named Wolbach can also use Explosion magic.

Megumin: AH ?!

'... Explosion, huh... You wouldn't expect it, she seemed so frightened...'

Yunyun: Explosion ?! T- This is beyond my expectations... Thanks to Megumin, I know the might of this spell very well. To be honest, I don't know how to defend against it...

"Same here... And even if I can fly around and dodge the blast itself... The shockwave will most definitely get me..."

Darkness: It's fine, leave it to me ! I took the full brunt of an Explosion before ! I will be the bait. When the enemy shows an opening after casting her spell, use the chance to overwhelm her.

Megumin: ...

Kazuma: You don't have your armor right now. Even with Aqua's buffing spell, there's no guarantee that you will be safe.

Megumin: ... ...

Aqua: It is what it is. Even though we made a trip here, I think we should let that person proclaiming to be an evil God off. I am not being lenient, just that I have never heard about a minor evil god named Wolbach before. She is rather pitiful, right ?

Megumin: ... I AM MEGUMIN !! The number one mage in Axel, the one who pursue the ultimate Explosion spell ! The Demon King General who claims to be an evil God and is a user of Explosion Magic... ?! That's the worthy rival I've been looking for !

Yunyun: HUH ?!

Megumin: What do you mean by "Huh", only a user of Explosion Magic is worthy of being my rival. It would be just what I wished for if I die from her Explosion Magic ! Yes, I would have no regrets if I go out in such a grand way !

Yunyun: What nonsense are you saying ?! Aren't I Megumin's rival ?! Why did you promote a Demon King General you've never met before to a rival so easily ?!

Megumin: W- Why are you suddenly freaking out ?! What a troublesome child, if you want me to acknowledge you as my true rival, then learn Explosion magic. I will then take you along for my strolls every day.

Yunyun: I don't want to learn Explosion Magic, and I'm fine even if you go on that kind of stroll without me ! Our opponent this time can use Explosion ! Such an opponent...

Megumin: How dare you say you don't want to learn Explosion ?! Alright, I will treat this as a challenge against me and accept it ! It's been awhile since our last duel. If you lose, you will save your skill points until you can learn Explosion !

Yunyun: I- I don't want such a duel ! A duel that will decide the course of my life, I will never... Wait, Megumin, your eyes are turning red ! Are you serious ?! Hey, are you really serious ?!

"... Nevermind these foolish ones, I'll agree the enemy is quite dangerous this time, we might get wiped out in one shot. And if all that's left of us is dust, then even Aqua won't be able to cast resurrection."

Kazuma: Then let's withdraw...

Megumin: What the hell are you saying ?! How can I run before such an opponent ?! This is my destined rival, there is no doubt about it ! The one who is targeting my familiar Chomusuke is the user of Explosion Magic, the demon King General proclaiming to be an evil god ! There is no other way but for me to defeat Wolbach, and take over her title of General and evil god !

Kazuma: What are you going on about... The risk is too high this time. We would be at a disadvantage if this turns into a gamble where the first one to attack wins.

Megumin: There is no disadvantage at all. The spell I like is Explosion Magic. My hobby is Explosion magic. If you talk about me, it's Explosion Magic ! That's right, I am the Explosion magic user from Axel ! Ever since I learned this spell, I have been using it every day without fail. Be is speed, accuracy, or destructive power, I am confident that no one in this world is better at Explosion magic than me !

"Didn't you lose to Wiz when we fought the Destroyer ?"

Megumin: That's history now. Since I've leveled up, I learned all sort of skills related to increasing the power of Explosion magic. Wiz and I compared the power of our explosion spells some time ago and won. I am the number one in Axel right now.

"... ... ... ... ..."

Megumin: It will be fine. When I couldn't sleep at night, I will chant Explosion Magic until I doze off. No matter who my opponent is, I will finish my incantation before them !

Kazuma: What the hell ? ! You did something so dangerous ?!


"Explosion !! Brace yourselves !!"

Kazuma: Definitely explosion ! I know that enough to tell !

Megumin: That tremor is quite powerful... Adding the mana wavelength that was released before the spell was cast, this is definitely a well-executed explosion. This spell wasn't learned to show off during a moment of stupidity...

Kazuma: Why are you giving it an evaluation ? But nevermind that, hurry it up, Megumin. Now is the chance to defeat the attacking Demon King General !

"Weren't you just saying how we need to get out of here asap ? What made your attitude flip 180 like that ?"

