Chapter 83: Ultimatum

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Aqua: Wait a second ! You can't do it like that ! When constructing a wall, you need to first consolidate the foundation and then create an embankment around it. After that, use the plaster to reinforce the connections. So first, do it like this, and then this. Finally, it should be like this !

Kazuma: Hey, wait a sec, how are you so fast ?! And this quality... ?! What's happening here ?! Since when did you learn such high-level construction skills ?!

Aqua: What are you saying now ? Who do you think I am ? When I told the construction boss 'I have adventurer work to do, so i'm not going to work here anymore", he went down on his hands and knees to beg me to give up working as an adventurer and become a full-time employee !

Kazuma: For real ? ... The construction boss never tried to stop me though...

"You never noticed how fast things were going at that time ? Back there I was basically an entire team by myself, that's where my idea of replacing the whole business came from."

Kazuma: I guess from the perspective of a spectator, her techniques are on the level of a pro... Hey, aren't your skills a bit too perfect ? Do you have some wall-repairing cheat or something ? Also, isn't this drying too fast ?

Aqua: Who do you take Aqua, the Goddess of Water, for ? I can control the water inside this to make it dry faster, you know ? Think back, when it's my turn to wash the clothes, they always dry quickly, right ?

Kazuma: 'That's it, leaving all the chores to her from now on.'

"... That's kinda depressing when you think about it. Just how competent she could be all the time if she wasn't so dumb and could use her skills effectively... Whatever, it'll work."

"... ... ... NORTH WALL !!"

Kazuma: North ?!


Kazuma: Right on the mark, excellent ! Yo Repair Chief, it's your time to shine !

Aqua: Leave it to me ! Everyone, follow me ! Today I'll let you witness the chief's artistry !

Knights: Chief, we'll leave it to you ! Repair Chief !

Darkness: Repair chief, your task today is really important. The fate of the fortress is in your hands... Then, please go ahead.

Aqua: I understand, Commander ! There'll be no problem, I'm the chief after all. Since I am such an impressive chief, there's no way I would lose to that petty evil god !

Soldiers: Chief ! As expected of the chief ! Let's go, the walls are waiting for us to repair it ! Let's see your magnificent performance today !

Kazuma: Well... It's been three days, and the walls are only getting stronger and sturdier at this point...

"Yep. Makes you wonder why she doesn't do that for a living."

Kazuma: Because you'll soon own this line of business ?


Soldier: Boss ! The new supplies are here !

"Ah, good. Hey Aqua ! We got another batch of wine for later, so be sure to give it your all !"

Aqua: You bet !

Kazuma: Everyone's so cheerful now... is this even a war anymore ?

"Kazuma... Sometimes you gotta bask in your superiority. Fixing the walls even stronger, and getting supplies through the sky while the enemy's out there camping... It's good for the soldiers mood."

Kazuma: Yeah... Is that also the reason you put skeletons all over the place outside ? What are they even doing ?

"Oh, you know..."

"... ... Taunting."

Yunyun: Umm, where did that heavy mood a while back go ?

Megumin: Hmh... I wasted a night thinking about that...

Kazuma: I'm gonna be honest, your monitoring of the area has been impeccable so far.

"Oh, I haven't been doing only that... Look up."

Kazuma: ... Dots in the sky... ?

"Hundreds of blasters, ready to reduce everything on these fields to ashes at any point. I figured they might try to launch a large-scale attack at some point, so I made preparation."

Kazuma: Keep doing that. At least until-

Soldier: Wolbach's coming !

"... What ?"

Wolbach: W- What is this ?!

"Oh, it's you again. Didn't you already cast Explosion today, so why are you here ?"

Wolbach: Gh... I'm talking about the walls ! It looked like they were on the verge of collapsing a while ago, so why did it become like this ?! Aren't the walls thicker than last time ?!

"Oh, right, that... Well, you'd have to thank Aqua for that. Just imagining you throwing a tantrum because of that was more than enough to motivate her."

Wolbach: So it's that woman's fault !

Aqua: Ah hah, and here I thought someone important came... Hm ? isn't this, um.. Who are you again ?

Wolbach: Wolbach ! It seems like it's time for us to settle our differences... Um, eh ?

"What now ? Oh, you guys arrived. Honestly, I don't know if all that backup will be necessary... Also why did you bring the cat ?"

Wolbach: ... ... ...

Chomusuke: ... ... ...

Aqua: Hey, stop, stop ! Can you not look at our Chomusuke like that ?! Even though you have a crude face, could it be... That you are the type to like cute dolls and stuff ? That means your interests are a lot like Darkness'...

Darkness: Hey, Aqua ! I don't like those kinds of dolls... ! Why would some like me... !

Wolbach: I... I'm not looking at it because it's cute... But, well, it actually is quite cute... ? Hey, you, what did you call that black cat ?

Aqua: Didn't I just call it Chomusuke ? Well, at first I thought the name was quite strange, but recently, I've began to think that it's actually quite nice.

Megumin: Hey, can you not call its magnificent and powerful name strange ?

Wolbach: ... ... What the heck is this ?! Uhh... Ah, umm... If you don't mind, I just want to say something. I think that that little one is a female... So I don't think its name is very suitable...

Megumin: Chomusuke is Chomusuke. It is my familiar and my pet.

Wolbach: Wh- What ?! Hey, what did yous say ?! Why is my other half being treated so cruelly ?!

"... Well, guess this cat's out of the bag... Literally..."

Kazuma: You knew ?!

"I assumed so after meeting her on the way to the fortress. Also the reason I have a blaster pointed at Chomusuke at all times now."

Megumin: So that's why this creepy things was following me around ?!

Aqua: hah, and here I was wondering why your divinity was so low. So it's because our little one here has taken half of your power ? ... Hoho,with my peerless vision, I can see that some sort of seal has been placed on Chomusuke.

Chomusuke: Miaaaaw !

"Aqua, I don't think trying to lift that seal would be a good idea."

Aqua: Why ?

"Well, she's supposed to be the patron goddess of sloth and violence, but she's kinda laid-back, right ? So I assume she took the 'Sloth' part of the deal and the 'Violence' is sealed inside that cat. So please don't."

Wolbach: Ah...

Kazuma: We can't let her have it ! Megumin, don't let go of Chomusuke !

Wolbach: Wait a second ! Hey, that little one is my other half you know ?! This should be the time for an emotional reunion between long lost other halves !

"Yeah, as if we'd give the very enemy trying to blow us up a power-up... At the very least, not if you can't promise to stop opposing us, and leave the demon king's army."

Kazuma: hey, don't come any closer. I don't really hate you, so I came to talk to you, but if you want that little guy, then you'll have to listen to what I say. Well, how about this, since you're a God, why don't you swear on your name that you won't ever oppose us again ? Hahahaha !

Wolbach: ... ... ... Huuuh...

Aqua: hey, is this guy an evil god as well ? I mean, what kind of person can make an evil god cry ?

Megumin: Don't say that, Aqua. This guy is trying his best to associate with others in his own way. For his sake, you should say those things later.

Yunyun: Kazuma-san, that's a bit bad...

Kazuma: 'I want to cry as well...'

Wolbach: ... I'll retreat for today, but don't get so full of yourselves ! Even if I can't destroy the walls, the situation is merely a stalemate. As long as this fortress exists, my side has no way to advance to the Capital. However, as long as we have control of the forest, you won't be able to defeat us either. What's next is a battle of attrition ! Until the walls and those unsightly murals made by that unsightly woman are thoroughly annihilated, I will continue to attack !

"Ohh, is that an ultimatum ? I love ultimatums ! So here's one for your side. You have three days to abandon your positions and retreat, before I obliterate everything."

Wolbach: ... What ?

"In three days' time, I'll have accumulated enough firepower to reduce the forest and everything in it to a smoldering crater. So if you want to try something, better do it quick."

Wolbach: Gh... We'll see about that !

Yunyun: U- Uhm... ! Can I ask whether or not you still remember me ? My... My name is Yunyun...

Wolbach: ... I remember you. That time on the carriage, I invited you to join me on my journey... By the way, your name isn't a nickname either, right... ?

Yunyun: I- It's my real name ! Uhm... I remember that incident clearly as well ! I even wrote it in my diary, and I would occasionally go back and read it.

Wolbach: I- Is that so... ? To be honest you don't have to take that incident to heart... But I guess it's fine if you're happy...

Megumin: Uhm ! Do you still remember me... ? My name is Megumin...

Wolbach: ... ... I don't remember you.

Kazuma: Alright, we'll now confirm our battle strategy ! First, the four of us will use the "Lurk" ability to approach the enemy camp. Once we get into magic firing range, we'll use Explosion magic at their camp, and then teleport to retreat ! The enemies will probably counterattack afterward, so I would like to ask for everyone's help when they do !

"Good thinking to attack right ahead... They're preparing for an attrition war."

Kazuma: And your bluff should've shaken them enough to give us the opening we need.

"Bluff ? What bluff ?"

Kazuma: ... Please do not blow up the forest if you can avoid it.

"Look, I can't promise to never destroy a forest. Especially if the forest ends up being an enemy."

darkness: So it's another sinister plan... Ah, whatever, as long as the counterattack works, I won't raise any complaints...

"So, Kazuma as the commander and user of Lurk, Yunyun as the way to teleport back, and Megumin as the main canon to blast their asses into next week..."

Kazuma: If they come after us and try a counterattack, it'll be your job to stop them.

"Leave that to me. As things are now, I've got more than enough to vaporize anything that enters these fields. Now team... Move out !"

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