Kazuma: Since she cast Explosion just now, it means she won't be able to cast Explosion again today.

"... Even Wiz can't do that, and she's a general too... How terrible... for them~ !"

"I stand corrected... How terrible for us..."

Kazuma: the wall is completely basted down now... Hey, where did the Demon King General go ? Wouldn't it be easy to defeat her since she's out of mana ?

Mitsurugi: Wolbach is long gone... This is the reason why we are having so much trouble. The Evil God Wolbach will show up suddenly, cast Explosion from afar, then retreat via teleport before we can get near her.

"Sneaky little thing..."

Mitsurugi: It gets worse. The elites of the Demon King army are standing by in the forest near the fort. She probably escaped there, and will return after recovering her mana. Not only do they have great numbers, the forest is the home ground of the monsters. With the opponent having the advantage of terrain, we will definitely lose if we fight outside the walls of the fort. But if we keep on defending the fort, once the outer wall is completely destroyed, the elites that had been standing by will use the chance to launch an attack.

"... So going after the general who cast her Explosion will get us hampered by their elite forces. But waiting inside for their attack will get us blasted by Explosion..."

Kazuma: Laying siege to the fort, then forcing the people out with Explosion magic. This is just a brute force attack, but it is super effective.

Mitsurugi: We can only do something if either Wolbach or the Demon King army elites are gone...

Kazuma: Okay, let's escape.

Aqua: It's decided then. I will make a bed for Emperor Zel after going back to Axel. One that is more comfortable than that evil husk, a high quality bed Emperor Zel would be happy with. It's fine, the likes of Demon King Generals will be killed in an instant after Emperor Zel grows up.

Darkness: W- Wait, Kazuma, I have been forced to take command of this fort. If I say "I'm quitting and going home", it would be a little...

Kazuma: Why did you take on such a troublesome job in the first place ?!

Darkness: It's your fault for using my name t intimidate them !!

Aqua: ... Hmm ? Hey, don't you think someone's missing ? Where did these two go ?

Kazuma: If you're looking for them, they're helping with the repairs of the outer walls. Or in his own words, "Testing if he can really take over construction companies".

Aqua: I see, as expected of him and a capable Crimson Demon. I will check if anybody is hurt.

Megumin: Do tell me who the "Incapable" Crimson demon is.

Darkness: Everyone is helping in their own way. As expected of veteran adventurers. Hey Kazuma, we are already veteran adventurers, right ?

Kazuma: ... ... ... ...

Megumin: Hey, Kazuma... I know this is dangerous, but can you give me a chance ? Everyone can just wait in the fort. I will wait for Wolbach who might show up anytime, and throw an Explosion into her face when she appears.

Kazuma: ... ... Really, all of you are trouble. I have Enemy Detection, Farsight and Lurk skills, so the chance of our ambush working will increase if I go with you. I will just accompany you, but it will be up to you when the enemy shows up.

Megumin: Y- yes ! Leave it to me !

"Why would you do that ? I already came up with a way to protect the fort without risking any lives, so leave that to me."

Kazuma: Does your plan involves taking the forest near the fort, and delete it from existence ?

"Actually, no. I was planning on waiting for Wolbach to come out, teleport immediately, and blast her head off before she can get a chance to cast Explosion."

Kazuma: Don't you think the window to act would be too thin if you wait in the fort for that ?

"What's your plan then ?"

Kazuma: First, we will use my Lurk skill to sneak into the vicinity. Megumin will cast her spell before they notice us. If the other party detects us, Yunyun will use refraction magic to conceal Megumin, and Aqua will cast support spells to buff Darkness, who will then rush forth to get their attention. Aqua and I will cover darkness and create an opening. When Megumin feels that the time is right, you can fire your spell at the enemy... Everyone understand ?

"Guess I'll hold back for a bit and stick to monitoring the area then. Clear out the path back, keep any potential enemy troops away, and eventually 'port in for the headshot when things go out of control."

Kazuma: ... "When" they go out of control ?

Aqua: Kazuma Kazuma, I think someone needs to protect this little one. How can we expose such a small and cute creature to danger... Hey, that hurts ! You're fine with everyone else, so why do you keep scratching me ?!

"... That furball really seems unusually eager to follow us today."

Kazuma: Leave it to Yunyun. After all, we're all set. We just need to wait for that bitch Wolbach to come.

"She better get ready to die."

Megumin: Hey Kazuma, my legs are all wobbly...

Kazuma: Weren't you bragging before we set off ?

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